Welcome to issue #125 February 18th, 2019

New releases for Apache Beam and Jib, also worth checking article about how to get most from committed use discounts.



Compute Engine Official Blog

Introducing scheduled snapshots for Compute Engine persistent disk - Scheduled snapshots are now available in beta and will allow to create automated snapshots for Compute Engine, as well as manage snapshot retention.

Docker Java

Jib 1.0.0 is GA—building Java Docker images has never been easier - General availability of Jib 1.0.0, making it fully ready and stable for production use. Jib is an open-source tool that containerizes your Java applications.

Google Cloud Platform Official Blog

Process paperwork pronto with the new Google Docs API - Announcement of a new API that can be used to automate tasks and jumpstart documentation: the Google Docs API.

Apache Beam

Apache Beam 2.10.0

Google Cloud Platform Official Blog Security

Announcing Google Cloud Security Talks during RSA Conference 2019 - List of Google Cloud Security Talks in RSA Conference 2019.

Articles, Tutorials

Google Kubernetes Engine

Spinnaker on GKE from zero to mastery ~1. Construction with Helm - Establishing Spinnaker environment on GKE.

Google Kubernetes Engine

Istio gRPC Loadbalancing with GCP Internal LoadBalancer - How to setup Istio on GKE, then expose an Internal (and External) LoadBalancer for gRPC traffic.

Cloud Build Google Kubernetes Engine

CI/CD with GKE and Google Cloud Build - Guide on creating a simple CI/CD pipeline with Google Cloud Build and GKE.


Hands on Knative — Part 2 - Introduction to Knative Eventing with examples.

Compute Engine Official Blog

Run cron jobs reliably on Compute Engine with Cloud Scheduler - Using Cloud Scheduler to run cron jobs reliably on Compute Engine.

Cloud Functions NodeJS

Generating PDF invoices with Google Cloud function - How to generate PDF invoices with Google Cloud functions based on JSON input representing invoice data.

Cloud Functions Cloud Pub/Sub

Enterprise integration using Pub/Sub, Cloud Functions and Elasticsearch - An approach for enterprise level software integration using cloud services.

Cloud Marketplace Stackdriver

How to build two of the most common hybrid cloud monitoring dashboards in Stackdriver - Using pre built Stackdriver dashboards from Cloud Marketplace.


Stackdriver: Enabling deep code level insights - Using Stackdriver to achieve deep code level insights.

Cloud CDN Cloud Storage

Serving static files using Google Cloud CDN + Storage Bucket - Configure a CDN using GCloud Platform with SSL ( HTTPS) support.

Cloud Dataflow Cloud Firestore

Uploading data to Firestore using Dataflow - Uploading bulk data to Cloud Firestore using Cloud Dataflow.

Beginner Cloud Composer Tutorial

Local testing with Google Cloud Composer — Apache Airflow - How to install Airflow locally for the purposes of testing Airflow code with a focus on users of Google Cloud Platform.

Cloud Vision API

Create a React Native Image Recognition App with Google Vision API - Learn how to integrate Google Cloud Vision API in a React Native application and make use of real-time APIs.

Cloud Vision API Official Blog

How Box Skills can optimize your workflow with the help of Cloud AI - Enrich Box files with useful metadata using Cloud AI and Box Skills.

AI Machine Learning Official Blog

AI in depth: monitoring home appliances from power readings with ML - How to accurately identify home appliances’ operating status using smart power readings, together with modern machine learning techniques such as long short-term memory (LSTM) models.

Cloud ML TensorFlow

Creating a Smart Scale with TensorFlow - Basics of the TensorFlow Object Detection API and be able to apply it to this and other image analysis projects.

Cloud ML

A gift from the cloud - Using cloudml to store and retrieve data from google storage buckets with R.

Billing Compute Engine

How to Analyze Google Cloud Committed Use Discounts - Google Cloud Committed Use discount program for customers that are willing to “commit” to a certain level of usage of the GCP Compute Engine.

Business Cloud Healthcare Google Cloud Platform Official Blog

Transforming healthcare in the cloud through data, analytics, and machine learning - How Google Cloud offerings are helping healthcare customers for data, analytics, and machine learning.

GCP Certification Networking Official Blog

From CCIE to Google Cloud Network Engineer: four things to think about - Tips to get certified as Google Cloud Network Engineer specially for those from traditional on-premises IT environment.

GCP Certification Security

Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer Certification - Experience of preparing and taking exam for Cloud Security certification.

GCP Certification

15 Top-Paying IT Certifications for 2019 - #1 is Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect.

Slides, Videos, Audio

Google Cloud Platform

GCP Podcast - #162 Voicea (voice AI technology) with Mohamed El-Geish.


Kubernetes Podcast - #40 GKE Usage Metering, with Madhu Yennamani


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Zdenko Hrček
Třebanická 183
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]