Tag: Generative AI

AI Generative AI Machine Learning July 22, 2024

Quizaic — A Generative AI Case Study - Quizaic, a trivia quiz generator app powered by generative AI, showcases the potential and challenges of harnessing this technology.

Generative AI Machine Learning Vertex AI Workflows July 22, 2024

Orchestrate Generative AI Applications - with Cloud Workflows.

Generative AI Official Blog Security July 22, 2024

How to build user authentication into your gen AI app-accessing database - Generative AI agents can efficiently interact with data in databases to provide summaries, answer complex questions, and generate insightful content. However, concerns persist around safeguarding sensitive user data when integrating this technology. Rather than give the foundation model unbounded access, we can define specific tool functions that the agent uses to access database information securely and predictably.

Billing Generative AI LLM July 22, 2024

Control LLM costs with context caching - Context caching is a cost-saving technique for large language models (LLMs) with extensive context windows. The cached content can be used for subsequent prompts, and the number of input tokens cached are billed at a reduced rate.

Generative AI Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes LLM Machine Learning July 15, 2024

Distributed OpenSource LLM Fine-Tuning with LLaMA-Factory on GKE - This blog post explores distributed fine-tuning for LLMs using open-source tool LLaMA-Factory on Google Kubernetes Engine. LLaMA-Factory empowers researchers and developers to leverage pre-trained LLaMA models and efficiently fine-tune them on their own datasets.

Generative AI Java Machine Learning July 15, 2024

Long Document Summarization Techniques with Java, Langchain4J and Gemini models - Explore AI-driven summarization techniques for large documents, using Java, Langchain4J and the power of Google Gemini.

Generative AI Official Blog July 15, 2024

Transforming the Developer Experience for Every Engineering Role - Generative AI is revolutionizing software development by boosting productivity across various engineering disciplines, including application development, DevOps, site reliability, machine learning, data, security, QA, and software architecture. AI-powered tools assist in bug detection, prevention, fixes, and automated testing, accelerating innovation.

BigQuery Generative AI Machine Learning Vertex AI July 8, 2024

The Bookshelf Analytics App - The Bookshelf Analytics App is a Google Cloud and MongoDB Atlas-powered tool that uses AI to recommend books and provide summaries based on user preferences. It combines BigQuery, Gemini, Cloud Functions, and MongoDB Atlas to create a comprehensive book recommendation and summarization system. The app features a user interface hosted on Cloud Run that displays the results of the analysis.

Gemini Generative AI Vertex AI July 8, 2024

Vertex AI Context Caching with Gemini - Use caching to make your Gemini input up to 4 times cheaper.

AI Generative AI Machine Learning Vertex AI Agent Builder July 8, 2024

Generative Agents with Structured Data - Generative AI agents that can converse with employees about domain-specific knowledge are in demand. Vertex Agent Builder simplifies the process of building such agents, but it requires more work when interacting with structured data. To address this, we combined Agent Builder's Search and Generative Agents tools to create a maintainable solution. The result is a Generative Agent that can converse with users in plain English, understand their intent, retrieve relevant information from structured data, and provide answers in a conversational style.

Generative AI LLM Official Blog Vertex AI July 8, 2024

How to evaluate the impact of LLMs on business outcomes - The Vertex Gen AI Evaluation Service provides a toolkit with quality-controlled and explainable methods to evaluate the impact of large language models (LLMs) on business outcomes. It offers online and offline evaluations, auto-logging in Vertex AI Experiments, and pre-built pipeline components for production monitoring.

AI Generative AI LLM July 8, 2024

Quizaic — A Generative AI Case Study - Continuing with the series application Quizaic, which uses generative AI to create and play high quality trivia quizzes. This article explores how best to assess the accuracy of our AI-generated quizzes.

BigQuery Data Analytics Generative AI LLM Official Blog July 8, 2024

Prompting best practices for BigQuery data canvas - Tips to increase Natural Language to SQL or Chart queries in Bigquery Data Canvas.

AI Gemini Generative AI July 1, 2024

How to: Build a Chat Web Application with Streamlit, Cloud Run and Gemini Flash - In this post, we’ll explore how to create a basic chat application using Gemini Flash, which is a powerful multimodal AI model from Google.

Gemini Generative AI Paywall Vertex AI July 1, 2024

Vertex AI Controlled Generation with Gemini - Respond reliably with JSON and other formats.

BigQuery Gemini Generative AI Vertex AI June 24, 2024

Automating Insights and Dashboard Report-Level Narratives using Vertex AI Gemini 1.5-Flash - This blog post explores how to automate insights and dashboard report-level narratives using Vertex AI Gemini 1.5-Flash LLM, Looker Studio, and Google BigQuery BQML. By leveraging these tools, businesses can streamline the process of extracting, analyzing, and presenting data, reducing the time it takes to understand and respond to changes in the business environment.

Generative AI LLM Official Blog Vertex AI June 24, 2024

Announcing Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 Sonnet on Vertex AI, providing more choice for enterprises - Anthropic's newly released model, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, is now generally available on Google Cloud's Vertex AI platform. With advanced capabilities in reasoning, knowledge, math, and coding, it can power various applications, including coding assistance, customer support, data analysis, and visual processing. Enterprises can leverage Vertex AI's enterprise-grade infrastructure, tooling, and security to build and deploy production-grade generative AI applications.

AI Generative AI LLM Networking Official Blog June 24, 2024

Exploring Google Cloud networking enhancements for generative AI applications - Google Cloud offers new networking capabilities to optimize traffic for generative AI applications. These capabilities include Cross-Cloud Network for accelerated AI training and inference, Model as a Service Endpoint for secure and reliable access to AI models, custom AI-aware load balancing for minimized inference latency, optimized traffic distribution for AI inference applications, and Service Extensions for enhanced gen AI serving.

Generative AI LLM June 24, 2024

Quizaic — A Generative AI Case Study - Part 3— Prompting and Image Generation.

Generative AI Vertex AI Agent Builder June 17, 2024

Building a Smart Retail Shopping Assistant PART 2 - Crafting Your Retail Shopping Assistant with Agent Builder.

Cloud Run Generative AI Machine Learning Vertex AI Agent Builder June 17, 2024

Building a Smart Retail Shopping Assistant PART 3 - Integrate your retail assistant to a web app using Agent Builder API.

GCP Experience Generative AI Official Blog June 17, 2024

Supercharging Anti-Money Laundering (AML) with Generative AI at Strise - Strise, a financial compliance platform, uses generative AI and Vertex AI to enhance its Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Intelligence System. By combining NLP and AI, Strise filters out irrelevant events and identifies important ones for users. Generative AI optimizes KYC and AML processes, improving data collection, validation, and risk assessment. Strise leverages Vertex AI's LLMs and integration with Google Cloud services to streamline compliance processes and meet regulatory requirements.

BigQuery Data Analytics Generative AI Official Blog June 17, 2024

Build your own generative AI chatbot directly from BigQuery - DataSageGen is a chatbot that can access and process information from various sources, including product documentation, blog posts, community knowledge, and product announcements. It uses advanced techniques like retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and BigQuery ML to understand the context of a query and deliver relevant and insightful responses. The chatbot is built on a secure and scalable architecture that ensures authorized access, efficient traffic management, and cost-effective resource utilization.

AlloyDB Generative AI June 10, 2024

Building a Smart Retail Shopping Assistant PART 1 - A Deep Dive into Knowledge-Driven Conversational AI (Part 2 coming.

BigQuery dbt Generative AI LLM Terraform Vertex AI June 10, 2024

Productionise genAI directly in dbt - Using Vertex AI in DBT.

Gemini Generative AI Machine Learning June 3, 2024

A Tale of Two Functions : Function calling in Gemini - Gemini, a large language model, introduces a new feature called "Function calling." This feature allows users to integrate their own functions or APIs with the model, enabling it to provide more specific and accurate responses to queries. The model can determine which functions to call based on the user's prompt and can even make multiple function calls in parallel. This opens up new possibilities for building powerful applications that combine the strengths of natural language processing with custom business logic.

Gemini Generative AI Java June 3, 2024

Grounding Gemini with Web Search results in LangChain4j - The latest release of LangChain4j (version 0.31) added the capability of grounding large language models with results from web searches. This allows the LLM to find relevant information about the query from web searches, which will likely include up-to-date information that the model won’t have seen during its training. The article provides a step-by-step guide on how to implement this feature using Google Custom Search Engine and Gemini 1.5 Flash model. The author also discusses some limitations and potential improvements of this approach.

AI Generative AI Official Blog Partners Vertex AI June 3, 2024

Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus and tool use are generally available on Vertex AI - Anthropic’s Claude 3 Opus, the most capable and intelligent model in the Claude 3 family, is now generally available on Vertex AI. It excels at complex tasks like in-depth analysis, research, and task automation.

Generative AI Machine Learning Vertex AI May 27, 2024

Architectural Blueprints for RAG Automation: Advanced Document Understanding using Vertex AI Search - This post deep dives into using Vertex AI Search to streamline the creation and evaluation of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) pipelines for advanced document question answering.

Generative AI Official Blog May 27, 2024

Unlock the business impact of gen AI with new Generative AI Ops services - Google Cloud Consulting has launched Generative AI Ops services to help customers move their generative AI workloads from proof-of-concept into production. These services include prompt engineering, design, and optimization; performance and system evaluation; model optimization and continuous tuning; monitoring and observability; and business integration and testing.

BigQuery Data Science Gemini Generative AI May 6, 2024

When to use Gemini or purpose-built AI models in BigQuery - This post provides some high-level guidance to consider when determining whether Gemini foundation models or purpose-built AI models are a better fit for your workload’s requirements.

Generative AI Paywall Vertex AI May 6, 2024

Multimodal citations with Google’s Vertex AI - A novel approach to enhance the user experience with GenAI applications.

Generative AI GitHub Serverless April 29, 2024

Implement a GenAI Code Review Bot with Google Cloud Platform - By incorporating generative AI into DevOps for automated code reviews, we can accelerate software development and enhance quality.

Cloud Spanner Generative AI LLM April 29, 2024

LLM in your favorite Transactional Database: Spanner - Build a Patent Search App with Spanner, Vector Search & Gemini 1.0 Pro!

Gemini Generative AI LLM April 29, 2024

Gemini has entered the chat: building an LLM-powered Discord bot - Take your first steps into the world of Generative AI by building a Discord bot that uses Gemini to talk with other users.

Gemini Generative AI Monitoring April 29, 2024

Using Gemini to help write Synthetic Monitoring tests in Google Cloud - This article describes how to use Synthetic Monitoring with Google Cloud Console and Cloud Run and use Generative AI to write the test code for Synthetic Monitoring.

BigQuery Gemini Generative AI April 22, 2024

Master Data Management Simplified: Match & Merge with Generative AI! - Accelerating tedious Master Data Management processes with Generative AI, Embeddings, and Vector Search.

Generative AI Google Cloud Platform April 22, 2024

Dazbo’s Google Cloud Next ’24 Recap: Keynote - A wrap-up of the keynote, and a collection of key announcements.

GCP Certification Generative AI Official Blog Public Sector April 22, 2024

Google Cloud launches new generative AI, cybersecurity, and data analytics trainings with employer partner the U.S. Department of the Treasury

AlloyDB Generative AI Official Blog April 15, 2024

Natural language support in AlloyDB for building gen AI apps with real-time data

Generative AI Official Blog April 15, 2024

Grounding generative AI in enterprise truth

Gemini Generative AI Official Blog Vertex AI April 15, 2024

Google Cloud announces updates to Gemini, Imagen, Gemma and MLOps on Vertex AI

Generative AI Official Blog Partners April 15, 2024

Discover 100+ generative AI solutions from our partners at Next ‘24

Gemini Generative AI Java April 8, 2024

Deterministic Generative AI with Gemini Function Calling in Java - Gemini's Function Calling blends the flexibility of generative AI with the precision of traditional programming. This allows for controlled and predictable outputs, as demonstrated in the Java Cloud Function that standardizes addresses using Gemini and an external API.

AlloyDB Generative AI Machine Learning April 8, 2024

Making sense of Vector Search and Embeddings across GCP products - An overview of vector search and embedding through the GCP products.

Generative AI Vertex AI April 8, 2024

From GenAI to Insights from Your Customers (Part 1) - Analyzing customer complaints with Gen AI models.

Generative AI LLM April 8, 2024

Shh, It’s Free: But Let’s Not Tell Google! Exploring Gemini’s Multimodal Capabilities on Vertex AI - Consider this your backdoor pass into a free club, where the only membership requirement is your curiosity.

Generative AI April 8, 2024

Calling Gemma with Ollama, TestContainers, and LangChain4j - To run the Gemma language model locally without installing Ollama, use TestContainers to create a container that pulls in the Gemma model. Then, use LangChain4j to interact with the container and generate responses from Gemma. This approach provides easy integration with Java applications while eliminating the need for local Ollama installation.

Dialogflow Gemini Generative AI Machine Learning April 8, 2024

Create multimodal conversational experiences with Google Cloud Dialogflow CX and Gemini Vision - Boosting your digital assistant by analyzing images with Gemini Vision.

Generative AI LLM Machine Learning April 1, 2024

Demystifying Generative AI for Enterprise Developers - Guide to kickstart your Enterprise GenAI journey.

BigQuery Generative AI LLM March 25, 2024

In-Place LLM Insights: BigQuery & Gemini for Structured & Unstructured Data Analytics - Introduction.

Generative AI Machine Learning March 11, 2024

Intelligent Document Discovery with Vertex AI Search - This post explores the capabilities of Vertex AI Search, specifically, website search — a standout feature within Google Cloud’s Vertex AI platform.

Cloud SQL Generative AI Official Blog Vertex AI March 11, 2024

Build generative AI applications with similarity search in Cloud SQL for MySQL

Generative AI Official Blog Partners March 11, 2024

Confluent brings real-time capabilities to Google Cloud generative AI

Cloud Spanner Generative AI Official Blog March 11, 2024

Build generative AI and similarity search applications at virtually unlimited scale with Spanner - This blog post discusses how vector search can enhance gen AI applications, and how Spanner’s underlying architecture supports extremely large-scale vector search deployments.

AlloyDB Cloud Bigtable Cloud Memorystore Cloud Spanner Cloud SQL Generative AI Official Blog March 11, 2024

Build supercharged gen AI applications with LangChain and Google Cloud databases

Contact Center AI Generative AI Official Blog March 4, 2024

Transforming the contact center with generative AI

Generative AI Official Blog March 4, 2024

Code samples to get started building generative AI apps on Google Cloud - Code samples for different categories to help organizations quickly get started on Google Cloud.

Generative AI Official Blog Vertex AI Workflows Feb. 26, 2024

Orchestrate Vertex AI’s PaLM and Gemini APIs with Workflows - This blog post shows how to call some of the gen AI models from Workflows.

Generative AI Official Blog Video Intelligence API Feb. 26, 2024

Unlocking New Frontiers: The Synergy of of Audio Transcripts using Video Intelligence API and Generative AI - An example of using video analytics together with Gen AI.

Generative AI Official Blog Feb. 26, 2024

Running machine learning in the cloud for live service games - Generative AI Framework for Games provides templates for running gen AI for games on Google Cloud, as well as a framework for data ingest and storage to support these live models.

Generative AI Official Blog Vertex AI Feb. 19, 2024

Google Cloud expands access to Gemini models for Vertex AI customers - Gemini 1.5 Pro is now in private preview on Vertex AI.

C# Generative AI Vertex AI Feb. 19, 2024

Using Vertex AI Gemini from GAPIC libraries (C#) - This post shows how to use Vertex AI Gemini from GAPIC libraries, using C# as an example.

Cloud Workstations Generative AI LLM Official Blog Feb. 11, 2024

No GPU? No problem. localllm lets you develop gen AI apps on local CPUs - In this post, we introduce you to a novel solution that allows developers to harness the power of LLMs locally on CPU and memory, right within Cloud Workstations, Google Cloud’s fully managed development environment.

Generative AI Looker Feb. 11, 2024

What’s new with Looker 2024? - Summarizing the Looker 2024 roadmap.

BigQueryML Generative AI Looker Vertex AI Feb. 11, 2024

Generative AI Comes to Looker via Vertex AI and BigQuery BQML - An overview of Looker's roadmap for 2024.

Generative AI LLM Official Blog Feb. 5, 2024

Build enterprise gen AI apps with Google Cloud databases - An overview of databases on GCP that can be used to store and query vector embeddings.

Generative AI Official Blog Jan. 29, 2024

How to build a gen AI application - UX considerations for generative AI apps and agents.

Gemini Generative AI Machine Learning Vertex AI Jan. 15, 2024

Gemini, the stylist… - A personalized haircut recommendation Application.

Gemini Generative AI Workspace Jan. 15, 2024

Empowering Your Organisation with AI: Integrating Gemini Pro and PaLM2 into Google Sheets - A Comprehensive Guide to Using Gemini Pro and PaLM2 in Google Sheet on thousands of cells.

Generative AI Jan. 15, 2024

Practical Applications of Generative AI - After reading this article and getting oriented with the companion repository, you should have a better idea of what opportunities exist of using Generative AI.

Duet AI Generative AI Google Kubernetes Engine Jan. 1, 2024

Navigating GKE with Duet AI: Simplifying Kubernetes Commands - Duet AI: Simplifying Your GKE Journey.

Gemini Generative AI Machine Learning VS Code Dec. 25, 2023

Getting Started with Gemini AI API via Google Cloud Code Application Templates - Testing Gemini API via an Application Template in VS Code.

Generative AI LLM Machine Learning Python Dec. 18, 2023

Google Imagen (through GCP Vertex AI Studio) as fashion design assistant - In this article, we will explore how generative AI can assist fashion designers in generating new ideas and designs using Google’s suite of generative models for text and image generation.

Cloud Spanner Generative AI Vertex AI Dec. 18, 2023

Use Generative AI to Enhance your Product Catalog using only SQL - Using Vertex AI LLM natively in Google Cloud Spanner.

C# Generative AI Dec. 18, 2023

C# library and samples for GenAI in Vertex AI - These samples show how to invoke GenAI from C# for different use cases such as text classification, extraction, summarization, sentiment analysis and more using the C# client library.

BigQuery Generative AI Official Blog Dec. 11, 2023

Turn customer feedback into opportunities using generative AI in BigQuery DataFrames - This blog post goes through an example of building a solution for transforming raw customer feedback into actionable intelligence.

Generative AI Machine Learning Dec. 3, 2023

Google Generative AI Evaluation Service - A service to evaluate the performance of Generative AI Models using metrics like BLEU or ROUGE among others.

BigQuery Generative AI Dec. 3, 2023

The New Generative AI Function in BigQuery - How to use BigQuery GENERATE_TEXT remote function.

Generative AI LLM Official Blog Dec. 3, 2023

Introducing sample GenAI Databases Retrieval App – augment your LLMs with Google Cloud databases

Document AI Generative AI Official Blog Dec. 3, 2023

Ask your documents: Document AI and PaLM2 for question answering - Building "Ask your documents" tool for employees by leveraging Google Cloud Document AI, text embedding models, and PaLM 2.

AI Generative AI Machine Learning Official Blog Dec. 3, 2023

How generative AI is transforming the customer service experience

Generative AI Vertex AI Nov. 27, 2023

Generative AI - How to Fine Tune LLMs - Vertex AI allows you to fine-tune PaLM models for text, chat, code, and embeddings intuitively and easily.

Duet AI Generative AI Machine Learning Nov. 20, 2023

Duet AI Review: My Perception and Use Cases — Part 2 - This article is Part 2 of a two-part review on Duet AI.

Firebase Generative AI Machine Learning Nov. 20, 2023

Build a Pose Generator with Firebase and Vertex AI Imagen API - Generate AI-powered images with Firebase and Imagen!

AI Generative AI Machine Learning Official Blog Nov. 20, 2023

Top five ways generative AI can drive value in capital markets

Generative AI Official Blog Nov. 20, 2023

The four building blocks of responsible generative AI in banking

Generative AI Official Blog Nov. 20, 2023

Generative AI use cases to inspire your Startup or Small Business

Generative AI Infrastructure Official Blog Nov. 20, 2023

Accelerating generative AI around the world with new data residency guarantees - Data residency guarantees continue GCP commitment to provide AI services with enterprise-grade scale, safety, security and privacy.

Generative AI Machine Learning Vertex AI Nov. 6, 2023

Background Change with Imagen on Vertex AI : A Step-by-Step Guide - With Imagen on Vertex AI, application developers can build next-generation AI products that transform their user’s imagination into high quality visual assets, in seconds.

Generative AI Official Blog Oct. 30, 2023

Meet Gen AI Navigator: Your personalized guide to adopting generative AI - Gen AI Navigator is a practical tool designed to help businesses of any size or scale realize the true potential of Gen AI in the year ahead.

Dialogflow Generative AI Official Blog Oct. 30, 2023

How to build a conversational AI experience using generative AI to improve employee productivity - Using Google Cloud generative AI features in Dialogflow, you can create a lifelike conversational AI agent that empowers employees to retrieve the most relevant information from internal or external knowledge bases.

BigQuery Dataform Generative AI Machine Learning Oct. 30, 2023

Using Large Language Models at Scale with Google BigQuery, Dataform and Vertex AI - This article goes through setting up a data pipeline using only SQL to run reviews through a large language model (LLM) to identify the sentiment of the said review.

Generative AI Oct. 23, 2023

How GenAI saved days of development — an SQL query parser for BigQuery usage statistics - A 2.5 hours effort to create an SQL parser for usage statistics collection by using GenAI instead of days of coding.

Generative AI Vertex AI Oct. 23, 2023

Using Vertex AI Search to create a search widget within our web app based on our PDF files - Quickly build search app through VertexAI Search.

Generative AI Official Blog Oct. 23, 2023

How generative AI fits into the entire software development lifecycle - A day in the life of a Google Cloud developer using Google AI assistance to get from idea to production.

Generative AI Official Blog Oct. 23, 2023

Rapidly build an application in Gradio power by a Generative AI Agent - In this blog, we will discuss how to use Gradio, an open source frontend framework, with Vertex AI Conversation.

Generative AI Official Blog Oct. 23, 2023

Making of a Jump Start Solution: Generative AI for document summarization - A deeper look at one of the Jump Start Solutions - Generative AI Document Summarization.

Generative AI Official Blog Vertex AI Oct. 16, 2023

How to enrich product data with generative AI using Vertex AI - LLMs can support PIM by generating product descriptions, translating product descriptions, and extracting product attributes.

BigQuery Generative AI Official Blog Vertex AI Oct. 16, 2023

New Vertex AI Feature Store built with BigQuery, ready for predictive and generative AI - The new Vertex AI Feature Store is in Public Preview, fully powered by BigQuery and ready for predictive and generative AI workloads at any scale.

Generative AI Official Blog Oct. 16, 2023

Five use cases for manufacturers to get started with generative AI

AI Generative AI Official Blog Oct. 16, 2023

Formula E chooses generative AI to inform drivers and engage fans - Formula E combined race and car telemetry data with gen AI to provide a conversational interface for drivers and fans to ask wide-ranging questions.

Generative AI Vertex AI Oct. 9, 2023

Creating Generative Art Dynamic NFTs with Google Cloud Vertex AI and Chainlink Functions - Learn to integrate Vertex, Google Cloud’s AI suite into your smart contracts using Chainlink Functions.

GCP Certification Generative AI Official Blog Oct. 9, 2023

Generative AI for developers: New no-cost labs in Google Cloud - This October, play to learn about generative AI on The Arcade, plus other no-cost training resources.

AI Generative AI Official Blog Oct. 9, 2023

The generative AI revolution in the games industry: A path to boundless creativity - Google Cloud insights into generative AI and gaming.

Generative AI Java Machine Learning Oct. 2, 2023

Discovering LangChain4J, the Generative AI orchestration library for Java developers - Using Java/Grrovy in a Generative AI world.

Generative AI Official Blog Oct. 2, 2023

Mobilize your unstructured data with generative AI - With Custom Extractor, Summarizer, and Warehouse Search, Document AI is now powered by generative AI to structure document data faster.

Generative AI Sept. 25, 2023

Google Cloud Jump Start Solution Deep Dive: Summarize Large Documents — Part 2 - Part 2 of the Deep Dive into the Gen AI Jump Start Solution on Summarizing Large documents.

Generative AI Sept. 25, 2023

Google Cloud Jump Start Solution Deep Dive: Summarize Large Documents — Part 3 - Part 3 of the Deep Dive into the Gen AI Jump Start Solution on Summarizing Large documents.

AI GCP Certification Generative AI Official Blog Sept. 18, 2023

Generative AI on Google Cloud: New training content, from introductory to advanced - New generative AI training options are available for both a non-technical audience (introductory)and for more advanced technical practitioners.

BigQuery Data Analytics Generative AI Official Blog Sept. 18, 2023

Applying Generative AI to product design with BigQuery DataFrames - Generative AI is a powerful tool for accelerating the branding process for new products or compounds.

Generative AI Machine Learning Vertex AI Sept. 4, 2023

Understanding the pricing for Vertex AI Text Bison Foundation Model - Explanation of the pricing for Text Bison Foundation Model in Vertex AI.

AlloyDB Generative AI Sept. 4, 2023

Powering Q&A Chatbots with AlloyDB and GenAI Models - This blog post shows how to use AlloyDB’s pgvector extension to store vector embeddings of a PDF file into AlloyDB for PostgreSQL and also will create a small Q&A chatbot on top of it.

Flutter Generative AI Machine Learning Python Aug. 28, 2023

Build Flutter application in Python to chat in ANY language with Google Cloud LLMs available on… - Creating & deploying chat application on GCP using PaLM 2 model.

Generative AI Machine Learning Vertex AI Aug. 28, 2023

Generative AI — Deploy and inference of Llama 2 in Vertex AI Prediction - This post shows how to deploy a Llama 2 chat model (7B parameters) in Vertex AI Prediction with a T4 GPU.

Generative AI Vertex AI Aug. 14, 2023

Performing Semantic Searches for Images with Vertex AI - Harnessing the capabilities of Vertex AI’s Multimodal embeddings model and Vertex AI Matching Engine to build a solution that can do free-form text searches on your own images.

Generative AI Machine Learning Vertex AI Aug. 7, 2023

Deploy your custom Knowledge Base Assistant powered by Vertex AI and Pinecone - Creating a Knowledge Base Assistant with GCP products.

BigQuery Generative AI Official Blog Vertex AI Aug. 7, 2023

SQL-only LLM for text generation using Vertex AI model in BigQuery - Learn how to use a Large Language Model on a source-code dataset as large as 2.8 million open source GitHub repositories for code summarization and more.

Generative AI Vertex AI Aug. 7, 2023

Govern Vertex AI Generative AI / Large Language Model Access With Quotas - Roleless access control.

Generative AI July 31, 2023

A Comprehensive Guide about Google Cloud Generative AI Studio - A comprehensive walkthrough in Google Cloud Generative AI Studio with Python code samples.

Generative AI Machine Learning Vertex AI July 31, 2023

A Custom AMA App Using VertexAI - In this blog, we’ll walk through the process of creating a custom search engine using VertexAI, Streamlit and Langchain.

Generative AI Machine Learning Vertex AI July 24, 2023

Generative AI - Image Generation using Vertex AI Imagen - Examples of using Imagen, a text-to-image diffusion model developed by Google AI.

Generative AI Official Blog July 24, 2023

Google Cloud expands availability of enterprise-ready generative AI - New foundation models are GA in Google Cloud’s Vertex AI, adding to an enterprise-ready platform for generative AI.

Generative AI Official Blog July 24, 2023

Conversational AI on Gen App Builder unlocks generative AI-powered chatbots and virtual agents - Improve customer service with generative AI powered chatbots and virtual agents.

Generative AI July 24, 2023

A Guide to Tuning Language Foundation Models in Google Cloud Generative AI Studio - Achieve better results by tuning foundation model with Generative AI Studio.

Generative AI Machine Learning July 17, 2023

Generative AI - Learn the LangChain Basics by Building a Berlin Travel Guide - LangChain is a framework that’s like a Swiss army knife for large language models (LLMs).


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Zdenko Hrček
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Prague, Czech Republic
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Email: [email protected]