Tag: TensorFlow

BigQuery TensorFlow Dec. 25, 2023

Building a Powerful Recommandation System with TensorFlow and BigQuery ML in Almost 5 Mins - Unlocking the Power of Text Similarity: Building a System with TensorFlow and BigQuery ML.

GKE Autopilot GPU Official Blog TensorFlow July 31, 2023

TensorFlow on GKE Autopilot with GPU acceleration - Provision GPUs and execute AI workloads using GKE with automated creation and teardown.

AI Machine Learning TensorFlow Vertex AI June 26, 2023

What you can expect from Vertex TensorBoard - How Google integrates TensorBoard into its Vertex exosystem, where it differs from its open source sibling and how you make the most of it.

Apache Beam Machine Learning Official Blog TensorFlow May 8, 2023

Running ML models now easier with new Dataflow ML innovations on Apache Beam - Dataflows ML features extended with Automatic Model Refresh, TensorFlowHub integration and new supported framework provided by Apache Beam.

AI Official Blog TensorFlow Vertex AI April 24, 2023

Scaling deep retrieval with TensorFlow Recommenders and Vertex AI Matching Engine - In this blog, we demonstrate how to build a playlist recommendation system by implementing an end-to-end candidate retrieval workflow from scratch with Vertex AI.

AI Official Blog TensorFlow April 3, 2023

How do I speed up my Tensorflow Transformer models? - Speeding up model inference for transformer models with optimized Tensorflow runtime and Vertex AI.

Google Kubernetes Engine Machine Learning TensorFlow March 20, 2023

Running a Stable Diffusion cluster on GCP with tensorflow-serving (Part 2) - Creating the artifacts and deploying the model on the cluster.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Terraform March 13, 2023

Running a Stable Diffusion cluster on GCP with tensorflow-serving (Part 1) - Part1: Setting up the infrastructure using terraform.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Vertex AI Jan. 9, 2023

Accelerating Model Deployment using Transfer Learning and Vertex AI - See how you can start building ML solutions and getting them up and running on GCP in no-time!

Official Blog TensorFlow Vertex AI Jan. 9, 2023

How to optimize training performance with the TensorFlow Profiler on Vertex AI - Learn how to use the TensorFlow Profiler on Vertex AI to debug bottlenecks and make your training jobs run faster.

Apache Beam Cloud Dataflow GPU Machine Learning TensorFlow Dec. 19, 2022

Simplifying and Accelerating Machine Learning Predictions in Apache Beam with NVIDIA TensorRT - A walk through the integration of NVIDIA TensorRT with Apache Beam SDK and showing how complex inference scenarios can be fully encapsulated within a data processing pipeline.

AI Official Blog TensorFlow Nov. 21, 2022

Automating self-service tech support with Tensorflow - Speed up access to self-service tech support content with AI that can better parse and surface the right articles for the right queries.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Vertex AI Aug. 8, 2022

Train and Deploy Google Cloud’s Two Towers Recommender - Training/making predictions for Recommender system on Vertex AI.

Official Blog TensorFlow Vertex AI June 20, 2022

Speed up model inference with Vertex AI Predictions’ optimized TensorFlow runtime - The Vertex AI optimized TensorFlow runtime can be incorporated into serving workflows for lower latency predictions.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Vertex AI June 13, 2022

How to train ML models with Vertex AI Training - A simple and scalable approach with custom container.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Vertex AI May 23, 2022

Online prediction using GCP’s Vertex AI - Serve and process real-time data with a Tensorflow model using Pub-Sub, Cloud Dataflow, BigQuery and Vertex AI.

Official Blog TensorFlow Vertex AI April 4, 2022

Add preprocessing functions to Tensorflow models and deploy on Vertex AI - Learn how to productionalize a TensorFlow image model on Vertex AI.

TensorFlow Terraform Vertex AI Feb. 7, 2022

A Vertex AI TensorBoard alternative for smaller budgets (Part 1) - A short guide on how to get the advantageous of Vertex AI TensorBoard at a fraction of the price.

Dialogflow TensorFlow Vertex AI Nov. 29, 2021

Boost up a Helpdesk Chatbot with Dialogflow CX, TFX and Vertex AI - In this article, it's illustrated how to formalize a Tensorflow model training in order to run it via TFX on Vertex Pipelines and later use with Dialogflox CX.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Vertex AI Nov. 8, 2021

How to Deploy a TensorFlow Model to Vertex AI - Working with saved models and endpoints in Vertex AI.

Official Blog TensorFlow Vertex AI Nov. 1, 2021

Model training as a CI/CD system: Part II - This blog post explains how to tackle maintaining a schedule to trigger the pipeline runs and creating a system such that during the experimentation phase whenever a new architecture is published as a Pub/Sub topic the same pipeline is executed with different hyperparameters.

CI Kubeflow Machine Learning Official Blog TensorFlow Oct. 11, 2021

Model training as a CI/CD system: Part I - A machine learning system is essentially a software system. So, to operate with such systems scalably we need CI/CD practices in place to facilitate rapid experimentation, integration, and deployment. In this post we explore some scenarios.

Kubeflow Official Blog TensorFlow Vertex AI Sept. 27, 2021

Dual deployments on Vertex AI - How to implement an end-to-end workflow enabling dual model deployment scenarios using Kubeflow, TensorFlow Extended (TFX), and Vertex AI.

Google Kubernetes Engine Kubeflow TensorFlow Sept. 4, 2021

MLOps with Tensorflow Extended (TFX) and Tensorflow Decision Forest (TF-DF) (Part 2) - Example of deploying ML pipeline to Kubeflow.

Official Blog TensorFlow Vertex AI June 7, 2021

Serve a TensorFlow Hub model in Google Cloud with Vertex AI - Make open-source TensorFlow Hub models ready for production by hosting them with Google Cloud's Vertex AI.

Cloud Build Kubeflow Machine Learning TensorFlow May 24, 2021

How to deploy TensorFlow Extended pipeline to Kubeflow - Creating TensorFlow Extended pipeline and deploying to Kubeflow pipelines.

Machine Learning TensorFlow May 17, 2021

MLOps: Big Picture in GCP - An overview of GCP products that can be used in MLOps.

Cloud Dataflow Data Analytics Official Blog TensorFlow May 3, 2021

Using TFX inference with Dataflow for large scale ML inference patterns - Walk-through of TensorFlow Extended ( TFX ) RunInference API with Google Cloud Dataflow. Abstracting you away from the manual toil of implementing inference patterns at scale.

Machine Learning TensorFlow April 12, 2021

Machine Learning GDEs - Highlights of the ML GDE’s hard work during the Q1 2021 which contributed to the global ML ecosystem.

Kubeflow TensorFlow April 12, 2021

MLops: Kubeflow with TensorFlow TFX pipelines seamlessly and at scale - Running Machine Learning pipelines with Kubeflow and TensorFlow Extended.

Kubeflow Machine Learning Official Blog TensorFlow March 22, 2021

Event-triggered detection of data drift in ML workflows - How to set up event-triggered Kubeflow Pipeline runs using GCF, and how to use the TFDV library to determine whether a model should be retrained on new data.

Firebase Machine Learning TensorFlow Feb. 8, 2021

Creating AI Web Apps using TensorFlow, Google Cloud Platform, and Firebase - From the Sandbox to the Cloud: How to Easily Deploy your Machine Learning Models into Production Web Applications.

GCP Certification Machine Learning TensorFlow Jan. 18, 2021

How I cracked the GCP Professional ML Engineer certification in 8 days! - Areas to focus on when studying for Machine Learning Engineer certification.

Docker Jupyter Notebook Machine Learning TensorFlow Jan. 11, 2021

AI Platform Notebooks with multiple “Docker” kernels - This post will show you how to create different Jupyter kernels where each kernel will be using a different Deep Learning Container.

Cloud Functions Machine Learning Python TensorFlow Dec. 28, 2020

Machine Learning in Production - Serving Tensorflow model via Cloud Functions.

Data Science Machine Learning Python TensorFlow Dec. 21, 2020

A machine learning pipeline with TensorFlow Estimators and Google Cloud Platform - TensorFlow on GCP — a way to industrialise complex machine learning pipelines.

AI Platform GPU TensorFlow Dec. 14, 2020

Getting Started with Distributed TensorFlow on GCP - In this tutorial-style article, you’ll get hands-on experience with GCP data science tools and train a TensorFlow model across multiple GPUs. You’ll also learn key terminology in the field of distributed training, such as data parallelism, synchronous training, and AllReduce.

AI Platform GCP Certification Machine Learning TensorFlow Nov. 30, 2020

Google Professional Machine Learning Engineer Exam: What to Expect - Sharing experience of preparing and taking Machine Learning certificate exam.

CI Jupyter Notebook Machine Learning TensorFlow Nov. 22, 2020

Building a CI Pipeline with Jupyter Notebooks on GCP - Implementing a CI Pipeline with Jupyter Notebooks on GCP.

AI Platform TensorFlow Nov. 16, 2020

Multi-worker distributed Tensorflow training on Google Cloud AI Platform - An introduction on leveraging the ease and power of Tensorflow and Google Cloud.

BigQuery Data Analytics Machine Learning TensorFlow Oct. 26, 2020

5 Machine Learning Models You Can Deploy Using BigQuery - Overview of machine learning models supported by BigQuery ML.

AI Platform Machine Learning TensorFlow Oct. 19, 2020

How to create a concise image representation using machine learning - Designing and training an autoencoder on HRRR images in Keras.

Machine Learning Official Blog TensorFlow Oct. 19, 2020

How to create and deploy a model card in the cloud with Scikit-Learn - How to create and deploy a model card in the cloud with Scikit-Learn.

AI Platform Prediction Data Science Machine Learning TensorFlow Oct. 12, 2020

Lightweight yet scalable TensorFlow workflow on Google Cloud - My superpower toolkit: TFRecorder, TensorFlow Cloud, AI Platform Predictions and Weights & Biases.

Cloud Functions Cloud Tasks IoT Machine Learning TensorFlow Aug. 31, 2020

Querying real time video with serverless ML - Deploying serverless pipeline for image and video processing.

AI Platform Kubeflow Machine Learning TensorFlow Aug. 17, 2020

Part IV: Operationalize and Accelerate ML Process with Google Cloud AI Pipeline - Example of AI Platform Pipelines usage.

AI Platform Machine Learning TensorFlow Aug. 17, 2020

Develop, Train and Deploy TensorFlow Models using Google Cloud AI Platform - A practical workflow of TensorFlow model training and deploying.

BigQuery Machine Learning TensorFlow Aug. 10, 2020

TensorFlow model on BigQuery ML - In this blog you learn how you can deploy a trained TensorFlow model on BigQuery so you can make predictions right from your data warehouse.

Apache Beam Cloud Dataflow TensorFlow July 27, 2020

ETL Pipeline for creating TF-Records using Apache Beam Python SDK on Google Cloud Dataflow - An example of scaling the process of creating TF records for a computer vision dataset in Beam pipeline deployed on Cloud Dataflow.

Apache Beam TensorFlow July 20, 2020

Tensorflow Extended, ML Metadata and Apache Beam on the Cloud - A practical and self-contained example TensorFlow Extended using GCP Dataflow.

Data Science Machine Learning Python TensorFlow July 3, 2020

Model with TensorFlow and Serve on Google Cloud Platform - Serving TensorFlow Models on a scalable cloud platform.

Firebase Official Blog TensorFlow June 29, 2020

Enhance your TensorFlow Lite deployment with Firebase - Blog explains how to leverage Firebase to enhance your deployment of TensorFlow Lite models in production.

Machine Learning TensorFlow June 22, 2020

Is the TensorFlow Developer Certificate worth it? - What it takes to get Tensorflow certification in 3 weeks.

AI Kaggle TensorFlow June 15, 2020

Predicting Forest Cover Type with Tensorflow and model deployment in GCP - Using a Kaggle competition to get started with Tensorflow and learn how to deploy the model in GCP.

Docker Kubernetes Machine Learning TensorFlow June 1, 2020

Scaling Machine Learning models using Tensorflow Serving & Kubernetes - Deploying Tensorflow serving on Kubernetes Engine.

AI Platform TensorFlow May 25, 2020

Using TensorFlow Extended (TFX) on AI Platform Pipelines

Cloud Run Go Machine Learning TensorFlow April 27, 2020

On-demand small batch predictions with Cloud Run and Embedded-tf - Going over possibilities to serve large number of Tensorflow models on GCP.

Apache Beam Cloud Dataflow TensorFlow March 16, 2020

TensorFlow Extended (TFX): Using Apache Beam for large scale data processing - Using Apache Beam (Cloud Dataflow) for TensorFlow Extended pipelines.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Feb. 17, 2020

Jupyter Notebook basic testing - Creating a new infrastructure pipeline for Jupyter notebooks.

Machine Learning Python TensorFlow TPU Feb. 10, 2020

Train Neural Networks Faster with Google’s TPU from your LapTop. - Tutorial on how to set up Cloud TPU and train ML models.

AI Platform Machine Learning TensorFlow Feb. 10, 2020

Explaining a fraud detection model with Cloud AI Platform - Codelab in which is used AI Platform Explanations to train and deploy a TensorFlow model for identifying fraudulent transactions.

API Cloud Run Docker Machine Learning TensorFlow Jan. 27, 2020

TensorFlow serving warmup file - Solving a warm-up issue when deploying a model for Google Cloud Run using the TensorFlow serving container.

AI Platform TensorFlow Jan. 20, 2020

Fraud detection with TensorFlow and Explainable AI - Building a model for fraud detection on financial data on AI Platform.

AI Platform GPU Machine Learning TensorFlow Dec. 16, 2019

AI Platform Prediction with Accelerators - Using NVIDIA's GPUs to train ML models on AI Platform.

Machine Learning Python TensorFlow Dec. 16, 2019

Tales of a machine learning startup - How to build and deploy a diabetes diagnostic app from A to Z using Tensorflow, Google Cloud Platform, and Flask.

AI Platform Machine Learning TensorFlow Dec. 16, 2019

Building ML pipelines for TensorFlow in Google Cloud AI Platform using MLflow - An end to end pipeline using MLflow and AI Platform.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Dec. 9, 2019

Avoid Late Meetings— a toy project on GCP - Using products on Google Cloud to implement ML model of predicting airplanes arrival.

Official Blog TensorFlow Nov. 4, 2019

Introducing TensorFlow Enterprise: Supported, scalable, and seamless TensorFlow in the cloud - TensorFlow Enterprise, optimized for Google Cloud, can accelerate your software development and extend support to your AI applications.

Data Science Machine Learning TensorFlow Oct. 28, 2019

Predicting Taxi fares in NYC using Google Cloud AI Platform (Billion + rows) Part 2 - Using data from BigQuery to create a Tensorflow model of predicting taxi fares in NYC.

BigQuery Machine Learning Python TensorFlow Sept. 23, 2019

ML Design Pattern #1: Transform - Illustration of Transform design pattern using BigQuery ML & SQL.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Sept. 23, 2019

Down to Earth with AI Platform - You can now connect Earth Engine directly to your TensorFlow models on AI Platform, enabling training and inference at scale, with deep learning models powered by Google Earth Engine data.

Cloud Run Machine Learning Serverless TensorFlow Sept. 9, 2019

Portable prediction with Tensorflow and Cloud Run - Deploying Tensorflow model on Cloud Run to make predictions.

AI Platform Notebooks BigQuery Machine Learning TensorFlow Aug. 5, 2019

Predicting the publisher’s name from an article: A case study - Developing ML model on AI platform.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Tutorial July 15, 2019

How to Train Deep Learning Model on Google Cloud Platform - Tutorial on how to set up VM and run TensorFlow to train an image classifier.

Cloud ML Machine Learning TensorFlow Tutorial July 15, 2019

Deploying ML models on Google Machine Learning Engine - Walk through the steps of serving and manually deploying a Tensorflow model to Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine.

AI Cloud Functions Official Blog Serverless TensorFlow July 15, 2019

How to serve deep learning models using TensorFlow 2.0 with Cloud Functions - Learn how to run inference on Cloud Functions using TensorFlow 2.0.

Machine Learning Python TensorFlow July 8, 2019

Codeless ML with TensorFlow - Building an end-to-end machine learning pipeline without writing any ML code.

Machine Learning TensorFlow June 10, 2019

A Comparison of Machine Learning Deployment Tools: An ML6 Perspective - Overview of different ways to serve ML models on GCP.

Machine Learning TensorFlow TPU June 10, 2019

Replicating GPT2–1.5B - Experience of using Cloud TPUs.

AI TensorFlow Tutorial June 10, 2019

Training a Deep machine learning model on Google Cloud Platform with GPU support. - The article goes through the process of creating a VM with GPU and setting necessary software.

Cloud ML R TensorFlow June 3, 2019

All Aboard the cloudml_train() - A step by step guide on how to use RStudio locally to train with CloudML remotely.

Machine Learning TensorFlow May 27, 2019

How to build a wide-and-deep model using Keras in TensorFlow 2.0 - Using Feature columns with the Keras Functional API

AI Machine Learning TensorFlow May 13, 2019

Interpreting bag of words models with SHAP - Building a ML model to predict Stack Overflow question tags.

Machine Learning TensorFlow April 29, 2019

End-to-end churn prediction on Google Cloud Platform — Part 2 - Building a churn prediction system.

BigQuery Cloud Dataflow Cloud Dataprep Data Science Machine Learning TensorFlow April 8, 2019

End-to-end churn prediction on Google Cloud Platform - Overview of GCP architecture to build customer churn prediction compromising of data acquisition, data wrangling, modeling, model deployment, and a business use case.

TensorFlow April 1, 2019

Optimizing TensorFlow Models for Serving (Google Cloud AI Huddle) - Google Cloud Solutions Architect, Lukman Ramsey, discusses technical infrastructure on how to efficiently serve TensorFlow models on Google Cloud by sharing TF model formats, optimization tools, examples and more!

AI Official Blog TensorFlow March 25, 2019

TensorFlow 2.0 and Cloud AI make it easy to train, deploy, and maintain scalable machine learning models - Recent developments around TensorFlow: version 2.0 in alpha, new features, courses etc.

Official Blog TensorFlow March 18, 2019

Cloud AI helps you train and serve TensorFlow TFX pipelines seamlessly and at scale - Learn how TensorFlow's TFX pipelines can streamline your training and serving workflow on GCP.

Advanced Machine Learning Official Blog TensorFlow March 4, 2019

Let Deep Learning VMs and Jupyter notebooks burn the midnight oil for you: robust and automated training with Papermill - Step by step process to deploy a Deep Learning ML image using TensorFlow to launch a Jupyter notebook which will be executed using the Nteract Papermill open source project. Once the notebook has finished executing, the Compute Engine instance that hosts your Deep Learning VM image will automatically terminate.

Machine Learning Official Blog TensorFlow TPU March 4, 2019

Train fast on TPU, serve flexibly on GPU: switch your ML infrastructure to suit your needs - In this post, we walk through training and serving an object detection model and demonstrate how TensorFlow’s comprehensive and flexible feature set can be used to perform each step, regardless of which hardware platform you choose.

IoT Official Blog TensorFlow Feb. 25, 2019

Enabling connected transformation with Apache Kafka and TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform - How to leverage the open source ecosystems of Apache Kafka and TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform together with different Google ML services.

Cloud ML TensorFlow Feb. 18, 2019

Creating a Smart Scale with TensorFlow - Basics of the TensorFlow Object Detection API and be able to apply it to this and other image analysis projects.

Cloud Dataproc Official Blog TensorFlow Feb. 4, 2019

AI in Depth: Cloud Dataproc meets TensorFlow on YARN: Let TonY help you train right in your cluster - How to install a Hadoop cluster for LinkedIn open-source project TonY (TensorFlow on YARN).

TensorFlow Feb. 4, 2019

DeepLearning Images Revision M19. TensorFlow 2.0 experimental. - Overview of whats coming up in TensorFlow 2.0.

Kubernetes TensorFlow Jan. 28, 2019

Deploy your machine learning models with tensorflow serving and kubernetes - Steps of serving an object detection model with tensorflow and kubernetes.

GPU Official Blog TensorFlow Tutorial Jan. 21, 2019

Running TensorFlow inference workloads at scale with TensorRT 5 and NVIDIA T4 GPUs - How to run deep learning inference on large-scale workloads with NVIDIA TensorRT 5 running on Compute Engine VMs configured with our Cloud Deep Learning VM image and NVIDIA T4 GPUs.

Cloud Functions Go TensorFlow Jan. 21, 2019

Google Cloud Functions Now Runs Go — What About TensorFlow? - Explore ways to run TensorFlow via cloud functions using Go runtime.

App Engine BigQuery Cloud ML Machine Learning TensorFlow Jan. 21, 2019

Building Token Recommender in Google Cloud Platform - ERC20 token recommendation system based on collaborative filtering and data from public Ethereum dataset in BigQuery using products on GCP.

AI BigQuery Cloud AutoML Cloud ML TensorFlow Jan. 7, 2019

Choosing between TensorFlow/Keras, BigQuery ML, and AutoML Natural Language for text classification - Comparing text classification done three ways on Google Cloud Platform.

Cloud ML TensorFlow Dec. 31, 2018

Creating Deep Learning Models, training and deploying it on Google Cloud ML-Engine using Tensorflow Estimators - Explore Google Cloud ML-Engine to create deep learning models.

Official Blog TensorFlow Dec. 24, 2018

Using data and ML to better track wildfire and assess its threat levels - Building a fire estimator, based on a model trained in TensorFlow.

Official Blog TensorFlow TPU Dec. 17, 2018

Now you can train TensorFlow machine learning models faster and at lower cost on Cloud TPU Pods - Using Cloud TPU Pods to train TensorFlow machine learning models.

BigQuery Machine Learning TensorFlow Nov. 26, 2018

GCP Machine Learning Face-off: BigQuery ML -vs- Custom Estimators in TensorFlow - Article compares two different Machine Learning solutions on Google Cloud.

TensorFlow Nov. 5, 2018

Optimizing TensorFlow Models for Serving - Optimize TensorFlow models for serving predictions, to help you reduce the cost and increase the performance of your ML solution.

Cloud ML GCP Experience Machine Learning Official Blog TensorFlow Nov. 5, 2018

How 20th Century Fox uses ML to predict a movie audience - Google’s Advanced Solutions Lab created Merlin Video, a computer vision tool that learns dense representations of movie trailers to help predict a specific trailer’s future moviegoing audience.

Cloud Natural Language API TensorFlow Aug. 27, 2018

Developing a Sentiment Analyser with TensorFlow and Google Cloud NLP

Compute Engine TensorFlow Aug. 6, 2018

TensorFlow GCE Deep Learning Images With Anaconda, HowTo - How to use our custom GCE binaries of TensorFlow within the Anaconda environment.

Machine Learning TensorFlow TPU July 16, 2018

Training and serving a realtime mobile object detector in 30 minutes with Cloud TPUs - Example of training an object detection model on Cloud TPUs with Tensorflow.

Cloud ML TensorFlow July 9, 2018

Modelling — Transfer learning using tensorflow’s object detection model on Mac - Building object detector using Tensorflow's object detection model.

Apache Beam Cloud Dataflow Python TensorFlow June 18, 2018

Customer segmentation using DataFlow and TensorFlow - Using DataFlow and TensorFlow for retail Customer segmentation.

GPU TensorFlow June 18, 2018

Setting up Tensorflow and GPUs on Google Cloud Platform to run your neural network implementations - Step by step procedure on how to set up GPUs and Tensorflow on Google Cloud Platform.

Beginner Cloud ML TensorFlow June 18, 2018

Hello World on GCP ML Engine - Setting up simple Hello World on GCP ML Engine.

TensorFlow June 11, 2018

TensorFlow Estimator & Dataset APIs - Using TensorFlow Estimator & Dataset APIs.

Compute Engine GPU TensorFlow June 4, 2018

Installing Tensorflow-GPU with NVIDIA CUDA on a Google Cloud Platform VM instance - Using Tensorflow-GPU and NVIDIA CUDA configured VM instance on Google Cloud Platform.

Compute Engine GPU TensorFlow June 4, 2018

Setting up a Google Cloud instance for Deep Learning - How to set-up a Google Cloud instance for Deep Learning.

Kubernetes TensorFlow May 21, 2018

Machine Learning on Kubernetes with Kubeflow - Take5 - Benefits of running your TensorFlow models in Kubernetes using Kubeflow.

Machine Learning Official Blog TensorFlow April 30, 2018

Now live in Tokyo: using TensorFlow to predict taxi demand

TensorFlow April 30, 2018

Highlights from the TensorFlow Developer Summit, 2018 - Overview of most important things from this year's TensorFlow Developer Summit.

BigQuery Cloud Datalab TensorFlow April 16, 2018

Predicting San Francisco Bikeshare availability with TensorFlow and LSTMs - Using Google Datalab, BigQuery, and TensorFlow to perform machine learning.

Cloud Dataflow Official Blog TensorFlow April 2, 2018

Predicting community engagement on Reddit using TensorFlow, GDELT, and Cloud Dataflow: Part 3 - Part 3 of article series which explores predicting community engagement on Reddit using TensorFlow, GDELT, and Cloud Dataflow.

GPU TensorFlow Tutorial March 26, 2018

Automatic GPUs - Explore R / Python approach to getting up and running quickly on GCloud with GPUs in Tensorflow.

TensorFlow March 26, 2018

The fight against illegal deforestation with TensorFlow - Article explains how Rainforest Connection is using Tensorflow to protect the rainforest.

Cloud Dataflow TensorFlow March 26, 2018

Predicting community engagement on Reddit using TensorFlow, GDELT, and Cloud Dataflow: Part 2 - Next article in series about developing and tuning Tensorflow models.

Cloud Dataflow Official Blog TensorFlow March 19, 2018

Predicting community engagement on Reddit using TensorFlow, GDELT, and Cloud Dataflow: Part 1 - Explore approach of using TensorFlow, GDELT, and Cloud Dataflow to predict community engagement on Reddit.

Machine Learning Official Blog TensorFlow March 12, 2018

Comparing regression and classification on US elections data with TensorFlow Estimators - Using TensorFlow Estimators for Comparing regression and classification on US elections data.

Cloud ML Cloud Storage Google Kubernetes Engine TensorFlow March 12, 2018

Getting 'ya music recommendation groove on with Google Cloud Platform! Part 3 - Description of high-level view of a recommendation project in Google Cloud Platform.

Machine Learning TensorFlow March 5, 2018

Building a Next Word Predictor in Tensorflow - Article about concepts to create Next Word Predictor with Tensorflow.

TensorFlow March 5, 2018

TensorFlow Object Detection on iOS - TensorFlow Object Detection on iOS.

TensorFlow March 5, 2018

How to extend a canned TensorFlow Estimator to add more evaluation metrics and to pass through instance keys - How to add more evaluation metrics and pass through instance keys when using a canned estimator in Tensorflow.

Official Blog TensorFlow Feb. 12, 2018

Easy distributed training with TensorFlow using tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate on Cloud ML Engine - Know about tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate function, which simplifies training, evaluation, and exporting of Estimator models.

TensorFlow Feb. 12, 2018

GCP Podcast - #113 Open Source TensorFlow with Yifei Feng

TensorFlow Jan. 29, 2018

Print Statements in TensorFlow - Yufeng explains how to properly use print statements in your TensorFlow graph.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Jan. 29, 2018

Getting your music recommendation groove on with Google Cloud Platform! Part 2 - Second article regarding building music recommendation system using Google Cloud Platform products.

Beginner Docker Python TensorFlow Tutorial Jan. 15, 2018

What’s After Setting up a GCP Computing Instance? Running a Custom Docker Container with Tensorflow - In this post, you will learn how to setup a custom docker image, create a container with the image and and get your python + Tensorflow scripts running in that.

BigQuery Cloud Dataprep TensorFlow Jan. 15, 2018

Analyzing Israeli weed market with Google Cloud DataPrep, BigQuery and TensorFlow - Getting, cleaning and analyzing data about marijuana sales with Google Cloud Platform products.

Cloud ML TensorFlow Tutorial Jan. 8, 2018

Build a Taylor Swift detector with the TensorFlow Object Detection API, ML Engine, and Swift - This post explains steps to build an iOS face detector app with the TensorFlow Object Detection API, Cloud ML Engine.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Jan. 8, 2018

How to move from tf.contrib.learn Estimator to core Tensorflow tf.Estimator - Guide to know about moving from tf.contrib.learn Estimator to core Tensorflow tf.Estimator.

Cloud ML TensorFlow Dec. 25, 2017

New in TensorFlow 1.4: converting a Keras model to a TensorFlow Estimator - By wrapping your Keras code in a Tensorflow Estimator, you can serve predictions using TensorFlow Serving or deploy your model on Cloud ML Engine

Advanced App Engine BigQuery Cloud ML Machine Learning TensorFlow Dec. 18, 2017

Real-time forecasts in the cloud: from market feed capture to ML predictions - how to train a machine learning model to predict FX rates using TensorFlow in Google Cloud, with application components running as App Engine services and communicating with each other by publishing messages via Cloud Pub/Sub and by writing data into BigQuery.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Dec. 18, 2017

Getting music recommendation groove on with Google Cloud Platform - First article from blog series on topic of recommendation systems and machine learning using of course Google Cloud Platform.

Cloud Dataflow TensorFlow Dec. 18, 2017

Predicting social engagement for the world’s news with TensorFlow and Cloud Dataflow: Part 1 - Predicting online conversation about the world's news on Reddit, using Tensorflow and Cloud Dataflow.

TensorFlow Dec. 4, 2017

Using Apache Spark with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform - Two code samples: first example is using Spark to generate TFRecords, the recommended TensorFlow format, second examples is using Spark to preprocess the data and generate artifacts for the Tensorflow graph.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Tutorial Dec. 4, 2017

Getting Started with TensorFlow: A Machine Learning Tutorial - Article describes how to start with Tensorflow as well as code samples for some algorithms.

Python TensorFlow Tutorial Nov. 27, 2017

From Solving Equations to Deep Learning: A TensorFlow Python Tutorial - Introduction to Tensorflow through examples.

Cloud ML TensorFlow Nov. 27, 2017

Wide and deep model using Tensorflow - Predicting taxi cab demand by day of the week weather using Google Cloud ML.

TensorFlow Nov. 20, 2017

Announcing TensorFlow Lite - TensorFlow Lite is TensorFlow’s lightweight solution for mobile and embedded devices

Big Data Machine Learning TensorFlow Nov. 20, 2017

Automating ML and IoT with cloud-based image rendering, training, and device delivery - Architectural solutions for 3D rendering and machine learning.

TensorFlow Nov. 6, 2017

Object Detection: Tensorflow and Google Cloud Platform - Step by step process of setting up Tensorflow and Cloud ML to train dataset for pets detection.

Cloud ML TensorFlow Oct. 30, 2017

Distributed training in the cloud: Cloud Machine Learning Engine - Article explains setting and running training on Google Cloud ML.

Cloud Datalab TensorFlow Oct. 23, 2017

Exploring TensorFlow samples in Google Cloud Datalab - Training Tensorflow models using Cloud Datalab

TensorFlow Oct. 23, 2017

Natural Language Generation at Google Research

Machine Learning TensorFlow Oct. 16, 2017

Rock-paper-scissors machine built on TensorFlow - Description of interesting and funny projects combining electronics and machine learning

TensorFlow Oct. 9, 2017

Big data for training models in the cloud - When there is lots of data to use for training, it's best to use Cloud.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Oct. 9, 2017

Intro to text classification with Keras: automatically tagging Stack Overflow posts - Article describes how to build a simple model to predict the tag of a Stack Overflow question.

Cloud ML TensorFlow Oct. 2, 2017

Genomic ancestry inference with deep learning - Examining an analytical technique for verifying the ancestry of a human DNA sample, and showing how to implement it as a system using Google Cloud Platform, TensorFlow and Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Oct. 2, 2017

Estimators revisited: Deep Neural Networks - In this episode of Cloud AI Adventures, learn how to train on increasingly complex datasets by converting a linear model to a deep neural network!

Machine Learning TensorFlow Sept. 25, 2017

How Machine Learning with TensorFlow Enabled Mobile Proof-Of-Purchase at Coca-Cola - How Coca Cola is using Tensorflow to read coupons from caps

Cloud ML TensorFlow Sept. 18, 2017

Serverless predictions at scale - Short tutorial about how to serve TensofFlow models/predictions on Google Cloud ML.

TensorFlow Sept. 11, 2017

Plain and Simple Estimators - Explaining estimators on Iris flowers example

TensorFlow Sept. 11, 2017

Generative Machine Learning on the Cloud - Description of cloud based tool to aid in generative art and synthetic image generation using Variational Autoencoder Generative Adversarial Network

TensorFlow Sept. 4, 2017

A TensorFlow Glossary/Cheat Sheet - Glossary of terms related to TensorFlow / Machine Learning

BigQuery Cloud ML Machine Learning TensorFlow Sept. 4, 2017

How to predict your Google Cloud Platform monthly bill with Google CloudML & BigQuery - Creating billing prediction system with BigQuery, TensorFlow and Cloud ML

Cloud ML TensorFlow Aug. 20, 2017

Distributed TensorFlow and the hidden layers of engineering work - or why is better and more efficient to use Cloud ML Engine then setup on your own infrastructure to train TensforFlow models

GPU TensorFlow Aug. 20, 2017

Launch a GPU-backed Google Compute Engine instance and setup Tensorflow, Keras and Jupyter - Article goes through setting up GPUs on Compute Engine and use TensorFlow and Jupyter

Business Cloud ML Machine Learning TensorFlow Aug. 20, 2017

How Aucnet leveraged TensorFlow to transform their IT engineers into machine learning engineers - KonPeki built real-time car image recognition system, using TensorFlow and Cloud Machine Learning Engine

Compute Engine TensorFlow Aug. 14, 2017

Creating an Object Detection Application Using TensorFlow - This tutorial describes how to install and run an object detection application using Tensorflow model on Google Compute Engine

Python TensorFlow Aug. 7, 2017

TensorFlow Photo x-Ray Object Detection with App Engine - In this part of serial, description how to set up Tensorflow on Google App Engine Flexible is described.

TensorFlow Aug. 7, 2017

TensorFlow Tutorial For Beginners - Long post explaining basic concepts of Tensorflow

GPU TensorFlow July 24, 2017

Using a GPU & TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform - Tutorial about how to setup GPU instances and run on them Tensorflow models

Cloud ML TensorFlow July 10, 2017

How to do text classification with CNNs, TensorFlow and word embedding

Compute Engine GPU TensorFlow July 10, 2017

Jupyter + Tensorflow + Nvidia GPU + Docker + Google Compute Engine

TensorFlow July 3, 2017

Google Stakes Its Future on a Piece of Software - Story about Tensorflow and it's impact

TensorFlow June 19, 2017

Supercharge your Computer Vision models with the TensorFlow Object Detection API - Tensorflow is extended with Object Detection API

Cloud Natural Language API Cloud Speech API TensorFlow June 19, 2017

Build your own machine-learning-powered robot arm using TensorFlow and Google Cloud - Description of a robot arm that listens for a voice request with your preferred flavor of candy, selects and picks up a piece of candy with that particular flavor from a table, and serves it to you via Google Cloud products and services

Compute Engine Docker GPU TensorFlow June 12, 2017

Jupyter + Tensorflow + Nvidia GPU + Docker + Google Compute Engine - Running Jupiter notebooks with GPUs and Docker

TensorFlow May 22, 2017

Scaling TensorFlow Models for Training using multi-GPUs & Google Cloud ML

TensorFlow May 15, 2017

An in-depth look at Google’s first Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) - In depth overview of Tensor Processing Unit

TensorFlow April 24, 2017

Developing a Sentiment Analyser with TensorFlow and Google Cloud NLP

Cloud Dataflow Machine Learning TensorFlow April 24, 2017

How to use Google Cloud Dataflow with TensorFlow for batch predictive analysis - Code example in Python for complete processing pipeline for Tensorflow with Dataflow

Machine Learning TensorFlow April 10, 2017

Quantifying the performance of the TPU, our first machine learning chip - TPU (Tensor Processing Unit) is chip designed for running machine learning code and it's multiple times faster than graphic processing unit or normal CPU while spending less energy

Compute Engine TensorFlow April 3, 2017

Containerized Jupyter notebooks on GPU on Google Cloud - Step by step tutorial about how to set up Jupyter on GPU / GCE instances using Docker

TensorFlow April 3, 2017

How to do time series prediction using RNNs and TensorFlow and Cloud ML Engine

Machine Learning TensorFlow April 3, 2017

Using machine learning for insurance pricing optimization - AXA is using Tensorflow to better predict accidents with large payouts

TensorFlow April 3, 2017

How to set up Tensorflow and DeepDream on a free Google Cloud Instance

Cloud Dataflow Dataflow TensorFlow March 13, 2017

Training Multiple Models of TensorFlow using Dataflow

Dataflow Machine Learning TensorFlow Feb. 27, 2017

Using Google Cloud Machine Learning to predict clicks at scale - Step by step example of how to training Tensfor flow models on Google Cloud Platform


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Zdenko Hrček
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Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]