Tag: Batch

Batch Data Analytics July 8, 2024

Real-World Nextflow on GCP - This post describes how to use Nextflow (a scientific workflow system) on Google Cloud Batch, including how to set up a Nextflow configuration file, use Google Batch features, and configure enterprise considerations.

Batch Serverless June 17, 2024

Running DeepCell on Google Batch with node pools - Benchmarking DeepCell on Google Batch with node pools, a feature that reuses compute nodes rather than acquiring and initializing a new node per job. Node pools significantly reduce the setup time between job runs of the same type, resulting in faster processing times.

Batch Feb. 26, 2024

Use Google Cloud Batch for Running WDLs - Google’s Cloud Life Sciences API is being deprecated. For those relying on it, Google Cloud Batch combined with Cromwell offers a powerful alternative for batch processing workflows.

Batch Serverless July 3, 2023

How to run Python scripts with GCP Batch - Using GCP new batch service to run long-running scripts.

Batch Workflows June 19, 2023

How to Run Batch Data Jobs with GCP Batch and Cloud Workflows - Exploring how to use GCP Batch and Cloud Workflows together to run sequential batch data jobs that last for long hours.

Batch Serverless Workflows June 5, 2023

New Batch connector for Workflows - This article explains how to use the new Batch connector in Workflows.

Batch Official Blog PyTorch April 17, 2023

Rapidly deploy PyTorch applications on Batch using TorchX - Batch and TorchX simplify the development and execution of PyTorch applications in the cloud to accelerate training, research, and support for ML pipelines.

Batch Machine Learning Feb. 27, 2023

Creating a long running job in GCP’s new Batch service - Example of using Cloud Batch for long running jobs.

Batch Official Blog Feb. 13, 2023

Running Batch with Nvidia Clara Parabricks - If you want to process large scale data with Nvidia Clara Parabricks software, Batch is the solution for HPC computation / genomic processing on the Google Cloud Platform. No need to maintain a scheduler, no complicated architecture, auto scaling without any infrastructure setup process.

Batch Jan. 9, 2023

How to run Nextflow in GCP using Cloud Batch? - Learn how to run reproducible data processing pipelines with Nextflow on Google Cloud using Cloud Batch.

Batch Life Sciences Aug. 1, 2022

Running Nextflow on Google Batch - Using Batch to analyze RNA sequencing data.

Batch HPC Official Blog July 18, 2022

Introducing Batch, a new managed service for scheduling batch jobs at any scale - The new Batch managed service manages job queues, provisions and autoscales resources, runs jobs, executes subtasks, and deals with common errors.


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