Welcome to issue #119 January 7th, 2019

What will 2019 bring for Google Cloud Platform? In first week nothing new so far, but we can read recaps, predictions, how to pass exams or more practical articles.


Articles, Tutorials

Google Cloud Platform Official Blog

Last Month Today: December on GCP - Recap of GCP in December 2018

Google Cloud Platform Official Blog

New Year’s resolutions for the Google Cloud crowd - Guide on operating a faster, more efficient cloud infrastructure.

DevOps Official Blog

App migration checklist: How to decide what to move to cloud first - Perspective on managing your cloud migration journey.

Official Blog Security

Security trends to pay attention to in 2019 and beyond - Security trends to watch in 2019.

Google Cloud Platform Official Blog

Watch and learn: App dev on GCP - Top videos on what’s new in application development on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) to find tips and tricks.

GCP Certification

How to Prepare for Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer Exam and Pass It On Your First Try - How to prepare for Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer certification exam.

GCP Certification

5 Tips to Become a Google Cloud Certified Professional Architect - Tips to pass successfully Cloud Architect exam for GCP.

AWS Azure Google Cloud Platform

Clouds Compared — AWS vs Azure vs GCP - A comparison of the popular public clouds and unique services.

Billing Google Kubernetes Engine

Cutting costs on Kubernetes Cluster (GKE)— Concepts Applied - Using Preemtible VMs on GKE to reduce costs.

Google Kubernetes Engine Tutorial

Containerised app on Google Kubernetes — the easy way! - Deploying application to GKE in 5 steps.

DevOps Docker Terraform

Deploy a Docker Swarm cluster on GCP with Terraform - How to deploy a Docker Swarm cluster on GCP using Terraform from scratch.


Envoy, Nginx, Apache HTTP Structured Logs with Google Cloud Logging - Article describes process of configuring apache and nginx fluentd plugins for Stackdriver Logging agent.

Google Cloud Platform

Akka server logging with Slf4j/Logback in Google Cloud Platform - How to enable Akka server logging with Slf4j/Logback in Google Cloud Platform.

Cloud Bigtable

Cloud Bigtable : Getting the geography right - Performance for Cloud Bigtable across geographical locations.

App Engine Cloud Firestore Cloud Functions Go

Developing a cryptocurrency price monitor using Firebase and Google Cloud Platform

App Engine

Do Google App Engine’s Runtimes Perform Homogeneously? An Empirical Investigation for Bonus Computing - IEEE article about various benchmarks for Google App Engine.

Cloud Build

CI/CD: Google Cloud Build — Create/Store Docker Images via GitHub Trigger - Using Cloud Build to create and store Docker Images via GitHub Trigger.

Cloud Build Compute Engine DevOps Terraform

Deploy Private Docker Registry on GCP with Nexus, Terraform and Packer - Article describes how to deploy Sonatype Nexus OSS 3 on Google Cloud Platform and how to create a private Docker hosted repository to store your Docker images and other build artifacts (maven, npm and pypi, etc).

Cloud Vision API

How to optimize the speed of Google Vision API - Guide to optimize the speed of Google Vision API.

Big Data Compute Engine

Deploying PySpark ML Model on Google Compute Engine as a REST API - Step-by-step tutorial on Deploying PySpark ML Model on Google Compute Engine.

Compute Engine

Using JupyterLab from Google Cloud - Tutorial on how to use Jupyter on Google Cloud from within your web browser, without a ssh connection.

AI BigQuery Cloud AutoML Cloud ML TensorFlow

Choosing between TensorFlow/Keras, BigQuery ML, and AutoML Natural Language for text classification - Comparing text classification done three ways on Google Cloud Platform.

Machine Learning

Google Colab guide for Fast.ai Deep Learning & Machine Learning - Explore Fast.ai for Deep Learning & Machine Learning.


Analysing 1.2M mainnet contracts in 20 seconds using Eveem and BigQuery - Using BigQuery UDFs (User Defines Functions) on Ethereum contracts.

Apache Beam BigQuery Cloud Dataflow

How to transfer BigQuery table to Cloud SQL using Cloud Dataflow - Code example of exporting BigQuery data in Cloud SQL with Dataflow.

Google Cloud Platform

Setting up SAML for Google Cloud Identity for Customers and Partners (CICP) - How to setup your own SAML IdP and perform SSO with a Service Provider (SP) that is based off of the Firebase SDK.


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Zdenko Hrček
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Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]