Welcome to issue #328 January 9th, 2023


Cloud Storage Official Blog

Announcing launch of Event-driven transfer for Cloud Storage - Storage Transfer Service now supports serverless, real-time replication from AWS S3 to Cloud Storage, and between Cloud Storage buckets.

Business Official Blog

Kicking off 2023 with a new startup accelerator focused on climate change - Last chance to apply for Google for Startups accelerator programs focused on climate change in North America and Europe.


Articles, Tutorials

Infrastructure, Networking, Security, Kubernetes

Google Distributed Cloud Edge Official Blog

Imagine the possibilities: Exploring industry use cases for Google Distributed Cloud Edge Appliance - Read about how Google Distributed Cloud Appliance is being used to solve use cases across manufacturing, retail and automotive industry verticals.

Official Blog VPC Service Controls

Best Kept Security Secrets: How VPC Service Controls can help build defense in depth - VPC Service Controls can play a vital role in creating additional security while making it easier to manage data in a way that most cloud services can't do today.

Infrastructure Networking VPC

GCP Hybrid Networking Patterns — Part 3 - Three-part series about GCP Hybrid Networking Patterns.


Introduction — Google Cloud Policy Troubleshooter - This article introduces the Google Cloud Policy Troubleshooter.


Keeping Bots outside your edge - How to protect your apps from malicious bots with Google Cloud Armor and reCaptcha Enterprise.


Google Cybersecurity Action Team Threat Horizons Report #5 Is Out! - The most interesting parts of Threat Horizons Report.

BigQuery Chronicle Security

Finding stale user accounts using Chronicle Data Lake - Reporting accounts that are active, but no one has logged into recently using Chronicle SIEM.

App Development, Serverless, Databases, DevOps

API Official Blog

Hype or Trend? 7 API management use cases rising in prominence - API adoption is accelerating at an unprecedented pace and API management is at the cusp of change. In this blog, we will outline 7 API management use cases that we see growing in prominence and how you can take advantage of these trends to future-proof your architecture.

Official Blog Workflows

The Home Depot orchestrates self-service cloud solutions with Workflows - The Home Depot creates an innovative self service IT portal using Workflows.

NoSQL Official Blog Serverless

Redis Enterprise & Google Cloud maximize omnichannel conversion rates

AWS Cloud Storage

Use case-2: AWS S3-Compatible & Interoperable Google Cloud Storage - Using AWS CLI to transfer data from AWS S3 to Cloud Storage.

Cloud Filestore

[How To] Snapshot GCP Filestore — Part I - This blog is about the introduction of snapshots feature in filestore and how snapshots can be created and used for restoration in different scenarios.


Calculating your potential reach on Mastodon with Google Cloud Workflows orchestrating the Mastodon… - Getting data from Mastodon server using Cloud Workflows.

Cloud SQL

Exploring the Underlying Operating System in a Google Cloud Database Managed Service - One of the common questions we see from customers using our managed database service is about the underlying operating system (OS).

Cloud Deploy Gitlab Workforce Identity Federation

Implement secure CI/CD with Workload Identity Federation, GitLab CI & Cloud Deploy. - Using Workload Identity Federation to connect Google Cloud with Gitlab and Cloud Deploy for deployments.

API Cloud Run

Create and deploy an Express API to Cloud Run - Using simpler CLI instead of gcloud to deploy Cloud Run applications.

Big Data, Analytics, ML&AI

Data Analytics GCP Experience Official Blog Vertex AI

SAVI transforms global surgical instrument tracking with Google Cloud - Powered by Vertex AI (Google Cloud’s platform for accelerating development and deployment of machine learning models into production), SAVI (Semi Automated Vision Inspection) is transforming surgical instrument identification and cataloging, leading to fewer canceled surgeries, and easing pressure on surgery waitlists.


How to run Nextflow in GCP using Cloud Batch? - Learn how to run reproducible data processing pipelines with Nextflow on Google Cloud using Cloud Batch.

Official Blog TensorFlow Vertex AI

How to optimize training performance with the TensorFlow Profiler on Vertex AI - Learn how to use the TensorFlow Profiler on Vertex AI to debug bottlenecks and make your training jobs run faster.

BigQuery Cloud Dataproc

Import Data From Postgres to BigQuery in Parallel via Dataproc - Leveraging the Power of PySpark to fetch data from Postgres in Parallel without Primary key.

BigQuery CI Dataform

Dataform CI/CD pipeline on Google Cloud - This article describes several ways how Dataform Workflows can be executed outside of Google Cloud Console.

BigQuery Data Analytics Data Science

Reproducible Random Split in BigQuery SQL (For Beginners) - A complete tutorial to randomly split a dataset into multiple groups.

BigQuery Billing

BigQuery Optimizations (Part 1) - Primer on BigQuery Cost and Performance Optimizations.

BigQuery Billing

BigQuery Optimizations (Part 2) - Primer on BigQuery Cost and Performance Optimizations, second part.


Understanding IP Addresses for Data Analysis — A practical example using BigQuery - Learn the basics of IP addresses and how to analyze the geographic distribution of your users through a practical example.

Machine Learning TensorFlow Vertex AI

Accelerating Model Deployment using Transfer Learning and Vertex AI - See how you can start building ML solutions and getting them up and running on GCP in no-time!


GCP Certification Official Blog

New year, new skills - How to reach your cloud career destination - Find out how to jump start your dream cloud career, no matter what your background. Advice for technical and non-technical roles!

Google Cloud Platform Official Blog

Cloud Googler Dipty Chander is on a mission to help 1 million people from underrepresented groups learn how to code - Technical Account Manager Dipty Chander shares why she’s on a mission to train 1 million people from underrepresented groups on the cloud.


AppEngine Standard Python3 - The Python 3.11 runtime for App Engine standard environment is now available in preview.

BigQuery ML - BigQuery ML integration with Vertex AI Model Registry is now generally available. Customers can use BigQuery ML to train and run models on BigLake in Cloud Storage.

Chronicle - Chronicle Curated Detections has been enhanced with the following additional detection content for Windows-based threats. The following supported default parsers have changed.

Config Connector - Config Connector version 1.99.0 is now available. Added support for DataCatalogPolicyTag resource. Added support for TagsTagKey resource. Added support for TagsTagValue resource. Fixed export error for IAMCustomRole in config-connector CLI with --resource-format=terraform. Added fields spec.configmanagement.oci and spec.mesh.controlPlane in GKEHubFeatureMembership. Added field spec.skipAwaitRollout in OSConfigOSPolicyAssignment. Removed field spec.authorizationPolicyRef in NetworkServicesGateway (Alpha). Added field spec.deletionPolicy in BigtableGCPolicy. Added field spec.deletionProtection in BigtableTable. Added field spec.cdnPolicy.cacheKeyPolicy.includeHttpHeaders in ComputeBackendService. Added fields spec.privateIpAddressRef, spec.redundantInterfaceRef, spec.subnetworkRef in ComputeRouterInterface. Added fields spec.recaptchaOptionsConfig, spec.rule.headerAction, spec.rule.preconfiguredWafConfig in ComputeSecurityPolicy. Added fields spec.clusterAutoscaling.autoProvisioningDefaults.management, spec.clusterAutoscaling.autoProvisioningDefaults.shieldedInstanceConfig spec.clusterAutoscaling.autoProvisioningDefaults.upgradeSettings, spec.gatewayApiConfig, spec.masterAuthorizedNetworksConfig.gcpPublicCidrsAccessEnabled, spec.nodeConfig.loggingVariant, spec.nodeConfig.resourceLabels, spec.nodePoolDefaults.nodeConfigDefaults.loggingVariant, spec.privateClusterConfig.privateEndpointSubnetworkRef in ContainerCluster. Added fields spec.networkConfig.enablePrivateNodes, spec.nodeConfig.loggingVariant, spec.nodeConfig.resourceLabels, spec.upgradeSettings.blueGreenSettings, spec.upgradeSettings.stategy in ContainerNodePool. Added field spec.privateVisibilityConfig.gkeClustersRef in DNSManagedZone. Added field spec.mesh.controlPlane in GKEHubFeatureMembership. Added field spec.deletionPolicy in SQLDatabase. Added fields spec.settings.connectorEnforcement, spec.settings.denyMaintenancePeriod, spec.settings.insightsConfig.queryPlansPerMinute in SQLInstance. Added field spec.autoclass in StorageBucket. Supported the regional spec.defaultRouteAction.requestMirrorPolicy.backendServiceRef, spec.defaultRouteAction.weightedBackendServices.backendServiceRef for the regional ComputeURLMap resources. Field spec.labels in CloudIdentityGroup has become mutable. Field spec.ipv6AccessType in ComputeSubnetwork has become mutable. Extended faster reconciliation of resources with dependencies to support IAMPartialPolicy.

Data Fusion - The SAP SuccessFactors Batch Source plugin is available in Preview.

Dataflow - Starting in version 2023-01-03-RC00, the Google-provided Dataflow templates support ES6 syntax for JavaScript user-defined functions (UDFs).

Cloud Firestore - The Firestore indexes pages in the Google Cloud and Firebase consoles now show the __name__ field in each composite index definition.

Cloud Functions - Cloud Functions now supports the following runtimes at the General Availability release level.

Google Kubernetes Engine - (2023-R01) Version updates GKE cluster versions have been updated. 1.26 is now available in the Rapid channel Kubernetes 1.26 is now available in the Rapid channel. Notable changes kubectl 1.26 removes compiled-in support for Azure and Google Cloud authentication methods. New API versions flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta3 FlowSchema, PriorityLevelConfiguration The PriorityLevelConfiguration spec.limited.assuredConcurrencyShares field is renamed to spec.limited.nominalConcurrencyShares. Deprecated API versions These APIs are still served in version 1.26 but are in a deprecation period: The following Beta versions of graduated APIs will be removed in 1.27 in favor of newer versions: storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 CSIStorageCapacity deprecated since 1.24 use storage.k8s.io/v1 instead, available since 1.24 The following Beta versions of graduated APIs will be removed in 1.29 in favor of newer versions: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta2 FlowSchema, PriorityLevelConfiguration deprecated since 1.26 use flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta3 instead, available since 1.26. Removed API versions The following Beta versions of graduated APIs will be removed in 1.26 in favor of newer versions: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta1 FlowSchema, PriorityLevelConfiguration deprecated since 1.23 use flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta2 instead, available since 1.23 autoscaling/v2beta2 HorizontalPodAutoscaler deprecated since 1.23 use autoscaling/v2 instead, available since 1.23 (or autoscaling/v1). You can now run GPU-based workloads in GA in Autopilot clusters that use GKE version 1.24.2-gke.1800 and later.

GKE - (2023-R01) Version updates The following control plane and node versions are now available: 1.21.14-gke.14100 1.22.17-gke.1400 1.23.15-gke.1400 1.24.9-gke.1500 1.25.5-gke.1500 The following control plane versions are no longer available: 1.22.15-gke.100 1.25.3-gke.800 Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.15-gke.1000 with this release.

Google Kubernetes Engine Rapid - (2023-R01) Version updates Version 1.25.4-gke.2100 is now the default version in the Rapid channel. 1.26 is now available in the Rapid channel Kubernetes 1.26 is now available in the Rapid channel. Notable changes kubectl 1.26 removes compiled-in support for Azure and Google Cloud authentication methods. New API versions flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta3 FlowSchema, PriorityLevelConfiguration The PriorityLevelConfiguration spec.limited.assuredConcurrencyShares field is renamed to spec.limited.nominalConcurrencyShares. Deprecated API versions These APIs are still served in version 1.26 but are in a deprecation period: The following Beta versions of graduated APIs will be removed in 1.27 in favor of newer versions: storage.k8s.io/v1beta1 CSIStorageCapacity deprecated since 1.24 use storage.k8s.io/v1 instead, available since 1.24 The following Beta versions of graduated APIs will be removed in 1.29 in favor of newer versions: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta2 FlowSchema, PriorityLevelConfiguration deprecated since 1.26 use flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta3 instead, available since 1.26. Removed API versions The following Beta versions of graduated APIs will be removed in 1.26 in favor of newer versions: flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta1 FlowSchema, PriorityLevelConfiguration deprecated since 1.23 use flowcontrol.apiserver.k8s.io/v1beta2 instead, available since 1.23 autoscaling/v2beta2 HorizontalPodAutoscaler deprecated since 1.23 use autoscaling/v2 instead, available since 1.23 (or autoscaling/v1).

Google Kubernetes Engine Regular - (2023-R01) Version updates The following versions are now available in the Regular channel: 1.22.16-gke.2000 1.23.14-gke.1800 1.24.8-gke.2000 1.25.4-gke.2100 The following versions are no longer available in the Regular channel: 1.22.15-gke.100 1.23.13-gke.900 1.24.5-gke.600 1.25.3-gke.800 Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Regular channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.15-gke.1000 with this release.

Google Kubernetes Engine Stable - (2023-R01) Version updates The following versions are now available in the Stable channel: 1.22.16-gke.2000 1.23.14-gke.1800 1.24.8-gke.401 The following versions are no longer available in the Stable channel: 1.22.15-gke.100 1.23.11-gke.300 1.24.7-gke.900 Control planes and nodes with auto-upgrade enabled in the Stable channel will be upgraded from version 1.21 to version 1.22.15-gke.2500 with this release.

VPC Service Controls - Preview stage support for the following integration: Policy Troubleshooter.

Workflows - Support for an Application Integration connector is available in Preview.


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Zdenko Hrček
Třebanická 183
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]