Tag: DevOps

Billing DevOps FinOps SRE Oct. 21, 2024

How We Reduced Costs on GCP by Optimizing a Single SKU: Network Inter Zone Data Transfer Out - Significantly reduced GCP costs by optimizing a single SKU: Network Inter Zone Data Transfer Out. By analyzing data transfer patterns, consolidating workloads, and leveraging zonal resources, a 45% reduction was achieved in inter-zone data transfer, resulting in monthly savings of approximately 20% for the GCP bill.

App Engine DevOps NodeJS Oct. 14, 2024

Deploying Next JS Application to Google’s App Engine (GAE) - This article describes how to set and deploy Next.js application to Google App Engine.

Cloud Logging DevOps Monitoring Oct. 14, 2024

Real Time Alert with Google Cloud Logging in 5 Minutes - Hands on tutorial about: How to create realtime alert with google cloud logging.

DevOps Docker Paywall Oct. 7, 2024

How to Deploy a Go service to GCP Cloud Run - Learn how to effortlessly deploy your Go service to GCP Cloud Run with Docker, environment variables, and troubleshooting tips.

DevOps Kubernetes Machine Learning Oct. 7, 2024

Faster Machine Learning Deployments: Why We Disabled GKE Image Streaming - PicCollage disabled Google Kubernetes Engine Image Streaming to improve machine learning deployments. Image streaming caused slowdowns when pulling large images with lengthy setups, taking up to 16 minutes. Disabling streaming reduced deployment time to around 9 minutes.

DevOps Generative AI Official Blog Sept. 23, 2024

GenOps: the evolution of MLOps for gen AI - Learn how to build and scale Generative AI solutions with GenOps, an evolution of MLOps for Gen AI. GenOps combines DevOps principles with ML workflows to deploy, monitor, and maintain Gen AI models in production, ensuring scalability, reliability, and continuous improvement.

DevOps Official Blog Sept. 23, 2024

Google is a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Container Management - Google Cloud has been recognized as a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Container Management for the second consecutive year.

DevOps Dialogflow Sept. 16, 2024

Is Your CCAIP/DFCX Monitoring Strategy Solid? - Are you monitoring the right metrics for your CCAIP/DFCX solution? This guide covers the key metrics you need to track.

DevOps Kubernetes Sept. 9, 2024

GKE and RBAC: A Deep Dive into Securing Your Clusters with Google Groups - In this article, we delve into securing Kubernetes clusters in GKE using RBAC and Google Groups. We guide you through setting up RBAC, enabling Google Groups for RBAC, and managing access based on roles like DevOps, developers, and viewers.

DevOps Kubernetes Sept. 2, 2024

Hashicorp Vault — gcs + gcpckms - Secret Management and Why It’s Important.

DevOps Generative AI Official Blog Sept. 2, 2024

GenOps: learning from the world of microservices and traditional DevOps - Generative AI applications have unique operational requirements compared to traditional applications. They require a new operational platform, called GenOps, that can manage their non-deterministic nature, model compliance, prompt version management, model evaluation, model security, and centralized tool management. Google Cloud provides a range of managed services to support GenOps, including Model Garden, Model Armor, prompt management capabilities, model evaluation services, and Vertex AI Search.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Aug. 19, 2024

Hakuhodo Technologies: The transformative impact of SRE - Hakuhodo Technologies, a specialized technology company, transformed its organization with Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) practices to enhance software development, deliver new value, and improve collaboration within the Hakuhodo DY Group. By implementing the "SRE Core" program, they revitalized communication between application and infrastructure teams, established critical user journeys, and learned the importance of observability.

Cloud Functions DevOps Gitlab Vertex AI Aug. 19, 2024

GitLab Code Reviews with Gemini Pro 1.5: - A Student Developer’s Guide to Automating Code Reviews and Documentation in GitLab.

DevOps Aug. 12, 2024

Cloud Notifications: Automating Email Alerts for Deployments with Google Cloud Build and msmtp in GCP - Cloud messaging involves sending notifications, alerts, or emails from cloud-based applications or services. For our cloud build notifications, we use msmtp, a lightweight SMTP client that allows sending emails using an external SMTP server. To securely store your SMTP password, use Google Secret Manager. Once configured, the pipeline will send an email notification upon successful build completion.

Cloud Logging DevOps Official Blog SRE Aug. 5, 2024

Best practices for streamlining log centralization with Cloud Logging - Centralize log management with Cloud Logging for unified visibility, efficient management, enhanced security, and streamlined operations. Utilize aggregated sinks for efficient routing, establish a central observability project as a management hub, customize log storage for optimal retention and cost efficiency, and manage log storage access control for data security. Monitor log volume to proactively manage storage costs and investigate anomalies.

Billing DevOps Docker Terraform July 22, 2024

Deploy Cost-Effective Spot Instances for Testing Environments in GCP with Terraform - This article discusses how to set up cost-effective spot instances for testing environments in Google Cloud Platform using Terraform.

Cloud Tasks DevOps Kubernetes July 15, 2024

Scaling a GPU app using custom metrics on GCP: Istio, HPA, and Cloud Tasks - This article describes how to scale a GPU application on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using custom metrics. It covers integrating Istio for traffic management and rate limiting, using Cloud Tasks for efficient request management, and enabling auto-scaling with Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA). The solution ensures that each pod serves only one request at a time, handling varying traffic loads efficiently.

Cloud Build DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine July 8, 2024

Mastering Multi-Cluster Ingress Deployment in GKE with CI/CD a complete GCP project - This article provides a comprehensive guide to setting up a CI/CD pipeline for multi-cluster deployment in Google Kubernetes Engine, optimizing workflow efficiency and reliability.

DevOps GitHub Security Terraform July 8, 2024

Secure App Deployment with GitHub Actions, Terraform and OWASP ZAP - Deploy your app in a staging environment using GitHub Actions and Terraform, and secure it with an OWASP ZAP Scan.

AI DevOps Python Speech to Text July 8, 2024

Enhancing Video to Text Transcription with AI: An Asynchronous Solution on Google Cloud Platform - An asynchronous video-to-text transcription solution built with GCP using an event-driven and serverless architecture.

Cloud Build DevOps July 8, 2024

Optimizing CI with Bazel and Kaniko in Cloud Build - This article discusses optimizing CI with Bazel and Kaniko in Cloud Build. Bazel is an open-source build system that caches previous builds to speed up future ones. It can be used with Cloud Build for parallel builds. Kaniko can cache layers of container images, reducing build time. By leveraging Bazel and Kaniko, developers can streamline and accelerate their CI/CD pipelines in Cloud Build.

DevOps Terraform July 1, 2024

GCP: Terraform automation for Cloud Build and Cloud Deploy - This article explains how to set up a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using Terraform. The author provides step-by-step instructions on how to create Terraform modules to automate the provisioning of GCP services such as Artifact Registry, Cloud Run, and Cloud Deploy. The article also covers the basics of Terraform, Kubernetes, and Cloud Computing.

DevOps Kubernetes July 1, 2024

Managed SSL for TCP Loadbalancer in GKE. - In this article, we'll discuss how to use a Google Managed SSL certificate for a TCP Load Balancer in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). We'll cover the limitations of using a managed certificate and provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up a TCP/SSL proxy load balancer with a managed certificate.

DevOps Official Blog SRE July 1, 2024

Free to be SRE — how to use generative AI to code, test and troubleshoot your systems - Generative AI, including Google's Gemini for developers, offers a toolkit that can help streamline SRE operational tasks and boost efficiency. This curated list of resources provides a foundational understanding of generative AI concepts and how to leverage them to enhance operational efficiency. Start with the basics of generative AI and progress to advanced techniques through videos and hands-on labs. Discover how generative AI can revolutionize SRE workflows and unlock a new era of operational excellence.

DevOps Official Blog June 24, 2024

6 deployment archetypes for your reliability, cost, operational, and latency needs - Google Cloud deployment archetypes guide provides an architectural model to build cloud topologies that meet the business and technical requirements of an application. It explores six deployment archetypes: zonal, regional, multi-regional, global, hybrid, and multicloud, presenting use cases and design considerations for each.

DevOps Official Blog SRE June 17, 2024

Free to be SRE, with this systems engineering syllabus - Systems engineering is a discipline used by Google site reliability engineers (SREs) to create and implement reliable systems. To help you learn more about systems engineering, Google has assembled some resources, including a paper on the systems engineering side of site reliability engineering, a chapter on non-abstract large system design in the SRE Workbook, a self-guided workshop on distributed image server, a YouTube talk on Google's production environment, and a research paper on reliable data processing with minimal toil.

DevOps GitHub June 10, 2024

Multiple Cloud Build Triggers in One Github Repo - This blog post outlines the usage of one repo for multiple Cloud Functions and creating a trigger for each one.

DevOps Official Blog SRE June 10, 2024

5 more myths about platform engineering: how it’s built, what it does, and what it doesn’t - Platform engineering is a new approach to managing IT infrastructure and software development that aims to streamline the software development process by providing developers with self-service tools and platforms, abstracting away complex infrastructure details, and automating repetitive tasks. It's not a one-size-fits-all solution and requires a tailored approach to meet your organization's specific needs. Start small with a minimal viable platform, prioritize high-value tasks, and iterate based on feedback to build a platform that truly delivers value to your developers and organization.

Artifact Registry DevOps June 3, 2024

Automatically remove old docker container image using Artifact Registry cleanup policies - This article summarises how to use that cleanup policies to automatically remove old container images in Artifact Registry.

DevOps Official Blog SRE June 3, 2024

5 myths about platform engineering: what it is and what it isn’t - Platform engineering is a relatively new approach to software delivery that aims to reduce friction and cognitive overload for developers by abstracting away the complexity of modern software systems. It involves creating an internal developer platform that provides developer self-service through golden paths, codifying DevOps practices into software, and taking a holistic approach to automation. Platform engineering is not just advanced DevOps or automation, and it is not a fad but a response to the growing complexity of modern software systems.

DevOps SRE Terraform June 3, 2024

Landing Zone Deployment (Google Cloud Adoption Series) - Step-by-step guidance for how to actually deploy our LZ, either using Cloud Setup “Click-Ops” in the console, or with Terraform.

DevOps Infrastructure Media CDN May 20, 2024

Optimising Media Delivery with Google’s Media CDN

DevOps Python May 20, 2024

Drawing cloud system architecture via Python code - Diagrams python package provides an interface to define architecture schemas.

DevOps Kubernetes Paywall May 13, 2024

Enable secure websocket connection through NGINX Ingress on GKE Kubernetes - Step-by-Step Guide: Enabling Secure WebSockets on GKE with NGINX Ingress Kubernetes.

Artifact Registry CI Cloud Build DevOps May 13, 2024

Optimizing CI in Google Cloud Build - Exploring multiple methods to tune performance of continuous integration process using Cloud Build.

DevOps GCP Certification May 6, 2024

How to Pass the Google Professional Cloud DevOps Exam - Share some tips to help pass GCP DevOps certification exam.

DevOps Gitlab Migration May 6, 2024

How Konfig provides an enterprise platform with GitLab and Google Cloud - Explaining Konfig, an enterprise integration of GitLab and Google Cloud that addresses security and governance, maintainability, and speed to production.

DevOps Official Blog SRE April 29, 2024

2024 DORA survey now live: share your thoughts on AI, DevEx, and platform engineering - A possibility to participate in DORA's annual survey.

DevOps GCP Experience Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog SRE April 29, 2024

Ninja Van: delivering flexibility, stability and scalability to core applications with a cloud container platform - Ninja Van, a fast-growing logistics company in Southeast Asia, uses Google Cloud's Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to manage its microservices architecture. GKE's scalability and ease of use enable Ninja Van to deliver a seamless development experience and improve its CI/CD pipeline.

DevOps Infrastructure Monitoring SRE Stackdriver April 29, 2024

Stay Ahead of the Storm: Comprehensive Insights into Google Cloud Personalized Service Health - Personalized Service Health from Google Cloud monitors your cloud projects and proactively notifies you of potential issues. It provides customizable alerts and leverages past incidents to improve reliability, making it a valuable tool for managing your cloud environment.

DevOps Kubernetes April 22, 2024

Streamline your GKE logs: Opensearch & Fluent-bit setup made Easy with Helm Charts - Embarking on a journey to optimize your Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) infrastructure? Look no further. Dive into the seamless integration of Opensearch and Fluent-bit using Helm charts.

Cloud Build Cloud Deploy DevOps Security April 8, 2024

Brewing Security into Your Deployments: SLSA, Cloud Build, and a Shot of Efficiency - Integrate SLSA, the software supply chain security framework, with Cloud Build and Cloud Deploy to enhance your security posture.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes April 8, 2024

Deploying MySQL Databases in Google Kubernetes Engine : A step-by-step guide - A step-by-step process of setting up a MySQL database on GKE, covering everything from provisioning persistent storage to configuring MySQL settings and launching the database instance.

DevOps SRE April 8, 2024

Design your Landing Zone — Design Considerations Part 4— IaC, GitOps and CI/CD (Google Cloud Adoption Series) - LZ design considerations and decisions you need to make, relating to IaC, GitOps and CI/CD.

DevOps Gitlab April 8, 2024

Introducing Konfig: GitLab and Google Cloud preconfigured for startups and enterprises - Konfig provides a turnkey platform for migrating and modernizing cloud applications, leveraging GitLab and GCP.

Artifact Registry DevOps GitHub Workload Identity Federation March 25, 2024

Push code with GitHub Actions to Google Cloud’s Artifact Registry - Push code from GitHub to Google Cloud Artifact Registry (without using service account keys) with Workload Identity Federation.

Cloud Build DevOps Docker March 25, 2024

Modernizing cloudbuild.yaml for Container Builds - Minimizing square brackets in Cloud Build yaml file.

DevOps Google Cloud Platform March 25, 2024

How to verify your Google App

DevOps Gitlab Workload Identity March 18, 2024

Secure authentication on GCP with Workload Identity Federation - This article describes how to configure GitLab CI/CD pipelines to securely access Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resources using Workload Identity Federation (WIF).

DevOps NodeJS Python March 11, 2024

Extending your tools, adding matrices to Google Cloud build - Join my journey in overcoming copy-paste chaos and easily enhancing out-of-box tools!

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog March 11, 2024

Build an enterprise developer platform on GKE for fast, reliable application delivery - This blog post describes how Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) enables you to build a secure, scalable internal developer platform in Google Cloud for fast and reliable application delivery.

DevOps GKE Autopilot Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes March 4, 2024

Kubernetes on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE): Standard vs Autopilot - Comparison of GKE Standard and GKE Autopilot.

DevOps Networking March 4, 2024

Design your Landing Zone — Design Considerations Part 1 (Google Cloud Adoption Series) - What is a Landing Zone and What are the Main Design Decisions? Identity, resource hierarchy, org policy, hybrid connectivity, network.

CI Cloud Dataflow DevOps Gitlab Feb. 26, 2024

How to Automate Dataflow Flex-Template Deployments with GitLab CI/CD - Automating Google Cloud Dataflow development life cycle with Gitlab CI/CD pipelines.

Cloud Deploy DevOps Kubernetes Feb. 26, 2024

CI/CD pipeline to deploy applications on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) using Cloud Build and Cloud Deploy - Implementation of a CI/CD pipeline to deploy applications on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) using Google Cloud Build and Cloud Deploy.

CI DevOps GitHub Terraform Feb. 19, 2024

Integrating GitHub Runner with Google Cloud Platform via Terraform - Configuring Terraform to create a WIF and grant permission for a Service Account that will be impersonated by GitHub Runner.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Python Feb. 11, 2024

FastAPI on GKE with GPU: A Step-by-Step Guide - To run a FastAPI application that requires GPU support on Google Cloud Run, which itself does not natively support GPUs, you would need to integrate it with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), which supports GPUs.

DevOps GCP Experience HPC Official Blog Feb. 11, 2024

Salk Institute scientists scale brain research on Google Cloud with SkyPilot - SkyPilot is a framework for running LLMs, AI, and batch jobs on any cloud, offering maximum cost savings, highest GPU availability, and managed execution.

DevOps SRE Feb. 11, 2024

Google Cloud Adoption: Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), and Best Practices for SLI / SLO/ SLA - The best practices of Site Reliability Engineering.

Data Science DevOps Python Feb. 5, 2024

Host and monetize your Streamlit app cost-effectively - Hosting and monetizing a Streamlit app for many users can be quite tricky, but that's not as impossible as it looks like.

DevOps Terraform Jan. 29, 2024

Google Cloud quotas — with Terraform - Gain full control over your Google Cloud costs by specifying quotas on your resource usage.

API DevOps Official Blog SRE Jan. 29, 2024

5 ways platform engineers can help developers create winning APIs - How can platform engineers influence API development?

DevOps GitHub Kubernetes Jan. 22, 2024

Automating CI/CD Workflows: Executing Kubernetes Commands on GCP from GitHub Actions - Optimizing DevOps Pipelines: Tips and Tricks for Kubernetes in Google Cloud Platform.

Billing DevOps FinOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Jan. 22, 2024

Optimizing Your Google Kubernetes Engine Costs — Part 2: The Bin Packing Problem - This article explores the bin packing problem in Kubernetes with special reference to GKE.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Jan. 22, 2024

Personalized Service Health is now generally available: Get started today - Personalized Service Health begins processing and publishing relevant incidents to your Service Health dashboard in the Google Cloud console.

DevOps Workload Identity Federation Jan. 22, 2024

Configuring GCP Workload Identity Federation for Bitbucket Pipelines - This blog will cover how to securely and seamlessly connect GCP to Bitbucket using Workload Identity Federation.

Cloud Logging Cloud Trace DevOps Official Blog Jan. 15, 2024

Troubleshooting distributed applications: Using traces and logs together for root-cause analysis - Take a look at how you can use Cloud Trace, Google Cloud’s distributed tracing tool, and Cloud Logging together to help you perform root-cause analysis.

DevOps GCP Certification Official Blog Jan. 15, 2024

Laying the foundation for a career in platform engineering - Read on for an overview of the platform engineering field, including an introduction to what platform engineers do and the skills required.

App Engine CI DevOps Jan. 15, 2024

Deploy React App to Google App Engine with Github Actions CI/CD - A Complete Guide - This guide provides you a step-by-step process to deploy your React app efficiently to Google App Engine.

DevOps Terraform Jan. 8, 2024

Simplifying Cloud Infrastructure: Terraform Meets GCP - This GitHub repository is dedicated to providing you with ready-to-use Terraform scripts to set up essential cloud services seamlessly.

DevOps Jan. 8, 2024

Google Cloud Architecture Framework: System design - This is the second article in my seven-part series on the Google Cloud Architecture Framework.

DevOps Networking Terraform VPC Jan. 1, 2024

Why Multiple Subnets? - Advantages of creating multiple subnets within a VPC.

DevOps Duet AI Machine Learning Dec. 25, 2023

Getting started with Duet AI on Google Cloud and VS Code - Exploring Google’s Duet AI on VS Code and GCP console.

DevOps Kubernetes Dec. 18, 2023

Optimizing Your Google Kubernetes Engine Costs — Part 1: Basic Tweaks - Cut down on your Google Kubernetes Engine bills with these simple tips.

DevOps GCP Certification Dec. 11, 2023

How to become certified Google Cloud Professional DevOps Engineer - Passing DevOps GCP certification.

DevOps Terraform Dec. 3, 2023

Exporting GCP Projects to Terraform

DevOps GCP Experience Official Blog Dec. 3, 2023

How DORA DevOps best practices helped Circles launch a telco-as-a-service in under two months

DevOps Official Blog Partners SRE Vertex AI Dec. 3, 2023

Nobl9's Reliability AI, Powered by Google - Customers who want to leverage AI technology in Google Cloud to define and understand SLOs can now do so through Vertex AI, thanks to Nobl9 and the new tool they developed, SLOgpt.ai.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Dec. 3, 2023

Driving success through open communication - Distilling years of Google research into five dimensions that you can apply to drive success within your own organization.

Cloud Run DevOps Official Blog Terraform Dec. 3, 2023

Migrating Terraform resources to Cloud Run API v2 - This blog post describes the new Terraform resource for Cloud Run, and describes the process of migrating an example Cloud Run service to this new resource.

CI Compute Engine DevOps GCP Experience Google Kubernetes Engine Nov. 20, 2023

Migrating CI/CD from Kubernetes to Compute Engine: a journey of cost efficiency and reliability - Transitioning from Kubernetes with Docker-in-Docker to Compute Engines with Instance Group (and autoscaling) led to significant savings and enhanced reliability.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Nov. 13, 2023

Explaining Kubernetes Clusters VS Workloads Views in GCP Console - This article aims to explain the difference between the view of Cluster and Workload as encountered in the GKE console.

Cloud Monitoring DevOps Official Blog Nov. 13, 2023

Synthetic Monitoring in Cloud Monitoring is now Generally Available - Synthetic monitoring uses automated Node.js scripts to simulate user interactions with an application or service. This allows you to test the availability, consistency, and performance of your web applications, APIs, and key business workflows from the perspective of a real user, on a periodic basis.

DevOps Infrastructure Manager Terraform Nov. 6, 2023

Terraform As A Service: Google Infrastructure Manager - An overview and walkthrough of Inftrastructure Manager.

DevOps Gitlab Nov. 6, 2023

Secure Your GitLab CI/CD Pipelines: Moving Away from Service Account Keys - Optimize your security practices with Workload Identity Federation at the branch level and ditch those risky JSON keys.

DevOps Nov. 6, 2023

KYC - Know your Container(image) with SLSA, SBOM and Binary Authorization - In this blog post we take a practical spin at container security and look at SLSA buid attestations, SBOM, and Binary Authorization in GCP.

Artifact Registry DevOps Official Blog Nov. 6, 2023

Artifact Registry remote and virtual repositories are now generally available - Remote repository and virtual repository features are now generally available.

DevOps Terraform Oct. 30, 2023

Pulumi after years of Terraform - Is it worth changing IaC tool?

DevOps Official Blog Oct. 30, 2023

Success through culture: why embracing failure encourages better software delivery - Things break. That’s life. When things don’t go as planned, it’s what happens next that’s important.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog Security Oct. 23, 2023

Improve Kubernetes cost and reliability with the new Policy Controller policy bundle - Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Policy Controller lets you enforce fully programmable policies for your clusters, where a policy bundle is a pre-built set of constraints that Google Cloud creates and maintains.

DevOps Official Blog Oct. 16, 2023

Spotify keeps engineers and code in tune with fleet management - At Spotify, the rise of fleet management lets developers deliver secure, scalable, easy-to-manage apps and services faster than they ever have before.

DevOps Monitoring Official Blog Oct. 16, 2023

Getting to know Systems insights, a simplified database system monitoring tool - The story of how we simplified database system monitoring for generalists while making it flexible enough for specialists.

DevOps Vertex AI Oct. 9, 2023

DevGenOps — Automating Test Generation with GitLab CI/CD and Google Vertex AI PaLM2 - Automating Test Generation with GitLab CI/CD and Google Vertex AI PaLM2.

Billing DevOps Terraform Oct. 9, 2023

TIL — “Vampire Power” In Google Cloud? - How to removed a billed resource “Networking Service Directory Registered Resource", in an empty project and how to remove it.

DevOps Official Blog Oct. 9, 2023

2023 State of DevOps Report: Culture is everything - When it comes to building a successful DevOps practice, organizational culture and user-centricity are key, the 2023 State of DevOps Report finds.

DevOps Networking Official Blog Oct. 9, 2023

Deliver and secure your internet-facing application in less than an hour using Dev(Sec)Ops Toolkit - The Dev(Sec)Ops toolkit helps customers accelerate the delivery of internet-facing applications with Cloud Load Balancing, Cloud Armor, and Cloud CDN.

DevOps IAM Terraform Sept. 25, 2023

Grant IAM permissions to Google Cloud Service Account manually and using Terraform - How to manage IAM policies to grant access to user-managed Google Cloud Service Account.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Terraform Workforce Identity Federation Sept. 25, 2023

Manage infrastructure with Workload Identity Federation and Terraform Cloud - Terraform Cloud workspaces integrate with Workload Identity Federation to authenticate and then impersonate Google Cloud service accounts.

Cloud SQL DevOps SRE Terraform Sept. 25, 2023

How to connect to GCP Private Cloud SQL instance in your local machine using a Bastion and Terraform. - A Terraform snippet to create a bastion VM to access Cloud SQL instance that has a private IP.

Artifact Registry DevOps GitHub Sept. 25, 2023

Building and Pushing to Artifact Registry with Github Actions - This article illustrates how to create a Github Actions workflow that builds a Docker image and pushes that image to Google Cloud Artifact Registry.

DevOps Infrastructure Manager Official Blog Terraform Sept. 18, 2023

Introducing Infrastructure Manager: Provision Google Cloud resources with Terraform - Infrastructure Manager uses Terraform to provision and manage Google Cloud resources using an integrated Infrastructure as Code (IaC) approach.

DevOps Official Blog Sept. 18, 2023

Light the way ahead: Platform Engineering, Golden Paths, and the power of self-service - Build templated and well-integrated code and capabilities for rapid project development.

Cloud Run DevOps PHP Sept. 11, 2023

How to Optimize PHP Performance on Google Cloud Run - Discover ways to enhance PHP performance on Google Cloud Run.

DevOps Kubernetes Sept. 11, 2023

DevOps Engineering: How to Create Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Cluster - Introduction.

DevOps Google Cloud Platform Official Blog Sept. 11, 2023

Reimagining the developer experience with Google Cloud - The experience your developers have at your organization can give you a competitive advantage. Explore how Google Cloud can help.

DevOps Terraform Workload Identity Sept. 4, 2023

Authenticate to Google Cloud from Terraform Cloud using workload identity - Secure your connection between Google Cloud and Terraform Cloud avoiding the exposure of your service account credentials.

DevOps Networking VPC Aug. 28, 2023

Hands-On Guide: Google Cloud VPC Network Peering to Connect Two VMs and Check Nginx Server Access. - A demonstration of VPC network peering within Google Cloud Platform.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Aug. 28, 2023

Exposing Applications with GKE Gateway Controller - An overview and example of the usage of GKE Gateway controller.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Aug. 28, 2023

Calling all DevOps, IT Ops, Platform Engineers and SREs: 5 can’t-miss breakout sessions at Next ‘23 - There’s no lack of breakout sessions for DevOps, IT Ops, Platform Engineers, and Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) at Google Cloud Next 2023.

DevOps Official Blog Aug. 21, 2023

DevOps Award winner Moloco on ‘accelerating DevOps with machine learning’ - Moloco leverages the DORA four keys to validate the ML infrastructure it built on Google Cloud.

DevOps Official Blog Aug. 21, 2023

DevOps Awards winner ANZ on “going beyond the four keys” - The ANZx team knew that it needed to bring together relevant deployment data if it ever really wanted to fine-tune its software delivery performance.

DevOps Official Blog Aug. 21, 2023

Tips to enhance your prompt-engineering abilities - Prompts should be clear, concise, and informative to get the desired output from large language models (LLMs) and other generative foundation models.

Apigee Cloud Run DevOps Eventarc Aug. 14, 2023

Trigger a Cloud Run service starting from an (Apigee) audit log event with EventArc - This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to build the necessary architecture to trigger a Cloud Run service from an Audit Log Event with Eventarc.

DevOps Official Blog Aug. 7, 2023

DevOps Awards winner Kakao Mobility on balancing speed and stability - Kakao Mobility improved the developer experience and service reliability with DORA principles and by adopting microservices and Anthos Service Mesh.

DevOps Official Blog Aug. 7, 2023

DevOps Awards winner Decathlon Digital on “aligning to accelerate”

DevOps Infrastructure Aug. 7, 2023

Cloud Custodian for Compliance As Code and Auto-Remediation on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) - Using Cloud Custodian to implement your own Compliance as Code and Auto-Remediation strategy on Google Cloud.

DevOps GCP Experience Official Blog July 31, 2023

DevOps Award winner METRO.digital on being a “DevOps Dreamer” - METRO.digital won a DevOps Award for implementing a generative DevOps culture, using a loosely coupled architecture, and setting up a data lake.

DevOps GCP Experience Official Blog July 31, 2023

DevOps Awards winner Priceline on leveraging a loosely coupled architecture - Priceline used DevOps principles to ensure there’s always enough capacity when shifting platform traffic from region to region.

DevOps GCP Experience Official Blog July 31, 2023

DevOps Awards winner Vodafone on “unlocking the secrets of DevOps” - To drive AI in its solutions, Vodafone needed standardization, flexibility, and high levels of automation – earning it a 2022 DevOps Award.

DevOps GitHub Terraform July 24, 2023

GCP Workload Identity Federation for GitHub Actions: A Really Effortless Setup - This article describes how to set GCP Workload Identity Federation for GitHub Actions using Terraform.

DevOps GCP Experience Official Blog July 24, 2023

DevOps Awards winner Improbable on “unleashing the full power of the cloud” - Gaming provider Improbable’s use of CI/CD as a service helped earn it a 2022 DevOps Award for unleashing the full power of the cloud.

DevOps GCP Experience Official Blog July 24, 2023

DevOps Awards winner Boa Vista Services on securing the software supply chain - Boa Vista Serviços’ internal Stargate Project to improve code quality and security earned it a 2022 DevOps Award for Securing the Software Supply Chain.

DevOps Official Blog July 24, 2023

DevOps Awards winner Deutsche Bank on paving the ‘DevOps Runway’ - To reduce costs and maximize efficiency, Deutsche Bank took a DevOps approach to redesigning its system architecture while streamlining applications.

DevOps Official Blog SRE July 17, 2023

DevOps Awards winner Sabre on nurturing team culture - Sabre worked closely with Google Cloud to transform its system and company culture to make better use of the cloud.

DevOps Official Blog July 17, 2023

Accelerate your Multiplayer Game Development with the Global Scale Multiplayer Demo - Global Scale Multiplayer Demo provides guidelines, architecture patterns and building blocks that you can use to build your next game.

DevOps Official Blog July 17, 2023

DevOps Awards Winner VMO2 on how to achieve continuous improvement with DORA - To overcome its technical debt, VMO2 partnered with Google Cloud around three key pillars: DevOps, MLOps, and Analytics Engineering.

DevOps Migration Official Blog July 17, 2023

How to build an optimized infrastructure without burning out your IT team - How to build an optimized infrastructure that meets today’s and tomorrow’s needs without burning out your IT team in the process.

DevOps Official Blog July 3, 2023

The Modernization Imperative: Is your platform engineering project doomed to fail? - Just because you’ve built a platform, doesn’t mean your users will come. Luckily, there are ways to give an internal technology platform a fighting chance.

CI Cloud Run DevOps GitHub June 26, 2023

How To Build a Simple CI/CD Pipeline using Docker, Github Actions, and Google Cloud Run - Learn how to build a simple CI/CD pipeline using Docker, GitHub Actions, and Google Cloud Run for seamless software delivery.

DevOps GKE Autopilot Kubernetes June 19, 2023

GKE Autopilot for beginners - A brief overview and intro to GKE Autopilot.

DevOps Official Blog SRE June 19, 2023

2022 State of DevOps Report data deep dive: Documentation is like sunshine - The State of DevOps Report finds a clear link between documentation quality and an organization’s ability to meet its performance goals.

DevOps Official Blog SRE June 12, 2023

The Modernization Imperative: Shifting left is for suckers. Shift down instead - Instead of developers “shifting left,” they need to “shift down” and push more workloads down onto the platforms they’re already using.

Cloud Storage DevOps Terraform June 5, 2023

Terraform Magic: Creating Client-Specific Buckets with Folder-Level Write Permissions in Google Cloud - Implementing user access for specific folders in GCS buckets in Terraform.

DevOps Kubernetes June 5, 2023

Canary deployment using Ingress NGINX Controller - Implementing canary deployments using Ingress Nginx Controller in a Kubernetes cluster.

DevOps Official Blog May 29, 2023

What’s the future of DevOps? You tell us. Take the 2023 Accelerate State of DevOps survey - Take the 2023 Accelerate State of DevOps survey, now open, to help inform DORA's next report.

DevOps Official Blog May 29, 2023

Developers, embrace application modernization with Migrate to Container's new CLI - Improve performance, increase agility, reduce costs and modernize with migrate to containers in the CLI.

DevOps Monitoring Official Blog SRE May 15, 2023

Uptime checks for availability - Monitor the availability of public and private resources, and to alert you when there are problems.

AI DevOps Official Blog SRE May 15, 2023

Introducing Duet AI for Google Cloud – an AI-powered collaborator

DevOps GitHub Google Kubernetes Engine Workload Identity Federation May 8, 2023

Github Action CI/CD to deploy applications on GKE using Workload Identity Federation. - This blog demonstrates creating a Github Action CI/CD to push images to Google Container Registry and deploy applications in GKE using Workload identity federation.

Cloud Asset Inventory DevOps May 8, 2023

Evaluating your GCP resource realtime - How to build a service to validate GCP resource from CAI Feed.

DevOps Kubernetes Python May 1, 2023

Build an end-to-end CI/CD pipeline for Flask Application on GCP deployed on GKE - DevOps in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) — Part II.

Cloud Build DevOps April 24, 2023

Manage Chat Notifications for Cloud Build pipeline executions - It is possible to setup notifications for all of the cloud build pipeline execution to Google Chat, do you know how?

DevOps Official Blog SRE Terraform April 24, 2023

Running Infrastructure-as-Code with the least privilege possible - Google service account impersonation lets you run your terraform code and manage resources without overly broad access.

DevOps Official Blog April 24, 2023

Learn by doing: Introducing Google Cloud Jump Start Solutions - Jump Start Solutions are pre-built sample applications and infrastructure best-practices that you can deploy within a few clicks in your own Google Cloud account.

Cloud NAT DevOps Kubernetes Networking April 17, 2023

Set up Cloud NAT with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) - Cloud NAT allows GKE cluster nodes without public IP addresses, to connect to the internet using static IP addresses.

Billing Cloud Monitoring DevOps Official Blog SRE April 17, 2023

How to identify and reduce costs of your Google Cloud observability in Cloud Monitoring - A cost savings guide for Cloud Monitoring.

Cloud Deploy DevOps Official Blog April 10, 2023

Google Cloud Deploy adds canary and parallel deployment support - With support for canary and parallel deployment, Google Cloud Deploy provides advanced deployment capabilities to GKE, Cloud Run, and Anthos.

DevOps Official Blog Security April 10, 2023

Realize policy-as-code with Pulumi through CrossGuard on Google Cloud - Learn how to use Pulumi’s CrossGuard with Google Cloud to set guardrails on infrastructure to be provisioned that comply with your organization’s security policies.

DevOps Official Blog March 27, 2023

2022 State of DevOps Report data deep dive: good team culture - What makes good team culture? Find out what the DORA Research says.

BigQuery DevOps GCP Experience March 6, 2023

The Life Changing Magic of T̶i̶d̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶U̶p̶ Understanding BigQuery Table Usage: A J̶a̶p̶a̶n̶e̶s̶e̶ loveholidays Art of Decluttering and Organizing Data - Story about optimizing BigQuery resources.

Data Science DevOps Terraform March 6, 2023

Deploying Airbyte with Terraform on GCP - Create a reproducible codebase to deploy Airbyte in any GCP project with a single command.

Cloud Logging Cloud Monitoring DevOps Feb. 27, 2023

How to create a custom log-based metric and alert in GCP - A walkthrough to create a set log based alerts.

DevOps Kubernetes Feb. 27, 2023

GKE Cluster Optimization: 13 Tactics For A Smoother K8s Deployment - 13 optimization tactics for GKE clusters in areas of Resource management, Security, and Networking.

DevOps Google Cloud Platform Official Blog Feb. 27, 2023

Three new Specializations help partners digitally transform customers - We’ve rolled out new specializations for Google Cloud partners around Data Center Modernization, DevOps, and Contact Center AI.

Cloud Build DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Feb. 6, 2023

Use Cloud Build Pools to build CI/CD Pipelines for private GKE cluster - Using Cloud Build for CI/CD and private GKE cluster as a target.

Cloud Deploy Cloud Run DevOps Terraform Feb. 6, 2023

Deploying Cloud Run workloads with Google Cloud Deploy - Using Cloud Deploy to manage Cloud Run deployments.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog SRE Feb. 6, 2023

Scalability testing on Google Kubernetes Engine: Know before you go - Getting ready to scale up a Kubernetes-based workload? Learn about the benefits, how to set goals and best practices of scalability testing on GKE.

Cloud Run DevOps Docker Jan. 30, 2023

Deploy Containerised Plotly Dash App with CI/CD (P2: GCP) - Deploying an existing containerized app on Google Cloud Platform.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Jan. 30, 2023

GKE Security: Top 10 Strategies for Securing Your Cluster

Cloud Monitoring DevOps Official Blog Prometheus Jan. 30, 2023

How The Home Depot gets a single pane of glass for metrics across 2,200 stores - Learn how The Home Depot used Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus to bring together metrics from their cloud, on-prem, and over 2,200 stores.

Cloud Build Compute Engine DevOps Workflows Jan. 23, 2023

GCP — Workflow Integrates with Cloud Build for DR Orchestration - Implementing a custom Disaster Recovery solution.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Jan. 23, 2023

Reliability and SRE in the 2022 State of DevOps Report - Learn more about the connection between SRE, DevOps and reliability.

DevOps Official Blog Jan. 23, 2023

A reference architecture for transforming insurance claims processing with Google Cloud - Through this Google Cloud reference architecture, organizations that process Insurance claims can dramatically enhance the policyholder experience.

Cloud VPN DevOps Networking Jan. 16, 2023

Understanding Google Cloud Hybrid Connectivity - An overview of products on Google Cloud providing Hybrid connectivity.

DevOps Terraform Jan. 16, 2023

Book: Terraform for Google Cloud Essential Guide - Learn how to provision infrastructure in Google Cloud securely and efficiently.

DevOps Official Blog Jan. 16, 2023

Cultural drivers of DevOps success - Learn more about how culture is the true driver of DevOps success.

Cloud Build DevOps Official Blog Serverless Dec. 26, 2022

The Squire’s guide to automated deployments with Cloud Build - Getting started with your first automated deployment pipeline using open source project Emblem featuring Google Cloud Serverless products like Cloud Run, Cloud Build, Artifact Registry, and Pub/Sub.

DevOps SRE Dec. 26, 2022

Disaster Recovery — locality-restricted workloads on GCP - This post discusses how you can use Google Cloud to architect for disaster recovery (DR) to meet location-specific requirements.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Dec. 19, 2022

Why Focus on Symptoms, Not Causes? - Why aren’t we monitoring what users care about? How did we get here? What do users care about?

Cloud Run DevOps Official Blog Dec. 19, 2022

Running database migrations with Cloud Run Jobs - With the Public Preview of Cloud Run Jobs, you can now run ad-hoc commands against your web framework deployments, including database migrations.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Nov. 21, 2022

Composite availability: calculating the overall availability of cloud infrastructure - Understand how to calculate the composite reliability of your cloud infrastructure to help design Cloud architectures with an optimal SLA.

DevOps Official Blog Public Sector Nov. 21, 2022

Deploy Google Cloud in a few clicks with RAD Lab UI - Today, we’re announcing RAD Lab UI--a user interface on top of RAD Lab to make it even more accessible for non-technical users to deploy targeted workloads to Google Cloud with just a few clicks.

DevOps Official Blog Nov. 21, 2022

Automated Cleanup of Unused Google Cloud Projects - Use Remora to automate the Unattended Project Recommender for discovery and cleanup of unused projects in your Google Cloud organization.

DevOps GCP Experience Networking Security SRE VPC Service Controls Nov. 7, 2022

How we secured our data on the Cloud - Challenges and solutions while enforcing VPC Service Controls.

DevOps Official Blog Skaffold SRE Oct. 31, 2022

Skaffold v2 GA: Further enhancing developer productivity - With Skaffold V2, you can now build and manage container images on Cloud Run and on ARM architectures.

BigQuery dbt DevOps Oct. 24, 2022

Adding Near-Complete Autonomy to dbt Continuous Deployment Using “Slim Backfills” - In this blog, we will discuss scenarios where a full refresh is necessary when there has been either a schema or code change for a model and how we can give the CI/CD process near-complete autonomy by implementing capabilities to organically handle backfills.

CI Cloud Build DevOps Gitlab Google Kubernetes Engine Oct. 17, 2022

Integrating Gitlab repository with Cloud Build Triggers via webhook and creating CI/CD pipelines with GKE - Building the code from GitLab repository and deploying our code to GKE by integrating it with Cloud Build.

CI Cloud Build Cloud Source Repositories DevOps Gitlab Google Kubernetes Engine Oct. 17, 2022

Mirroring CSR and Gitlab Repository to Create Cloud Build Triggers and automate the CICD pipelines with GKE - Creating CI/CD pipelines with Cloud Build Triggers for Gitlab as a source repository.

Cloud Build DevOps Oct. 3, 2022

Using native tools in Google Cloud to build and deploy your application - Google Cloud offers a variety of tools and managed services to turbocharge your development process without having to set up infrastructure.

DevOps Official Blog Oct. 3, 2022

Announcing the 2022 Accelerate State of DevOps Report: A deep dive into security - Security-enhancing DevOps practices are broadly adopted, this year’s DORA Accelerate State of DevOps Report found, but that’s not the whole story.

Artifact Registry DevOps Go Java Official Blog Sept. 26, 2022

Container analysis support for Maven and Go Automatic Scanning of Containers in Public Preview - Customers can now list existing vulnerabilities in Maven and Go packages automatically via Container Scanning upon upload to Artifact Registry.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Machine Learning Official Blog Sept. 26, 2022

Building a Machine Learning Platform with Kubeflow and Ray on Google Kubernetes Engine - How Kubeflow and Ray can be deployed together on Google Kubernetes Engine to provide a production-ready ML system.

DevOps GCP Experience Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Sept. 19, 2022

Using Kubernetes Autoscaling to Optimise Availability and Cost - Here at Untienots, we run most of our workloads in Kubernetes which allows us to benefit from autoscaling to balance availability and cost.

CI DevOps Official Blog SRE Sept. 19, 2022

Building a secure CI/CD pipeline using Google Cloud built-in services - Build a secure CI/CD pipeline using Google Cloud's built-in services using Cloud Build, Cloud Deploy, Artifact Registry, Binary Authorization and GKE.

Cloud Build DevOps Official Blog Workflows Sept. 19, 2022

GitOps your service orchestrations - This blog post describes how to set up a simple Git-driven development, testing, and deployment pipeline for Workflows using Cloud Build.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Python Sept. 12, 2022

Extending GKE with NGINX IC - Using NGINX Ingress Controller on GKE.

DevOps Aug. 29, 2022

Deploy React App to Google App Engine with Bitbucket Pipelines - Setup Continuous Deployment for your React app using Bitbucket Pipelines and Google App Engine.

DevOps GKE Autopilot Kubernetes Terraform Aug. 22, 2022

Deploy Active-Active Multi-Region Kubernetes Cluster with Terraform - End to End setup of Multi Region Autopilot Kubernetes Cluster with Application Deployment Example.

Cloud Monitoring DevOps Official Blog SRE Aug. 15, 2022

Snooze your alert policies in Cloud Monitoring - Snooze alert policies to prevent the creation of alerts and notifications. This is useful during maintenance windows, non-business hours, and more.

Data Analytics DevOps Looker Official Blog SRE Aug. 1, 2022

Managing the Looker ecosystem at scale with SRE and DevOps practices - Following DevOps and SRE best practices can help organizations bring order to distributed Looker environments.

CI Cloud Deployment Manager DevOps Aug. 1, 2022

TeamCity on Google Cloud - Deploying TeamCity using Cloud Deployment Manager.

DevOps Official Blog July 18, 2022

Moving off CentOS? Introducing Rocky Linux Optimized for Google Cloud - Rocky Linux Optimized for Google Cloud is an enterprise-grade alternative to CentOS, complete with support from CIQ and Google Cloud.

DevOps Docker GitHub Infrastructure July 18, 2022

Shipping multi-platform Docker images for ARM on Google Cloud with GitHub Actions - Build multi-architecture Docker images using GitHub Actions to take advantage of the new ARM instance types announced by Google Cloud.

Cloud Monitoring DevOps Official Blog Prometheus July 4, 2022

Cloud Monitoring metrics, now in Managed Service for Prometheus - Query over 1,000 free Google Cloud metrics using PromQL. You can now view your Cloud Monitoring metrics alongside your Prometheus metrics.

DevOps Official Blog Security July 4, 2022

Secure Supply Chain on Google Cloud - A Sketchnote about Secure Supply Chain on Google Cloud.

DevOps Official Blog SRE July 4, 2022

Incorporating quota regression detection into your release pipeline - Check quotas across cloud environments before promoting images to prevent outages due to inconsistent API quota limits.

Cloud Build DevOps June 27, 2022

CI/CD with Cloud Build on Compute Engine. - Setting up CI/CD pipeline on Compute Engine Managed instance group using GCP native cloud build.

Cloud DNS DevOps Kubernetes June 27, 2022

ExternalDNS w. GKE & Cloud DNS 2 - ExternalDNS with static credentials to access to Cloud DNS.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Monitoring Prometheus June 20, 2022

Monitor your applications on Google Managed Prometheus - Deploying a sample Flask application to GKE and deployment of custom metrics to Managed Prometheus.

Airflow CI Cloud Composer DevOps Spinnaker June 20, 2022

Google Cloud Composer CI/CD - The structure and automation of DAG deployments with CI/CD pipeline.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes June 13, 2022

How We Deal with a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Metadata Server Outage - Why the GKE metadata server failed to work, and how we fixed it.

Cloud Functions DevOps Serverless Terraform May 30, 2022

How to create a Static Outbound IP for Google Cloud Functions using Terraform - Setting the static IP address for Cloud Functions via Terraform.

Cloud DNS DevOps Kubernetes Networking Tutorial May 30, 2022

ExternalDNS with GKE & Cloud DNS - This tutorial demonstrates how to setup and configure ExternalDNS on GKE and Cloud DNS.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes May 30, 2022

K8s in the Cloud - With a whole universe of things to learn, it’s important to start with the essentials. Let’s get to know why Kubernetes is usable, scalable….

DevOps Official Blog May 30, 2022

Take the 2022 Accelerate State of DevOps Survey - The 2022 State of DevOps report will be security focussed - take the survey to shape the future of DevOps and make your voice heard.

DevOps Official Blog SRE May 30, 2022

Enterprise DevOps Guidebook - Chapter 1 - Learn more about how to implement DORA best practices with our DevOps Enterprise Guidebook.

DevOps Official Blog SRE May 30, 2022

Application Rationalization through Google Cloud’s CAMP Framework - Application Rationalization through CAST Highlight (automated source code scan with business context) and mFit (VM workload assessment & automated migration).

DevOps Official Blog May 23, 2022

Join us in evolving the usability of GitOps - The kpt.dev open-source project is building a UI and backend to generate and edit configuration that can be deployed via GitOps. Contributors welcome.

Compute Engine DevOps VM Manager May 9, 2022

Patching GCE VMs using GCP VM Manager (OS Patch Management) - OS patch management with VM Manager.

Artifact Registry DevOps Javascript NodeJS May 9, 2022

Host Private Node.JS Packages on the Google Cloud with Artifact Registry - How to safely share and reuse your code across multiple projects.

DevOps Official Blog SRE May 9, 2022

Are your SLOs realistic? How to analyze your risks like an SRE - Before committing to an SLO, Site Reliability Engineering practices recommend that you evaluate the risks to a given service.

DevOps Official Blog May 9, 2022

Advancing systems research with open-source Google workload traces - When designing the systems components to support warehouse-scale computers, researchers can use workload traces to inform their designs.

DevOps Terraform May 2, 2022

Enable GCP Audit Logs with Terraform - Explanation of Audit Logs and how to enable them via Terraform.

Cloud Source Repositories DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes April 25, 2022

GitOps setup in Google Kubernetes Engine using Flux CD - This tutorial exemplifies how to set up Flux in Kubernetes, a tool that keeps your applications updated as Yaml files get updated in a Git repository.

DevOps Infrastructure Official Blog SRE April 25, 2022

The SRE book turns 6! - Site Reliability Engineering with Google’s SRE team! Since the publication of the SRE Book, we’ve learned and shared a lot —come explore SRE with us!

CI Cloud Functions DevOps Gitlab April 18, 2022

Deploying Cloud Functions with GitLab CI/CD - End to end example of deploying Cloud Functions via Gitlab CI/CD.

Cloud CDN DevOps April 18, 2022

Serving Assets a CDN with Google Cloud - Serve static content via a Google Cloud CDN to improve load times. Fine-tune your load balancer and caching to match your app’s needs.

DevOps Go Terraform April 18, 2022

Deploy Infrastructure using CDK for Terraform with Go

DevOps GitHub Terraform April 11, 2022

IaC with GitHub Actions for Google Cloud Platform - Automate resource provisioning in Google Cloud Platform by using Terraform and GitHub actions.

DevOps Official Blog Terraform April 11, 2022

Meet Canadian compliance requirements with Protected B Landing Zone - Google Cloud has published a Terraform-based Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) template to help customers to ensure the foundational settings, policies, and folder structures are correctly configured in alignment with the Annex 4A - Profile 1 (PBMM and ITSG-33).

Anthos DevOps Kubernetes April 4, 2022

Google Cloud Anthos Series - Part8 - Part-8: Migrate for Anthos and GKE.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes April 4, 2022

Dealing with a Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster Outage - GKE outage caused by miss configured OPA Gatekeeper.

DevOps Javascript April 4, 2022

How to schedule tasks in more than 30 days in Google Cloud Tasks API? - A workaround to bypass 30 days limit for scheduling Cloud Tasks.

DevOps Official Blog Skaffold April 4, 2022

Simplify your DevOps using Skaffold - How Google Cloud teams use Skaffold to simplify development process with Kubernetes.

DevOps Monitoring Official Blog SRE April 4, 2022

Add severity levels to your alert policies in Cloud Monitoring - Add static and dynamic severity levels to your alert policies for easier triaging and include these in notifications when sent to 3rd party services.

DevOps Gitlab Security Workload Identity Federation March 14, 2022

Integrate Gitlab with Google Cloud workload identity federation - Setting Workload Identity Federation on Gitlab.

DevOps Terraform March 7, 2022

How to Fully Automate the Deployment of Google Cloud Platform Projects with Terraform - A workaround to a known Google Cloud API catch-22 issue.

DevOps Official Blog Security March 7, 2022

How Google Cloud helps you to architect for DR when you have locality restricted workloads - Using Google Cloud to architect for disaster recovery (DR) to meet location-specific requirements.

DevOps Feb. 28, 2022

Taking a first look at Google Cloud Architecture Diagramming Tool

Cloud SQL DevOps Feb. 28, 2022

☘️ Random configuration tips for Google Cloud SQL

CI DevOps Gitlab Feb. 14, 2022

Secure Deployments from Gitlab to Google Cloud Platform - Deploying and using Gitlab Runner on GCP to increase security for CI/CD pipelines.

DevOps Google Cloud Platform Feb. 14, 2022

Managing GCP projects at scale — part 3 - What have we learned using the GCP Project Factory?

DevOps Google Cloud Platform Feb. 7, 2022

Managing GCP projects at scale — part 2 - How did we build our GCP project factory?

DevOps Google Cloud Platform Jan. 31, 2022

Managing GCP projects at scale - Why does Decathlon need a GCP Project Factory?

Anthos DevOps Jan. 24, 2022

Google Cloud Anthos Series - Part1: Anthos Platform Introduction.

DevOps Monitoring Jan. 17, 2022

Keep an eye on the uptime checks using Google Monitoring service - A quick and easy way to instantly know that our service is experiencing problems.

DevOps Official Blog Jan. 17, 2022

The Google Cloud DevOps Awards: Final call for submissions! - The 2021 State of DevOps Report is live and we want to hear from you about your awards winning DevOps practices!

DevOps Dec. 27, 2021

Google DevOps — Agility with Cost-Optimization - DevOps series - Agility with Cost Optimization.

DevOps Official Blog Dec. 20, 2021

Optimize your system design using Architecture Framework Principles - System design part of Architecture Framework has been updated to version 2.0, enabling better security, compliance, reliability, operations, and cost- and performance-optimization.

CI DevOps Official Blog Dec. 13, 2021

DevOps and CI/CD on Google Cloud explained - Continuous Integration (CI), at its core, is about getting feedback early and often, which makes it possible to identify and correct problems early in the development process. With CI, you integrate your work frequently, often multiple times a day, instead of waiting for one large integration later on.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Dec. 13, 2021

Postmortems at Loon: a guiding force for rapid development - Discover how Loon Site Reliability Engineers used postmortems to iterate on their stratospheric software-defined network.

DevOps SRE Dec. 6, 2021

Part-5: Google DevOps-Observability with SRE principles

DevOps GCP Experience Official Blog SRE Dec. 6, 2021

Shopify engineers deliver on peak performance during Black Friday Cyber Monday 2021 - Shopify just experienced a record-breaking Black Friday Cyber Monday. Learn how Shopify works with Google Cloud to handle unprecedented peak moments with ease.

Billing DevOps Official Blog Dec. 6, 2021

Google Cloud’s 5 ways to create differentiated value in post-merger integrations - The post-merger integration of the new IT estate is likely an important element to delivering added-value. Google Cloud can help with its success.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Dec. 6, 2021

Want to supercharge your DevOps practice? Research says try SRE - The 2021 DORA State of DevOps Report found interesting trends in DevOps shops that use SRE best practices.

DevOps NoSQL Official Blog SRE Nov. 29, 2021

Empowering DevOps to foster customer loyalty in modern retail with MongoDB Atlas on Google Cloud - MongoDB Atlas on Google Cloud can enhance DevOps performance in today’s retail market.

Cloud Build DevOps Nov. 22, 2021

Sending mail from Google Cloud Build - A simple solution for sending messages from a GCP Cloud Build pipeline.

DevOps Kubernetes SRE Oct. 25, 2021

Google Cloud DevOps Series - Google Cloud Compute options for Kubernetes.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Terraform Oct. 25, 2021

Kubernetes Engine And Terraform In Google Cloud - Basics on deploying your application in a regional Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster using Terraform.

DevOps Firebase Oct. 25, 2021

Migrate a Firebase project from one organization to another - A better guide for no-downtime Firebase project migrations.

Cloud Pub/Sub DevOps Oct. 18, 2021

Pub/Sub: Send a million messages per second and save thousands of $ a month using Avro - Choosing proper data format for Pub/Sub messages.

CI Cloud Build DevOps Secret Manager Terraform Oct. 4, 2021

How to pass secrets to Terraform from Google Cloud Build - This tutorial explains how to pass secretes from Secret Manager to Terraform in Cloud Build.

DevOps Official Blog Sept. 27, 2021

2021 Accelerate State of DevOps report addresses burnout, team performance - The SODR is continually one of the most downloaded assets on the GCP website. The updated version of the report with new metrics and findings on how to make organizations Elite performers is released.

Cloud SQL DevOps Security Sept. 20, 2021

Cloud SQL IAM database authentication — Manage user access to the databases in an efficient way - How to use IAM accounts to connect to Cloud SQL database.

Billing Cloud SDK DevOps Sept. 20, 2021

Quick Cloud Cost Hygiene in GCP - Reduce cloud cost and improve cloud hygiene by locating and identifying cost impactful resources in Google Cloud Platform using gcloud commands.

DevOps Terraform Sept. 20, 2021

Enforcing best practice on self-serve infrastructure with Terraform, Atlantis and Policy As Code - Using open-source tools to build an end-to-end pipeline that centrally manages Terraform and enforces best practices using Policy as Code on GCP.

DevOps Sept. 4, 2021

Solving for “live streaming” - Building a production-grade architecture with Google Cloud - Building video streaming solution on Google Cloud.

Ansible DevOps Aug. 30, 2021

Deploy Nomad and Consul Using Ansible on GCP

Anthos DevOps Official Blog SRE Aug. 9, 2021

Get in sync: Consistent Kubernetes with new Anthos Config Management features - Anthos Config Management and Config Controller bring Kubernetes-style declarative policy and config management to GKE environments.

Cloud Build DevOps Docker Security Aug. 9, 2021

Secure CI/CD on Cloudbuild using “private worker pools” - This blog demonstrates how we can use the GCP Compute Engine (Virtual Machines) as worker pools for running the cloud build jobs.

CI Cloud Build DevOps Docker Aug. 2, 2021

Cloud build notifications in Google Chat - Receive build notifications from Cloud Build to your Google Chat room.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Aug. 2, 2021

Securing the software development lifecycle with Cloud Build and SLSA - Google’s proposed SLSA framework provides guidance on how to build a more secure software supply chain.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Aug. 2, 2021

Let's migrate: why lifting and shifting is simply too easy to ignore - Maximise the velocity and success of your cloud migration by starting with lift and shift.

DevOps Google Cloud Platform Aug. 2, 2021

Use cases for troubleshooting access problems on Google Cloud - This document describes how to use Google Cloud tools to troubleshoot use cases related to problems accessing Google Cloud resources.

DevOps Google Cloud Platform Aug. 2, 2021

Launching Collie — Your Open-Source CLI for Cloud Governance - Collie is an open-source CLI tool that helps you as an enterprise architect or platform engineer get an overview of multi-cloud projects.

DevOps Kubernetes Workload Identity July 26, 2021

GKE Workload Identity — A secure way for GKE applications to access GCP services - Using Workload Identity in GKE for secure access.

DevOps Official Blog July 26, 2021

How to put your company on a path to successful cloud migration - A new white paper to help you put your company on a path to successful cloud migration.

DevOps Networking Windows July 12, 2021

Accidental Network Outage? Here’s How You Can Regain Access to Your Google Cloud Windows Instance - Reconnecting when Windows server is unexpectedly disconnected from the internet.

DevOps Official Blog SRE July 5, 2021

Announcing the 2021 State of DevOps Report Sponsors

Cloud CDN DevOps SRE July 5, 2021

Google Cloud CDN Custom Dashboard - An example of a custom Dashboard in Cloud Monitoring for Cloud CDN.

DevOps Official Blog SRE June 22, 2021

Are we there yet? Thoughts on assessing an SRE team’s maturity - Examining the key indicators that signal a mature SRE team.

DevOps Official Blog SRE June 7, 2021

DevOps on Google Cloud: tools to speed up software development velocity - Google Cloud’s application development and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools help ForgeRock developers stay productive.

DevOps May 31, 2021

Google Cloud Platform Architecture Diagrams - Use cases of GCP Diagrams.

DevOps SRE May 24, 2021

Book - Implementing DevOps on Google Cloud - Achieving Google’s Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer Certification.

DevOps Workflows May 24, 2021

Cloud Workflows Continuous Deployment with GitHub Actions! - Deploying Workflow config file from GitHub.

DevOps Terraform May 24, 2021

Terraform your chef-workstation on GCP - Setting up Chef workstation on GCP using Terraform.

DevOps IAM Security May 17, 2021

How to generate short-lived GCP Service Account Keys or OAuth2 tokens with Vault - Storing service accounts inside the Vault.

CI Cloud Source Repositories DevOps Kubernetes May 17, 2021

CI/CD Pipeline using Cloud Build with GitOps Technique - Learn how to set up a CI/CD pipeline for your frequent development code changes with Git Repository in Google Cloud.

CI Cloud Functions DevOps NodeJS Serverless May 10, 2021

Deploying GCP Cloud Function via Bitbucket Pipelines + Serverless Framework - Setting CI/CD pipeline for Cloud Functions.

DevOps Official Blog May 10, 2021

Take the 2021 State of DevOps survey: Shape the future of DevOps - Help us shape the future of DevOps and make your voice heard by completing the 2021 State of DevOps survey before June 11, 2021.

Cloud Operations DevOps Official Blog SRE May 10, 2021

SRE fundamentals 2021: SLIs vs SLAs vs SLOs - What’s the difference between an SLI, an SLO and an SLA? Google Site Reliability Engineers (SRE) explain.

DevOps Official Blog SRE May 3, 2021

SRE at Google: Our complete list of CRE life lessons - Find links to blog posts that share Google’s SRE best practices in one handy location.

DevOps Official Blog SRE April 25, 2021

5 resources to help you get started with SRE - Here are top five Google Cloud resources for getting started on your SRE journey.

DevOps Networking April 19, 2021

Google Cloud Diagrams - hava.io allows creating cloud diagrams displaying your GCP network, the underlying availability zones, and subnets.

Cloud SQL DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes April 19, 2021

How to prevent Kubernetes Cron Jobs with Sidecar containers from getting stuck - Connecting to Cloud SQL from GKE.

App Engine CI DevOps Gitlab Tutorial April 19, 2021

How to Setup Gitlab CI Pipeline For Google Cloud App Engine? - Process of setting CI/CD pipeline in Gitlab to deploy App Engine application.

DevOps Docker Kubernetes April 19, 2021

Kubectl and gcloud client with Google Cloud and Docker - How to save money and avoid paying for the VPN connectivity to forward few ports between clusters.

Ansible DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes March 29, 2021

How to automate the setup of a Kubernetes cluster on GCP - Using Ansible to install, setup, and configure a Google Kubernetes Cluster (GKE) on Google Cloud Platform.

Cloud Source Repositories DevOps Gitlab March 29, 2021

How to mirror a GitLab project to Google Cloud Source Repositories - Setting up Cloud Source repo from a GitLab project.

DevOps GKE Autopilot Kubernetes March 22, 2021

Running QuestDB on GKE Autopilot - Extending the QuestDB Helm chart with monitoring and automated backups for a production-ready setup on GKE Autopilot.

Airflow CI Cloud Build DevOps Python March 22, 2021

Composer CI/CD pipeline with Cloud Build and Python script - The objective of this article is to show one way of implementing CI/CD on Composer using only GCP tools and Python.

DevOps GKE Autopilot Kubernetes March 8, 2021

Autopilot in Google Kubernetes Engine - There is no doubt that Google is one of the best managed Kubernetes service provider.

DevOps Kubernetes Terraform March 8, 2021

Quickly Deploy Applications Using Terraform With Kubernetes on GCP - Creating and deploying applications on GKE with Terraform.

CI DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine March 8, 2021

Use CircleCI to Drive CI/CD of Microservices into GKE - This article presents a journey of using CircleCI to drive CI/CD of microservices into GKE.

Anthos DevOps Kubernetes March 1, 2021

Anthos lightweight developer sandbox - A quick way to get started using some features of GCP Anthos.

DevOps GCP Certification Kubernetes Feb. 8, 2021

7 Free Google Cloud DevOps Engineer Certification Courses - A collection of free Udemy and Coursera courses to learn Cloud Computing and DevOps and prepare for Google Cloud DevOps Engineer certification.

DevOps Infrastructure Official Blog Feb. 1, 2021

New white paper: Strengthening operational resilience in financial services by migrating to Google Cloud - Learn how migrating to Google Cloud can play a critical role in strengthening operational resilience in the financial services sector.

Cloud Operations DevOps Official Blog SRE Jan. 25, 2021

Take the first step toward SRE with Cloud Operations Sandbox - Spin up the Cloud Operations Sandbox to see how Google’s logging, monitoring, tracing, profiling and debugging can kickstart your SRE practice.

Cloud DNS DevOps Kubernetes Jan. 18, 2021

Migrating applications between Kubernetes clusters - A simple way to gradually migrate applications between Kubernetes deployments without affecting intra-cluster traffic.

App Engine DevOps GCP Experience Microservices Serverless Jan. 18, 2021

How to Scale Up Web Check-in for Millions using Microservices & DevOps - How AirAsia is using tens of microservices in Node.JS/Python deployed on Google App Engine.

CI DevOps Gitlab Google Kubernetes Engine Jan. 18, 2021

Gitlab — Exploring CICD-AutoDevOps to GKE - Exploring Gitlab CICD Pipeline — Auto DevOps to deploy to GKE.

CI Cloud Build DevOps Gitlab Jan. 18, 2021

Custom Gitlab CICD using Auto DevOps template + Add Cloud Build in GCP - Gitlab CICD with Custom Auto DevOps template + Cloud Build stage in GCP.

CI Cloud Run DevOps Terraform Jan. 11, 2021

CI/CD for Cloud Run with Terraform - How to automate GCP Cloud Run setup with Terraform Cloud (Parts 1& 2).

CI DevOps Gitlab Jan. 11, 2021

Exploring Cloud Build, Source Repository plugin in Jenkins w/ Gitlab as SCM - Jenkins plugin for Cloud Build, Source Repo and Gitlab — CICD in GCP.

CI DevOps Gitlab Google Kubernetes Engine Terraform Jan. 4, 2021

Automating DevOps Workflows with GitLab and Terraform - A full CI/CD pipeline for an app deployed on GKE.

DevOps GCP Certification Dec. 28, 2020

How to pass the Google Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer certification - Learn how to pass the Google Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer certification leveraging only free resources.

Cloud Load Balancing DevOps Kubernetes Dec. 28, 2020

GCP Internal Network LBs , How magical? - If you ever decide to tcpdump on a node behind a GCP internal Loadbalancer you will be surprised to see that the packets aren’t destined to the interface ip on your VM.

Cloud Run DevOps Python Serverless Dec. 21, 2020

How I design 12-factor cloud native app on GCP. - Discussion and implementing 12 factor app on GCP.

DevOps IAM Security Dec. 7, 2020

Perils of GCP’s Compute Engine default service account - A case against using Default Compute Engine default service account.

DevOps Official Blog Dec. 7, 2020

Launching code you didn't write: Shipping Next 2020 demos at scale - Behind the scenes of Next 2020.

DevOps Kubeflow Machine Learning Nov. 30, 2020

How to efficiently grow your all-around ML capability, from R&D to production! - This blog post explores the current MLOps landscape, open-source tools, and various offerings available on Google Cloud Platform.

Beginner DevOps Docker Google Kubernetes Engine Java Kubernetes Nov. 30, 2020

A Kubernetes Tale: Part II — Gotta Kubernetise ’em all - This tutorial helps you to create your first cluster on GKE and deploy Java application.

Cloud Monitoring DevOps Monitoring Nov. 22, 2020

Building monitoring dashboards for fun and profit - New functionalities of Dashboard Editor for Cloud Monitoring.

Config Connector DevOps Kubernetes Official Blog Nov. 22, 2020

I do declare! Infrastructure automation with Configuration as Data - Configuration as Data enables operational consistency, security, and velocity on Google Cloud with products like Config Connector.

DevOps Kubernetes Official Blog Nov. 22, 2020

Introducing Voucher, a service to help secure the container supply chain - Shopify developed the open-source Voucher on top of Google Cloud Binary Authorization to help secure its container supply chain.

Artifact Registry DevOps Official Blog Nov. 22, 2020

Turbocharge your software supply chain with Artifact Registry, now GA - Artifact Registry is now GA and lets you store OS and language packages as well as container images for your software supply chain.

CI DevOps Terraform Nov. 16, 2020

Automating Terraform Deployment to Google Cloud with GitHub Actions - CI/CD using GitHub Actions.

DevOps Typescript Nov. 16, 2020

Introducing “GCP Project Switcher” Extension for VS Code — My Weekend Project - GCP Project Switcher is a Visual Studio Code extension which allows switching between GCP projects.

Cloud Run DevOps Nov. 16, 2020

Cloud Run Docker Mirror - Cloud Run Docker Mirror copies images from one Docker v2 Registry to another, as a service.

DevOps GCP Certification Nov. 9, 2020

Notes from my Google Cloud Professional DevOps Engineer Certification Exam - Preparing for, writing, and passing the Google Cloud Professional DevOps Engineer Certification.

DevOps GCP Certification Nov. 9, 2020

How I prepared for GCP Professional DevOps certification exam - Topics to go through when preparing for the DevOps certificate exam.

Cloud Operations Cloud Profiler DevOps GCP Experience Official Blog Nov. 9, 2020

How Mercari reduced request latency by 15% with Cloud Profiler - Tools like Cloud Profiler and Cloud Trace helped DevOps teams at Mercari track down problems and improve latency of their service.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Monitoring Nov. 2, 2020

Setting up Cloud Operations for GKE - A review of Cloud Ops for GKE.

CI Cloud Functions DevOps Python Nov. 2, 2020

Deploying serverless GCP Cloud Function via Bitbucket Pipelines - Setting CI/CD pipeline in Bitbucket to deploy Cloud Function.

Cloud Storage DevOps Terraform Oct. 26, 2020

How I used Google Cloud Storage to host my own Terraform providers registry - Setting Terraform registry in Cloud Storage.

Cloud Build DevOps SRE Oct. 12, 2020

Gitflow with Github and Cloud Build - Implementing Gitflow using Github and Cloud Build.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Oct. 12, 2020

The Infrastructure Triumvirate: Continuous Service and Infrastructure Delivery with Argo, Kustomize, and Google Config Connector - Using ArgoCD (declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes) on GKE.

DevOps Official Blog Oct. 12, 2020

Announcing Google Cloud buildpacks—container images made easy - Google Cloud buildpacks make it much easier and faster to build applications on top of containers.

CI Container Registry DevOps Oct. 12, 2020

Jib, CircleCI and Google Container Registry - Using Jib for building Spring Boot Docker images and pushing to Google Container Registry on CircleCI.

DevOps Monitoring SRE Oct. 5, 2020

How to alert on SLOs - How to use SLO error budget alerts in Monitoring.

API API Gateway Cloud Functions Cloud Run DevOps Go Terraform Sept. 28, 2020

GCP API Gateway Demo with Terraform / Go / Cloud Run - An example of using API Gateway connecting 2 microservices.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Sept. 28, 2020

SRE Classroom: exercises for non-abstract large systems design - Learn how to apply SRE principles in this series of workshops on non-abstract large systems design (NALSD) with Google engineers.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Sept. 28, 2020

Are you an Elite DevOps performer? Find out with the Four Keys Project - Learn how the Four Keys open source project lets you gauge your DevOps performance according to DORA metrics.

AWS DevOps Kubernetes Sept. 14, 2020

Reducing costs by leveraging GKE Optimizations and GCP Preemptible VMs - In this article we will show an example of how the thought process works when we tackle the resource optimization problem.

Cloud Monitoring DevOps SRE Terraform Sept. 7, 2020

Creating SLOs with Terraform - Example of creating SLO for Cloud Monitoring using Terraform.

CI DevOps Firebase Aug. 31, 2020

Set up CI/CD with Firebase(GCP) and GitHub in 10 minutes - CI/CD pipeline for Firebase deployment.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Aug. 17, 2020

Using Custom Metrics to Horizontally Autoscale a Google Kubernetes Engine Deployment. - Setting up custom metrics and configuring a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to scale your GKE deployment based on the custom metrics.

Cloud Firestore DevOps Firebase Aug. 17, 2020

Create Automatic Firestore Backups with GitHub Actions - Using Github Actions to perform periodical Cloud Firestore backups.

CI DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Aug. 10, 2020

Deployment of containerized application to GKE using CircleCI - CircleCI provides CI/CD to automate deployment of containerized app to GKE, let’s look at how easy it can be done!

CI DevOps SAP July 20, 2020

SAP on Google Cloud: HANA HDI containers and CI/CD pipelines - Incorporating SAP HANA HDI containers into a CI/CD pipeline with microservices in Node.js and Golang.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes NodeJS July 20, 2020

Kubernetes Cluster for Node API with Socket.io and automatic SSL - Full Node API example with all of the config files needed to create an inexpensive Kubernetes cluster with support for socket.io/websockets.

AI Platform Notebooks DevOps Jupyter Notebook Machine Learning Terraform Tutorial July 13, 2020

Terraform support for AI Platform Notebooks - Notebooks API supports deployments through Terraform.

DevOps IAM Security July 6, 2020

Stop downloading Google Cloud service account keys! - An alternative way to use Service Account keys instead of downloading them.

DevOps Python Serverless July 6, 2020

How to Set Up a Deployment Pipeline on GCP with Cloud Build and Cloud Functions - Automatically deploying Cloud Function instances when changes get pushed to your Git repositories.

Beginner DevOps Docker July 6, 2020

Sometimes Change is Bad: Immutable Infrastructure - Principles of immutable infrastructure.

CI DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Tutorial July 3, 2020

How I Setup A Simple CI/ CD Process With Jenkins And GKE Part 2 - Setting CI/CD pipeline with Jenkins on GKE.

Cloud Tasks DevOps June 29, 2020

Managing background jobs with Cloud Tasks - Use Cloud Tasks to manage your background jobs at scale, without drowning your worker.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Security June 22, 2020

A painless way to manage secrets in Google Kubernetes Engine - Berglas is the simplest solution we’ve seen for managing secrets on Kubernetes clusters in GKE. Here’s why it’s our new favourite.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes June 22, 2020

GKE checklist for production - A checklist regarding GKE readiness for production.

Cloud Pub/Sub DevOps Monitoring Tutorial June 15, 2020

Warehousing Cloud Monitoring Alerts - The article describes how to set alert to trigger Pub/Sub topic.

Cloud Monitoring DevOps June 1, 2020

Alert Policies Creation tricks with json file on GCP - Creating Alert policies with Cloud SDK.

Cloud Run DevOps June 1, 2020

A Minimal Serverless Identity Aware Proxy for Google Cloud Run - Learn how to wrap an existing service with a custom Identity Aware Proxy, so you services do not need to need to worry about it.

DevOps Official Blog SRE June 1, 2020

Meeting reliability challenges with SRE principles - Following SRE principles can help you build reliable production systems. When getting started, you may encounter three common challenges. Here’s how to solve them.

AWS DevOps Google Cloud Platform May 25, 2020

Why I think GCP is better than AWS - Personal opinion based on experience with both platforms.

CI DevOps Gitlab Google Kubernetes Engine Security May 25, 2020

SLIM: Hydrating cloud native CI/CD pipelines to securely access GCP projects - Secret-less-identity-management system for Gitlab & Kubernetes Engine.

DevOps Firebase May 25, 2020

Firebase Emulators User Interface - Overview of new Firebase tooling for local development.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine May 18, 2020

Load balancing TCP services in Multiple GKE clusters (different regions) - Routing a TCP traffic to GKE clusters sitting in different regions.

CI Cloud Build Cloud Run Container Registry DevOps May 18, 2020

How to Set Up a Deployment Pipeline on GCP with Cloud Build, Container Registry and Cloud Run - Automatically building and deploying containers into Cloud Run when changes get pushed to your Git repositories.

DevOps Kubernetes Terraform May 4, 2020

Deploying Kubernetes Cluster on GCloud using Terraform - Guide to deploy modular Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine Cluster with Latest Terraform version 0.12.

Cloud Build Cloud Run DevOps Docker Java May 4, 2020

How to CI/CD on Google Cloud Platform - Using Cloud Build, Google Container Registry, and Cloud Run to continuously build and deploy a simple Java application.

AWS DevOps Networking VPC May 4, 2020

VPN tunneling between an AWS VPC & a GCP VPC - Setting up VPN tunneling between VPCs in AWS and GCP.

DevOps IAM Security April 27, 2020

ChatOps for Production Access Control - Using IAM Conditions with Cloud Functions and Slack for access control.

DevOps Terraform April 27, 2020

Automating the Deployment of Infrastructure Using Terraform on GCP - Example of creating Compute Engine instances using Terraform.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes April 27, 2020

Kubernetes Engine (GKE) multi-cluster life cycle management series - Five-part series on multi-cluster GKE architecture.

DevOps Kubernetes Stackdriver April 27, 2020

How to Scale Kubernetes Applications Using Custom Metrics - Scale your containers using custom Stackdriver metrics that are important to your business.

Cloud Run DevOps Terraform April 27, 2020

Migrating a shell script deployed Cloud Run service to use Terraform - Converting Cloud Run deployment shell script to Terraform deployment.

DevOps Kubernetes April 20, 2020

Creating a Helm repo on Google Cloud - A look at how Mettle created a helm repository in Google Cloud to store their custom helm charts.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes April 13, 2020

Deploying Your Applications Using Codefresh, Google Cloud Platform, and Google Kubernetes Engine - An example of using Codefresh for automating the process of getting your code built, tested, and deployed on Google Kubernetes Engine.

DevOps Terraform April 13, 2020

How to Terraform With Jenkins and Slack on Google’s Cloud Platform - Integrating Terraform deployments with Jenkins and Slack on Google Cloud.

DevOps Official Blog SRE April 13, 2020

Learn to build secure and reliable systems with a new book from Google - Engineers across Google's security and SRE organizations share best practices to help you design scalable and reliable systems that are fundamentally secure.

Cloud Run DevOps Secret Manager Security Serverless March 28, 2020

Secret Manager: Improve Cloud Run security without changing the code - Using Secret Manager with Cloud Run environmental variables.

CI Cloud Data Fusion Data Analytics DevOps March 16, 2020

CI/CD and Change Management for Pipelines — Part 1 - Process and steps to take in order to implement a CI/CD pipeline for CDAP (Cloud Data Fusion).

App Engine Azure DevOps March 16, 2020

Deploy GCP App Engine from Azure Release Pipelines - Interesting combination, deploying App Engine app from Azure DevOps pipelines.

AWS DevOps GCP Experience SRE March 9, 2020

Our migration journey from AWS to Google Cloud — Part 1 - Description of infrastructure migration from AWS to GCP, part 1.

CI Cloud Build DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Java Kubernetes March 9, 2020

Simple CI/CD for Java on GKE - Ever wanted a CI/CD pipeline that takes little effort and just works? This post explains how to do this for Java and GKE using Jib and Keel.

CI DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog March 9, 2020

Create deployment pipelines for your GKE workloads in a few clicks - Automated deployment lets you create continuous delivery pipelines for Google Kubernetes Engine in a few clicks.

AWS DevOps GCP Experience SRE March 9, 2020

Our migration journey from AWS to Google Cloud — Part 2 - Description of infrastructure migration from AWS to GCP, part 2.

Compute Engine DevOps Python Recommender Feb. 24, 2020

New ground — What about optimizing the size of machines? - Using Recommender API to get information about resizing Compute Engine instances.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog Feb. 24, 2020

New Application Manager brings GitOps to Google Kubernetes Engine - Learn how the Application Manager add-on for GKE can help you simplify the lifecycle of your Kubernetes applications.

Compute Engine DevOps Feb. 17, 2020

Google Cloud’s Best Hidden Feature - How to convert Web UI action to the equivalent REST call or CLI command.

DevOps Feb. 10, 2020

Using Cloudockit for Your Google Cloud Architecture Diagrams - Cloudockit (architecture diagram tool) supports Google Cloud as well for some time.

DevOps Secret Manager Feb. 3, 2020

GCP Secret Manager - First Look - A first look at the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Secret Manager currently in Beta.

Anthos DevOps GCP Certification Official Blog Feb. 3, 2020

Announcing new certifications for technical leaders and DevOps engineers - Introducing new resources for Google Cloud customers and partners: Google Cloud Certified Fellow and DevOps certification.

DevOps Monitoring Stackdriver Jan. 27, 2020

SLOs with Stackdriver Service Monitoring - Using Stackdriver monitoring API for Service Level Objectives.

Beginner Compute Engine DevOps Terraform Jan. 13, 2020

Deploy Web Server on Google Compute Engine with Terraform - Step by step process to deploy Nginx webserver on Google Compute Engine with Terraform.

DevOps Official Blog Dec. 23, 2019

Accelerate GCP Foundation Buildout with automation - Build your GCP environment fast with Cloud Foundation Toolkit templates.

DevOps Javascript Stackdriver Dec. 9, 2019

Collecting browser console logs in Stackdriver - This post explains how to improve the supportability of your browser JavaScript by exporting browser console logs to a central location in Google Stackdriver Logging.

AWS DevOps Infrastructure Dec. 9, 2019

How To Create A GKE Cluster using AWS CloudFormation - Using CloudFormation to create resources in Google Cloud.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Dec. 9, 2019

Shrinking the time to mitigate production incidents - CRE life lessons - See how you can use SRE and CRE principles and tests from Google, including Wheel of Misfortune and DiRT, to reduce the time needed to mitigate production incidents.

DevOps Security Nov. 18, 2019

5 “pillars” for securing a cloud environment of agile working teams, without centralized IT - The article discusses issues in handling security complexities within an organization with various autonomous working teams.

DevOps Official Blog Nov. 18, 2019

4 steps to a successful cloud migration - A white paper to help guide your migration to Google Cloud.

CI DevOps Kubernetes Nov. 11, 2019

E2E Kubernetes CI/CD with Google Cloud Build - An architecture of CI/CD pipeline for deploying a Kubernetes application.

DevOps Kubernetes Official Blog Nov. 11, 2019

Kubernetes development, simplified—Skaffold is now GA - Skaffold, a build and deploy automation tool for Kubernetes applications, is generally available.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Nov. 4, 2019

How to integrate Policy Intelligence recommendations into an IaC pipeline - Learn how to incorporate recommendations from Policy Intelligence into an infrastructure as code pipeline

DevOps Security Terraform Oct. 28, 2019

HashiCorp Vault and Terraform on Google Cloud — Security Best Practices - Deploy HashiCorp Vault with Terraform on Google Cloud adhering to security best practices and least privilege.

Compute Engine DevOps Terraform Oct. 14, 2019

Updating instances in a GCP Managed Instance Group with Terraform - Using Terraform to update the Instance Group configuration for a group of Compute Engine VMs.

DevOps Docker Firebase Oct. 14, 2019

Deploying a site to Firebase Hosting using Google Cloud Build, Hugo, and Docsy - Using Cloud Build to deploy a static website on Firebase.

DevOps Official Blog Sept. 30, 2019

Cloud Build brings advanced CI/CD capabilities to GitHub - Tighter integration between Cloud Build and GitHub opens up advanced CI/CD workflows for DevOps shops.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Sept. 16, 2019

Shrinking the impact of production incidents using SRE principles—CRE Life Lessons - SRE principles can help you shrink the impact of production incidents through use of SLOs, writing postmortems, and promoting a blameless culture.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Aug. 26, 2019

A Primer on HTTP Load Balancing in Kubernetes using Ingress on Google Cloud Platform - Overview of options to expose applications externally with a focus on Ingress.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Aug. 26, 2019

Highly Available time-series database on Kubernetes - Setting and deploying TimescaleDB on GKE.

DevOps Official Blog Aug. 26, 2019

The 2019 Accelerate State of DevOps: Elite performance, productivity, and scaling - DORA and Google Cloud have published the 2019 Accelerate State of DevOps Report.

DevOps Storage Terraform Aug. 19, 2019

How To Process Time Series Data On GCP - Introducing a set of open source modules for the TICK stack (Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitor) on GCP.

DevOps Docker Kubernetes Aug. 19, 2019

Run a personal Cloud with Traefik, Let’s encrypt and Zookeeper - Kubernetes ingress with Traefik.

AWS DevOps Aug. 12, 2019

Top 7 things to learn for the GCP Cloud Architect certification exam - In this article I will try to summarise and highlight the most essential things that the Cloud Architect exam will focus on.

CI DevOps GCP Experience Kubernetes Aug. 5, 2019

Sailing Toward Continuous Deployment on Google Cloud with Spinnaker - Experience with using Spinnaker for Continous Integration.

CI DevOps Official Blog July 29, 2019

Introducing Spinnaker for Google Cloud Platform—continuous delivery made easy - A new Spinnaker for GCP solution makes it easier to adopt continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) for your projects.

Cloud Functions DevOps Monitoring Official Blog Stackdriver July 22, 2019

Operate with confidence: Keeping your functions functioning with monitoring, logging and error reporting - Learn how to use Stackdriver monitoring tools to quickly detect bugs that slipped into production.

Data Science DevOps Kubernetes Machine Learning July 15, 2019

Automated Model Retraining with Kubeflow Pipelines - How to implement a reproducible ML workflow that adapts to new data

Cloud Source Repositories DevOps Official Blog July 15, 2019

Production debugging comes to Cloud Source Repositories - You can now debug production code running on GCP from within Cloud Source Repositories, using capabilities from Stackdriver Debugger.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Terraform July 1, 2019

GCP DevOps tricks: Create a custom Cloud Shell image that includes Terraform and Helm - Learn how to add DevOps tools like Helm and Terraform to Cloud Shell, GCP’s browser-based management tool

DevOps Official Blog SRE July 1, 2019

How SRE teams are organized, and how to get started - Getting started with SRE often starts with understanding SRE principles and how teams are organized. Find tips here on which SRE team implementation to use.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes June 17, 2019

Kubernetes Workers Autoscaling based on RabbitMQ queue size - Using Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (HPA) to scale based on custom metrics.

Compute Engine DevOps May 27, 2019

Kafka from zero to hero: zero-downtime Kafka migration - Description of Kafka migration process from Kubernetes to Google Compute Engine.

DevOps Kubernetes Terraform May 27, 2019

Kubernetes deployment on Google Compute Engine using Terraform - In case you don't want to use GKE but instead setup your own Kubernetes cluster with Terraform.

DevOps Kubernetes May 27, 2019

How to manually install and configure GitLab Runners on GKE - The article describes how to setup GitLab Runner on GKE.

DevOps Kubernetes May 27, 2019

Canary Releases with Traefik on GKE at HolidayCheck - Using Traefik on GKE to split traffic across deployments.

Cloud Build Container Registry DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes May 20, 2019

Microservices & DevOps Experience in the Google Cloud Platform - Experience with DevOps GCP products.

DevOps Terraform May 13, 2019

Open-Sourcing Production-Grade Modules for GCP - Terraform modules to deploy basic infrastructure on GCP.

DevOps Official Blog Terraform May 13, 2019

Deploying a production-grade Helm release on GKE with Terraform - Gruntwork has an automated process for deploying workloads to GKE with Helm and HashiCorp Terraform.

BigQuery DevOps GCP Experience May 6, 2019

A Database Migration Story: 99% Cost Reduction and 100% Hindsight - How BetterCloud’s Data Team executed a long database migration from MS Azure SQL Server to Bigquery.

DevOps Infrastructure Official Blog SRE April 8, 2019

Want repeatable scale? Adopt infrastructure as code on GCP - The article describes concepts and motivation for Infrastructure as a Code approach.

DevOps Official Blog SRE March 25, 2019

Introducing a new Coursera course on Site Reliability Engineering - The new course, Site Reliability Engineering: Measuring and Managing Reliability, distills years of collective Google SRE experience with designing and managing complex systems that meet their reliability targets.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine March 25, 2019

Creating Your Kubernetes Cluster in Google Cloud Platform Using Service Account - The article explains how to create a Kubernetes cluster with the service account and what role it should have.

CI DevOps March 25, 2019

CI/CD on Google Cloud - CI/CD developer hub, a collection of resources for Google Cloud.

DevOps Official Blog SRE March 18, 2019

Make your voice heard! Take the 2019 Accelerate State of DevOps survey - By contributing to the survey, you will help shape the narrative of the rapidly growing DevOps industry. Your insights will help drive conversations on how as an industry we can develop software faster with less risk.

App Engine Cloud Build DevOps Feb. 25, 2019

Setting up a CI/CD for GAE and Cloud Functions with Google Cloud Build - Using GAE and Serverless with Google Cloud Build to set-up CI/CD.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Feb. 10, 2019

Overview of aproaches for Kubernetes on GCP. - Overview of various approaches and tools for CI/CD with Kubernetes on GCP.

DevOps Official Blog Feb. 10, 2019

Seven steps to making DevOps a reality - Steps to adopt DevOps.

CI DevOps Kubernetes Feb. 4, 2019

Continuous Delivery Pipelines to Google Kubernetes Engine with Gitlab - Building a continuous integration and deployment pipeline into Kubernetes running on Google Cloud platform.

Compute Engine DevOps Feb. 4, 2019

Getting Started with Red Hat Ansible for Google Cloud Platform - Explore the use of Ansible, the open source community project sponsored by Red Hat.

DevOps Official Blog Python Jan. 28, 2019

Otto Group CLASH: an open-source tool to run bash scripts directly on GCP - CLoud bASH, or CLASH, which takes a bash script as an input and simply runs it inside a cloud environment.

CI Compute Engine DevOps GPU Terraform Jan. 28, 2019

Seamlessly Integrated Deep Learning Environment with Terraform, Google cloud, Gitlab and Docker - Setting up a GCE Instance with GPUs in an automated way using Terraform and deploy code from Gitlab.

DevOps Official Blog Jan. 21, 2019

Guide: Creating custom base images for GCP with Jenkins and Packer - How to set up the Jenkins job and Packer script to create custom base images that you can use in GCP.

DevOps Official Blog SRE Jan. 21, 2019

Canary analysis: Lessons learned and best practices from Google and Waze - How Waze is using Spinnaker (continuous delivery system) to do canary deployments.

DevOps Terraform Jan. 14, 2019

A complete GCP environment with Terraform - A full Google Cloud Platform (GCP) environment built using Terraform automation.

DevOps Official Blog Jan. 7, 2019

App migration checklist: How to decide what to move to cloud first - Perspective on managing your cloud migration journey.

DevOps Docker Terraform Jan. 7, 2019

Deploy a Docker Swarm cluster on GCP with Terraform - How to deploy a Docker Swarm cluster on GCP using Terraform from scratch.

Cloud Build Compute Engine DevOps Terraform Jan. 7, 2019

Deploy Private Docker Registry on GCP with Nexus, Terraform and Packer - Article describes how to deploy Sonatype Nexus OSS 3 on Google Cloud Platform and how to create a private Docker hosted repository to store your Docker images and other build artifacts (maven, npm and pypi, etc).

Advanced DevOps Terraform Dec. 31, 2018

7 Tips to Start Your Terraform Project the Right Way - Things to have in mind when working on Terraform project.

DevOps Google Cloud Platform Dec. 17, 2018

Continuous Delivery in Google Cloud Platform — Cloud Build with Compute Engine - 2nd part of a series written to tackle Continuous Delivery in Google Cloud Platform.

DevOps Security Dec. 17, 2018

Using GCP there’s a checklist for that! - 9 part series of articles containing detailed checklists of things you need to evaluate & prepare for deploying your application to Google Cloud Platform.

CI DevOps Dec. 10, 2018

Continuous Integration and Deployment for Data Pipelines at 90 Seconds - Interesting challenges when applying CI/CD to data engineering.

Cloud Build DevOps Docker Dec. 10, 2018

Developing With Containers Done Right - Setting process to automatically build and deploy containers using Cloud Build.

CI Cloud Build DevOps Kubernetes Nov. 19, 2018

Modern Frontend CI/CD Architecture — The Missing Guide (Part. 1): The CI. - Set up a complete CI/CD using Github, Google Cloud Build and Kubernetes.

DevOps Nov. 19, 2018

DevOps in a serverless world best practices and tools

DevOps Terraform Oct. 29, 2018

Terraform in GCloud Shell: Learning Infrastructure Automation Made Simple - Tutorial on how to start with Terraform on Google Cloud Platform.

App Engine DevOps Oct. 22, 2018

Full CI/CD Pipeline with Jenkins, Octopus and Google Cloud - Build CI/CD Pipeline with Jenkins, Octopus and Google Cloud.

App Engine CI DevOps Oct. 15, 2018

GitLab CI/CD — Deploy to two different AppEngine instances and projects - Build a deployment pipeline in such a way that the latest code is deployed to two different AppEngine instances across different project.

App Engine DevOps Oct. 8, 2018

Getting started with Angular 6, GitLab CI/CD and Google App Engine - Initial setup to better understand and configure a continuous integration and delivery architecture (CI/CD).

DevOps Oct. 8, 2018

Kubernetes Podcast - #23 Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, with Andrew Philips and Lars Wander

DevOps Infrastructure Oct. 8, 2018

GCP infrastructure and operations: watch and learn - List of sessions that attendees at Next ‘18 in San Francisco rated highest on the topics of infrastructure and operations.

Compute Engine DevOps Official Blog Sept. 10, 2018

How to deploy a TeamCity Continuous Integration solution to Google Cloud - Deploy TeamCity server on Google Compute Engine in order to achieve these advantages for your organization.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Sept. 10, 2018

Managing Helm releases on GKE the GitOps way - Managing Helm releases on GKE using GitOps.

Cloud Build DevOps Sept. 10, 2018

Building, Testing, and Optimizing Code on Google Cloud - Use of Google Cloud Platform tools for building and testing.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Sept. 1, 2018

GoCD on Google Kubernetes Engine Using Terraform - GoCD is a CD tool, this post explores configuring it on Google Kubernetes Engine Using Terraform.

DevOps Sept. 1, 2018

Load Testing For Cloud Migration - Performance testing for a high traffic web app migrating to Google Cloud Platform.

CI DevOps Official Blog July 30, 2018

Google Cloud and GitHub collaborate to make CI fast and easy - Google Cloud and GitHub are delivering a new integrated experience that connects GitHub with Google’s Cloud Build, our new CI/CD platform.

DevOps July 23, 2018

Terraform Pipelines in GitLab - Setting up terraform Pipelines in GitLab.

DevOps Python July 23, 2018

Deploy a basic Python application using Jenkins X & Kubernetes - Creating Kubernetes cluster using Jenkins X and setting CI/CD.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine NodeJS July 9, 2018

CircleCI 2 and Google Cloud Kubernetes - Using CircleCI 2 for a NodeJS application that uses MySQL and Redis.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine July 2, 2018

Hello DevOps! (part 1) - Setting up web application on Kubernetes Engine with CI/CD GitLab pipeline.

Beginner DevOps Kubernetes June 18, 2018

Terraform is Amazing — The power of Trial and Error - Example of using Terraform to create Kubernetes cluster on GCP.

DevOps Infrastructure June 11, 2018

Test Driven Infrastructure on GCP - Testing created infrastructure on GCP using InSpec.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine June 11, 2018

Deploy Kubernetes Apps with Terraform - Spinning up a Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud using GKE.

Beginner DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Tutorial June 11, 2018

Learn Terraform by deploying a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster - Guide to getting started with Terraform.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine June 11, 2018

Deploying to Google Kubernetes Engine - Detailed overview of how Etsy makes deployments to Google Kubernetes Engine.

DevOps June 4, 2018

Chef Deepens Support for Google Cloud Platform - Several improvements which improves working with Chef on GCP.

DevOps May 21, 2018

GCP Podcast - #127 SRE vs Devops with Liz Fong-Jones and Seth Vargo

DevOps Official Blog SRE May 14, 2018

SRE vs. DevOps: competing standards or close friends? - What exactly is SRE and how does it relate to DevOps?

Compute Engine DevOps Official Blog May 14, 2018

Using Jenkins on Google Compute Engine for distributed builds - Compute Engine Plugin, helping you to provision, configure and scale Jenkins build environments on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

DevOps Tutorial May 14, 2018

How to do Serverless Continuous Integration between GitHub and Google Cloud Platform - Serverless Continuous Integration between GitHub and Google Cloud Platform.

DevOps May 7, 2018

GCP Infrastructure as Code with Deployment Manager - Using Google Cloud Deployment Manager to automate the configuration of all your GCP resources.

Compute Engine DevOps April 23, 2018

Creating GCE Instances with Knife - How to Create GCE Instances with Chef's Knife-Google plug-in.

DevOps April 23, 2018

Appranix Site Reliability PaaS is now on the Google Cloud Marketplace - Appranix’s site reliability platform is now officially on the Google Cloud marketplace.

DevOps April 16, 2018

Introducing Kayenta: An open automated canary analysis tool from Google and Netflix - Kayenta, an open-source automated canary analysis service that allows teams to reduce risk associated with rolling out deployments to production at high velocity.

Cloud Storage DevOps April 16, 2018

Setup CI/CD Pipeline for your Flutter App using CircleCI - Using CircleCI to setup our build pipeline that does linting, runs tests and uploads generated build apk to Google Cloud Storage.

DevOps Security April 16, 2018

Bootstrapping GCP with Knife - Process to bootstrap systems with knife through a SSH deploy key installed into your Google Project.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog April 9, 2018

Now, you can deploy to Kubernetes Engine from GitLab with a few clicks - GitLab and Google Cloud have announced a new integration of GitLab and Kubernetes Engine that makes it easy for you to accelerate your application deployments by provisioning Kubernetes clusters from your DevOps pipeline supported by GitLab.

Cloud Functions DevOps April 2, 2018

Continuous Deployment for Serverless Google Cloud Functions - Building a continuous deployment pipeline for Google’s serverless Cloud Functions.

DevOps Tutorial March 26, 2018

Getting started with Google Cloud Platform to run DC/OS - Step by step tutorial to setup DC/OS (datacenter operating system) on Google Cloud Platform.

DevOps March 26, 2018

DC/OS on GCP — How to? - Learn about DC/OS (DataCenter Operating System) is opensource distributed operating system.

App Engine DevOps Java Tutorial March 19, 2018

Deploying Kotlin/Java applications to Google App Engine Standard with CircleCI - Tutorial about deploying Kotlin/Java applications to Google App Engine Standard with CircleCI.

App Engine DevOps March 19, 2018

How we automated deployments and testing with BitBucket Pipelines - Learn about automating deployments to Google App Engine with BitBucket Pipelines.

DevOps GCP Experience March 19, 2018

8 DevOps tools that smoothed our migration from AWS to GCP: Tamr - Tamr is data unification provider which recently migrated from AWS to GCP and shares 8 DevOps tools that smoothed transition.

DevOps March 12, 2018

SLIs, SLOs, SLAs, oh my! - 8 minutes of action-packed SRE and DevOps education.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine March 5, 2018

Google Kubernetes Engine + Google Cloud Builder + GitHub for easy and quick CD pipeline - Create CD pipeline with Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Builder and GitHub.

DevOps Tutorial March 5, 2018

Orchestrating Tomcat deployments in Google Cloud Platform using Ansible - Learn how to use Ansible to carry out Tomcat deployments in GCP.

DevOps Tutorial March 5, 2018

Setup Terraform with Google Provider - Learn how to setup Terraform with Google Provider.

App Engine DevOps Feb. 26, 2018

Use of Bitbucket Pipelines to Deploy Spring Boot Application in Google App Engine - Explore how to use of Bitbucket Pipelines to Deploy Spring Boot Application in Google App Engine.

DevOps Feb. 26, 2018

Terraforming GCP Part 1: Creating an Admin Project - Learn how to use Admin project pattern for use with Terraform.

Cloud Pub/Sub DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Feb. 19, 2018

CI/CD with Less Fluff & More Awesome - Learn about building CI/CD pipeline using Keel, Cloud Builder, PubSub, Helm, GitHub, and Kubernetes.

App Engine DevOps Feb. 12, 2018

Continuous Delivery using bitbucket pipelines to deploy NodeJS App in Google App Engine - Learn how to publish your NodeJS App in Google App Engine using bitbucket pipelines.

DevOps Google Cloud Platform Feb. 5, 2018

Building an Angular5 Docker App and deploying it using TeamCity, Kubernetes inside Google Cloud - First in a series for Continuous Integration on Google Cloud: Learn how to use TeamCity to manage the Google Cloud environment for Continuous Integration.

DevOps Kubernetes Feb. 5, 2018

Deploying a service with HTTPS and DNS inside Google Cloud - Second post of a series called Continuous Integration on Google Cloud: Learn how to use Google Cloud to deploy an HTTPS service.

DevOps Google Cloud Platform Feb. 5, 2018

Look Ma no kubectl - How a team created a low touch fully automated CI/CD process on Google Cloud Platform.

Beginner DevOps Tutorial Jan. 15, 2018

Building custom machine images with Packer - Step by steps instructions about how to build a custom machine image for the google cloud platform using packer.

Beginner Cloud Functions DevOps Tutorial Jan. 8, 2018

Continuous Integration (CI) and Delivery (CD) for Google Cloud Functions (GCF) using CircleCI - Continuous Integration and Delivery for Google Cloud Functions using CircleCI.

DevOps GCP Experience Dec. 25, 2017

Out of one, many: Using Jenkins, GCP projects and service accounts at Catalant - Setting Continuous Integration / Deployment with Jenkins throughout the project on Google Cloud Platform.

DevOps Puppet Dec. 18, 2017

Puppet and Google Cloud Platform: a year in review - Beside official partnership with Puppet, there also another wave of integrations for Google Cloud Products.

DevOps Dec. 4, 2017

Fearless shared postmortems — CRE life lessons - Article discusses benefits and complications of external (outside of company) postmortems.

DevOps Dec. 4, 2017

Bash hacks gcloud, kubectl, jq etc. - An emporium of bash tricks for optimizing these CLIs.

DevOps Dec. 4, 2017

Artifact Repository Management at TA - Article describes how Travel Agency company does artifact repository management on top of Google Cloud Platform technologies.

DevOps Dec. 4, 2017

Google Cloud Architecture for the Impatient | Part III - Description of Google Cloud Platform container options for applications.

DevOps Nov. 20, 2017

Google Cloud Architecture for the Impatient | Part II - How to manage infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform

DevOps Oct. 30, 2017

Using Terraform with Google Cloud Platform — Part 1/n - Simple example on how to set up a barebones VM instance in Google Cloud Platform using Terraform.

DevOps Oct. 30, 2017

Automating Google Cloud Platform with Chef

DevOps Oct. 16, 2017

Introducing Grafeas: An open-source API to audit and govern your software supply chain - Grafeas is an open source initiative to define a uniform way for auditing and governing the modern software supply chain.

DevOps Oct. 16, 2017

Five things learned using terraform to manage cloud infrastructure - Lessons learned using Terraform on Google Cloud Platform.

DevOps Oct. 9, 2017

Partnering on open source: Managing Google Cloud Platform with Chef - Comprehensive cookbooks for Chef users to manage Google Cloud Platform resources.

DevOps Kubernetes Sept. 18, 2017

Blue/Green Deployments on Kubernetes - How to use Blue/green deployments when rolling update (built in Kubernetes functionality) is not always possible for some applications and cases.

DevOps Sept. 11, 2017

How Waze tames production chaos using Spinnaker managed pipeline templates and infrastructure as code - Waze explains how Spinnaker pipeline templates solve a major issue for organizations running a lot of deployment pipelines.

DevOps June 12, 2017

Spinnaker 1.0: a continuous delivery platform for cloud - Spinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes with high velocity and confidence created by Netflix

DevOps May 29, 2017

Controlling Your Organization With HashiCorp Terraform and Google Cloud Platform

DevOps April 24, 2017

Using Terraform to manage Google Cloud Platform infrastructure as code - Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently

DevOps March 6, 2017

No-cost VM migration to Google Cloud Platform now available with CloudEndure - Migrating servers to Google Cloud Platform should be now easier, thanks to CloudEndure with free of charge service and no downtime for servers

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog

Enhancing Spinnaker’s Kubernetes support to ease app deployments - Understanding CI/CD for Kubernetes with Spinnaker.


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Zdenko Hrček
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Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]