Tag: .NET

.NET Cloud Firestore PubSub Dec. 25, 2023

Functional testing with testcontainers - In this article, we explore how the TestContainers library simplifies functional testing by managing external dependencies effectively. We’ll focus on using TestContainers with Google Cloud Platform’s (GCP) Firestore and PubSub services in a .NET environment.

.NET Cloud Functions Aug. 7, 2023

Building Scalable Serverless Applications: Hosting .NET Minimal APIs with Google Cloud Functions - An example of creating and deploying a Cloud Function in .NET.

.NET Cloud Run Nov. 14, 2022

.NET 7 on Cloud Run - .NET 7 was released a few days ago with new features and performance improvements and it’s already supported on Cloud Run on Google Cloud!

.NET Cloud Functions Serverless Oct. 10, 2022

.NET 6 on Cloud Functions (2nd gen) - deploying .NET functions to Cloud Functions 2nd gen.

.NET C# Firebase Sept. 26, 2022

Google Firebase with DotNet 6 - An overview of Firebase with some examples in C#.

.NET Buildpacks Cloud Run Feb. 7, 2022

.NET 6 support in Google Cloud Buildpacks and Cloud Run - Example of using Buildpacks to deploy .NET application on Cloud Run.

.NET Cloud Spanner Official Blog Oct. 11, 2021

Google Cloud Spanner Provider for Entity Framework Core - The general availability of the Google Cloud Spanner provider for Entity Framework Core. This post covers how to get started with the provider and highlights the supported features.

.NET Cloud Spanner May 10, 2021

Google Cloud Spanner with Entity Framework Core - This article will help you get started with Entity Framework Core for Spanner by creating a simple Console App that uses Spanner with EF Core.

.NET Cloud Run Official Blog Nov. 22, 2020

.NET 5.0 on Google Cloud - .NET 5.0 was released just a few days ago with many new features and improvements. In this blog post, we show you how to deploy .NET 5.0 to Cloud Run.

.NET Cloud Functions Oct. 5, 2020

Google Cloud Functions On .NET (Public Alpha) - via https://www.reddit.com/r/googlecloud/comments/j4n449/net_support_is_coming_to_google_cloud_functions/.

.NET Cloud Firestore Aug. 10, 2020

Using Google Cloud Firestore as a Configuration Source for .Net Core Applications - NuGet package that includes Firestore as a Configuration Source for .NET applications.

.NET Cloud Functions Serverless July 20, 2020

Google Cloud Functions on .NET - An example of .NET application deployed on Google Cloud Functions (Alpha).

.NET App Engine July 3, 2020

.NET Core 3.1 updates in Cloud Shell and App Engine flexible environment - Deploying .NET application on App Engine Flexible.

.NET April 13, 2020

How to deploy ASP.NET Core 3.x to Google App Engine - Detailed article about deploying ASP.NET Core 3 web application on App Engine Flex.

.NET Compute Engine Windows April 6, 2020

How to deploy ASP.NET Core 3.x to Google Compute Engine / IIS - Detailed article about deploying ASP.NET application on Google Compute Engine.

.NET Feb. 17, 2020

An app modernization story — Part 3 (Containerize & Redeploy) - Transforming Windows-only .NET Framework app to a containerized multi-platform .NET Core app.

.NET Windows Feb. 10, 2020

An app modernization story — Part 2 (Lift & Shift) - Journey through the cloud on the example of a hypothetical .NET web app.

.NET Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Oct. 14, 2019

Zero downtime deployments of .NET Core Web API on GKE - Deploying .NET Core APIs with zero downtime on GKE.

.NET App Engine Cloud SQL Aug. 19, 2019

Deploy an ASP.NET Core App with EF Core and PostgreSQL to Google Cloud - Deploying an ASP.NET Core web application with EF Core and PostgreSQL to App Engine and Cloud SQL on Google Cloud Platform.

.NET App Engine April 29, 2019

AntiForgery Tokens, ASP.NET core, and Google Cloud - Using new security libraries for .ASP application deployed on Google App Engine.

.NET Cloud KMS Kubernetes Jan. 28, 2019

Keeping Secrets in an ASP.NET Kubernetes Application - How to keep secrets of ASP.NET application using Google Cloud Key Management Service.

.NET Google Cloud Platform Oct. 22, 2018

Adding Social Login to your ASP.NET core 2.1 Google Cloud Platform Application - How to add Social Login to ASP.NET core 2.1 Google Cloud Platform Application.

.NET App Engine Dialogflow Sept. 1, 2018

Dialogflow fulfillment with C# and App Engine - Using C# and App Engine for Dialogflow fulfillment.

.NET Dialogflow Official Blog July 16, 2018

Google Home meets .NET containers using Dialogflow - Build a voice-driven app using Dialogflow and Google Cloud .NET libraries.

.NET Compute Engine March 19, 2018

Deploying Microsoft Bot Framework app in Google Cloud! - Example of deploying .NET application to Google Compute Engine.

.NET Official Blog Feb. 5, 2018

White paper: Modernizing your .NET Application for Google Cloud - White paper: Modernizing your .NET Application for Google Cloud

.NET Oct. 16, 2017

4 ways you can deploy an ASP.NET Core app to GCP - since .NET is now Generally Available both on Google App Engine and Container Engine, in article are presented different ways how to deploy ASP.NET applications

.NET Sept. 4, 2017

Building .NET apps in Visual Studio for GCP: better than ever - Lots of integrations of Google Cloud Platform products into Visual Studio

.NET Stackdriver Sept. 4, 2017

ASP.NET Core developers, meet Stackdriver diagnostics - Easily integrate Stackdriver Logging, Error Reporting and Trace into your ASP.NET Core applications, with a minimum of effort and code.

.NET Sept. 4, 2017

Getting Started w/ .NET on GCP

.NET App Engine June 26, 2017

Adding Social Login to your .NET App Engine Application - Using Facebook login with Flexible Google App Engine in .NET application

.NET June 26, 2017

Enhance your ASP.NET Application with Google Cloud

.NET App Engine Docker March 20, 2017

ASP.NET Core containers run great on GCP - If you want to use .NET on Google Cloud Platform, this article is good place to start

.NET Cloud Datastore

A beginners guide to read/write data in to Google DataStore using .NET Core 2.1 Console Application. - Guide to read/write data in to Google DataStore using .NET Core 2.1 Console Application.


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Zdenko Hrček
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