Welcome to issue #195 June 22nd, 2020


Apigee Official Blog

Announcing API management for services that use Envoy - To help integrate Envoy-based services into Apigee environment, GCP is announcing the Apigee Adapter for Envoy in beta.

Cloud Dataproc Data Analytics Official Blog

Introducing Spark 3 and Hadoop 3 on Dataproc image version 2.0 - Dataproc image version 2.0 is ready for testing, with Spark 3 and Hadoop 3 capabilities for open source data and analytics testing.

Networking Official Blog Security

Bringing Modern Transport Security to Google Cloud with TLS 1.3 - With TLS 1.3 enabled by default, Google Cloud customers’ internet traffic is more secure and has reduced latency.

Cloud Filestore Official Blog

Speeding up, scaling out: Filestore now supports high performance - Filestore High Scale is a cloud file storage system to meet HPC and other needs where speed and performance are essential.

Google Maps Platform Official Blog

Introducing new Maps customization features from Google Maps Platform

Google Maps Platform Official Blog

Google Maps Platform gaming solution now available to everyone

Google Maps Platform Official Blog

Announcing Local Context beta from Google Maps Platform

Cloud Firestore Firebase Official Blog

New improvements to Firestore Security Rules - Improvements for Firebase security rules.

Google Cloud Platform

24hrs of Google Cloud Talks by DevRel - Google Cloud Talks by DevRel is bringing you 24 hours of interactive sessions spanning across three broad timezones.

Articles, Tutorials

Infrastructure, Networking, Security, Kubernetes

Networking Official Blog

Setting up advanced network threat detection with Packet Mirroring - How to use Google Cloud Packet Mirroring for network monitoring and security use cases.

Networking Official Blog

What a trip! Measuring network latency in the cloud - How to use netperf and ping to measure network latency in Google Cloud.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Security

A painless way to manage secrets in Google Kubernetes Engine - Berglas is the simplest solution we’ve seen for managing secrets on Kubernetes clusters in GKE. Here’s why it’s our new favourite.

Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Microservices Security

GKE Authentication and Authorization between Cloud IAM and RBAC - This article goes over details of how users created with Google Kubernetes Engine — GKE and how Google Cloud IAM and RBAC play together to achieve a better authentication and authorization strategy for your cluster.

App Engine Cloud Identity Aware Proxy NodeJS Security

Beyond Corp in a Bottle — Uncorked! - Setting up Cloud Identity Aware Proxy for NodeJS App Engine sample app.

Kubernetes Spinnaker Terraform

Deploying multi-tenant Kubernetes deployments in a VPC-native cluster with Spinnaker on GKE - Deploying multi-tenant Kubernetes deployments in a VPC-native cluster with Spinnaker on Google Kubernetes Engine.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes

GKE checklist for production - A checklist regarding GKE readiness for production.

Cloud SDK Google Kubernetes Engine

Building a GKE with Cloud SDK - Provision Google Kubernetes Engine with Google Cloud SDK.

Google Kubernetes Engine Terraform

Building GKE with Terraform - Provision Google Kubernetes Engine with Terraform.

Google Kubernetes Engine

Using preemptible instances in Google Cloud - Using preemptible nodes in GKE for asynchronous tasks.

App Development, Serverless, Databases, DevOps

Cloud Build Cloud Run Java

Build and deploy secure containers to a serverless runtime using Google Cloud Buildpacks and this six-line file. - Deploying Spring Boot app to Cloud Run with Cloud Build.

App Engine Java Tutorial

Deploy a Spring Boot API to GCP App Engine - This tutorial explains how to deploy Spring Boot to App Engine.

Knative Public Datasets

Daily COVID-19 cases notification Pipeline with Knative Eventing, BigQuery, Matplotlib and SendGrid - Pipeline for generating daily Covid-19 charts and sending email using Knative.

Cloud Build Cloud Scheduler

Scheduling Cloud Builds - Scheduling Cloud Build builds using Cloud Scheduler.

Cloud Functions GCP Experience

Google Serverless Gripes - Some of the limitations of Serverless products on GCP.

Cloud Functions Firebase Javascript NodeJS

Migrate your Firebase Cloud Functions to Node.js 10 - Node 8 has been deprecated, and you’ll have to move to node 10. Here’s what you need to know to make that happen smoothly.

Cloud Firestore Javascript

How to Implement a Visitor Counter Using Google Cloud’s Firestore - The explains describes how to implement safely value increment in Cloud Firestore.

Cloud Datastore Cloud Monitoring

The Hidden Costs of Exporting - Datastore Export costs money but doesn’t show in Stackdriver Monitoring.

App Engine Cloud Run Knative Serverless

Migrating from App Engine to Cloud Run - Using online migration tool to convert App Engine config file to Cloud Run's .

Big Data, Analytics, ML&AI

Cloud Dataflow

Cloud Dataflow - Tips and tricks when using Cloud Dataflow.

BigQuery Cloud Dataproc

Graph data analysis with Cypher and Spark SQL on Cloud Dataproc - How to read in BigQuery data and use Spark SQL and the Morpheus library to carry out graph data analysis.

Apache Beam Cloud Dataflow Cloud Functions Cloud Tasks

Decoupling Dataflow with Cloud Tasks and Cloud Functions - The article explains the approach to handle posting data from Dataflow to third party endpoint and when it cannot handle the load from Dataflow.

Apache Beam BigQuery Java

Reading NUMERIC fields with BigQueryIO in Apache Beam - Handling conversion of NUMERIC type from BigQuery in the Beam Java pipeline.

Big Data Cloud Dataproc

Sqoop Data Ingestion on GCP - Using Apache Sqoop (bulk data transfer) in Cloud Dataproc.


How to Copy Data Inside BigQuery - An overview of different possibilities to copy data in BigQuery.

BigQuery GIS Public Datasets

Creating an Enhanced NYT COVID-19 Data Set - Adding Demographic, Electoral, and Mobility Information in BigQuery.

BigQuery Cloud AutoML Machine Learning

The best of both worlds: Calling Auto ML from BigQuery - Preprocess in SQL, then build a sophisticated model using Auto ML Tables.

Machine Learning Official Blog

Father’s Day present of the past: 30 years of family videos in an AI archive - Developer Advocate Dale Markowitz shares how for Father's Day she built her dad an AI-powered searchable archive of family videos.

Airflow Apache Beam Machine Learning

Industrialization of a ML model using Airflow and Apache BEAM - Running ML pipeline on GCP.


Data Analytics GCP Experience Official Blog

How Unity analyzes petabytes of data in BigQuery for reporting and ML initiatives - Learn how development platform Unity Technologies moved to BigQuery for a cloud data warehouse that enables ML and.

Official Blog SAP

Future-proofing your business with Google Cloud and SAP - As SAP’s SAPPHIRE NOW digital events kick off this week, we’re sharing the latest on how Google Cloud is helping SAP customers digitally transform their businesses in the short and long term.

GCP Experience Kaggle Official Blog

Data scientists assist medical researchers in the fight against COVID-19 - To overcome coronavirus, we’ll have to use data and technology. Kaggle is focused on helping the medical community to better understand COVID-19.

Machine Learning TensorFlow

Is the TensorFlow Developer Certificate worth it? - What it takes to get Tensorflow certification in 3 weeks.

Billing GCP Experience

How Gcloud’s billing issue caused a business shutdown for one day - Solving a sudden increase in charges ob GCP.

AWS GCP Experience

Why we decided to partner with Google - The reasons why Opologic company decided that the Google Cloud Platform was the right Infrastructure-as-a-service for them.


Optimize Cloud Use While Reducing Costs - 5 best practices that allow you to optimize cloud usage and reduce bills on GCP.

AWS Azure Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform Benefits: How GCP Differs from Azure and AWS - Here are five things to consider when weighing Google Cloud Platform benefits against Azure and AWS.

Slides, Videos, Audio

GCP Podcast - #223 Voice Coding with Emily Shea and Ryan Hileman.

Kubernetes Podcast - #108 The Financial Times, with Sarah Wells and Dimitar Terziev.



Anthos Config Management - 1.3.2. A regression in Anthos Config Management 1.3.2 results in unnecessary patches to the API server for the gatekeeper-system namespace and spurious logging for error KNV2005.

BigQuery - INFORMATION_SCHEMA views for jobs are now generally available (GA).

BigQuery ML - BigQuery ML now supports beta integration with AI Platform.

BigQuery Transfer - The Top Brands report for Google Merchant Center Best Sellers exports is now in beta.

Compute Engine - New sole-tenant node types (c2-node-60-240, n1-node-96-1433, and n2d-node-224-896) are available in Beta.

Config Connector - You can use config-connector tool to export Google Cloud resources into Config Connector: documentation. Bug fixes.

Cloud Debugger - Cloud Debugger now lets you canary snapshots and logpoints on your Python applications.

Cloud Data Loss Prevention - Added support for location-based processing. Added infoType detector: VEHICLE_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER.

Cloud Functions - Cloud Functions is now available in the following regions: australia-southeast1 (Sydney) northamerica-northeast1 (Montreal) See Cloud Functions Locations for details.

Networking Interconnect - The public documentation for Cloud Interconnect is now located under the Network Connectivity page.

Google Kubernetes Engine - Node auto-repair is now enabled by default by the Google Kubernetes Engine API for new node pools.

Cloud Monitoring - The Service Monitoring API is now Generally Available.

Cloud PubSub - Retry policies for Pub/Sub subscriptions are now available at the GA launch stage.

Cloud Router - The public documentation for Cloud Router is now located under the Network Connectivity page.

Cloud Run for Anthos - Cloud Run for Anthos on Google Cloud version 0.14.0-gke.5 is now available for following cluster versions (and greater): * 1.17.6-gke.4.

Cloud Run - The Cloud Run user interface now allows you to copy a Cloud Run service.

Cloud VPN - The public documentation for Cloud VPN is now located under the Network Connectivity page. Cloud VPN now supports an org-level policy that restricts peer IP addresses through a Cloud VPN tunnel.

Cloud VPN - The public documentation for Cloud VPN is now located under the Network Connectivity page. Cloud VPN now supports an org-level policy that restricts peer IP addresses through a Cloud VPN tunnel.

Service Mesh - 1.5.5-asm.2 Fixes a bug in the istioctl HorizontalPodAutoscaling setting that caused Anthos Service Mesh installations to fail.

AI Platform Training - AI Platform Training now supports private services access in beta.

Memorystore for Memcached - Added new Memorystore for Memcached regions: Finland (europe-north1), Hong Kong (asia-east2), Jakarta (asia-southeast2), Las Vegas (us-west4), Montréal (northamerica-northeast1), Mumbai (asia-south1), Osaka (asia-northeast2), Salt Lake City (us-west3), São Paulo (southamerica-east1), Seoul (asia-northeast3), and Zurich (europe-west6).


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Zdenko Hrček
Třebanická 183
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]