Welcome to issue #88 June 4th, 2018

Cloud is not only about infrastructure and code, but also about communication with cloud providers, especially if something goes wrong. Good tips from Google's SRE team. Of course infrastructure and code is covered as well.



Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog

Introducing VPC-native clusters for Google Kubernetes Engine - New capability introduced to create VPC-native clusters in Kubernetes Engine.

Official Blog Stackdriver

Gain visibility and take control of Stackdriver costs with new metrics and tools - New metrics and views to understand Stackdriver usage and it will be helpful in context of the new pricing.


Introducing kustomize; Template-free Configuration Customization for Kubernetes - Google is announcing kustomize, a command-line tool for template-free Configuration Customization for Kubernetes.


Chef Deepens Support for Google Cloud Platform - Several improvements which improves working with Chef on GCP.

Business Google Cloud Platform

Google is named a leader in the 2018 Gartner Infrastructure as a Service Magic Quadrant - Gartner recently named Google as a Leader in the 2018 Gartner Infrastructure as a Service Magic Quadrant.

Articles, Tutorials

Official Blog SRE

Troubleshooting tips: How to talk so your cloud provider will listen (and understand) - Practical tips on communicating with cloud providers since cloud presents a new way of working for IT teams shifting away from legacy systems.

Official Blog SRE

Troubleshooting tips: Help your cloud provider help you - Tips for communicating with cloud provider support team.

Google Cloud Platform Official Blog

Cloud Source Repositories: more than just a private Git repository - Cloud Source Repositories, fully-managed private Git repositories hosted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), is tightly integrated with other GCP tools.

Cloud IoT IoT Official Blog

Securing cloud-connected devices with Cloud IoT and Microchip - Overview on Security aspects for cloud-connected devices.

Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog

Kubernetes best practices: upgrading your clusters with zero downtime - How Google Kubernetes Engine can make upgrading your Kubernetes cluster painless!

Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes

Easily deploy new versions of code to Kubernetes on GCP with a single command - How to create a basic workflow that will allow you to push new versions of your app using a single command.

Google Kubernetes Engine

Google Kubernetes Engine, load-testing and auto-scaling with Locust - Load-testing and auto-scaling with Locust on GKE.

Google Kubernetes Engine

Adding secrets to kubernetes cluster in GCP with Terraform - Using terraform for create a cluster of kubernetes in GCP.

Google Cloud Platform Google Kubernetes Engine

A Cloud-Native API Part 1: Google Cloud and Kubernetes - Setting up, deploying, and managing an API on GCP.

App Engine Cloud Datastore

Efficient parallel data processing from Cloud Datastore on Google App Engine - Efficiently processing data from the App Engine cloud Datastore.

App Engine Java

Back-end with Google App Engine and Java - Creating APIs using Endpoints on Google App Engine.

Cloud SDK

Configuring gcloud, gsutil and bq to use Proxy Servers - Using gcloud, gsutil and bq with proxy servers.

Cloud Vision API

Google Video Intelligence and Vision APIs — A Powerful and Fun Combination — Recognizing Actors in Near Real Time - Using Google Video Intelligence and Vision APIs to recognize actors.

Google Cloud Platform

Auto Tagging Google Cloud Resources - Iris helps in automating task of auto tagging Google Cloud Resources.

BigQuery Cloud Dataflow Cloud Pub/Sub

Realtime Streaming Data Pipeline using Google Cloud Platform and Bokeh - Build a real-time streaming data pipeline and a simple dashboard to visualize the streaming data.

BigQuery Cloud Dataflow Kubernetes

Say goodbye to Mixpanel. Meet Banias! - Banias is serverless event analytics pipeline based on Kubernetes, Apache Beam and Google BigQuery.


How to enable Pandas to access BigQuery from a service account - Using Pandas to run a query against BigQuery.

Compute Engine GPU TensorFlow

Installing Tensorflow-GPU with NVIDIA CUDA on a Google Cloud Platform VM instance - Using Tensorflow-GPU and NVIDIA CUDA configured VM instance on Google Cloud Platform.

Compute Engine GPU TensorFlow

Setting up a Google Cloud instance for Deep Learning - How to set-up a Google Cloud instance for Deep Learning.

Compute Engine Docker

Google Cloud Platform as Jupyter server - Setting Jupyter server on Google Compute Engine with Docker.

Cloud Functions Cloud Natural Language API Tutorial

Tutorial : Analyzing Reviews using Google Sheets and Cloud Natural Language API - Using Apps Script, Cloud Functions and Google Cloud Natural Language API to analyze the sentiments for reviews saved in Google Sheets.

Cloud Vision API PHP

Optical Character Recognition with Laravel and Google Cloud Vision | Tutorial - How to easily read text from images directly from you Laravel application.

Slides, Videos, Audio

Google Cloud Platform

GCP Podcast - #129 Developer Relations with Mandy Waite: what is developer relations and how trust and empathy are key to its success.


Sentiment Analysis using Kubernetes and Kubeflow - Setting up a Kubeflow deployment on your laptop for experimentation as well as on a Google Kubernetes cluster.


Kubernetes Podcast - #5 Kubernetes Documentation, with Zach Corleissen and Jared Bhatti


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Zdenko Hrček
Třebanická 183
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]