Welcome to issue #118 December 31st, 2018

Thank you for your support in 2018, I wish you all the best in 2019, minimum downtime, less servers, faster scaling, more data and lots of sunny days in the Cloud.


Articles, Tutorials

Google Kubernetes Engine

Building a Microservices Platform with Confluent Cloud, MongoDB Atlas, Istio, and Google Kubernetes Engine - Building a Microservices Platform using GKE, MongoDB Atlas, Istio and Confluent Cloud.

Kubernetes Stackdriver

Kubernetes HPA Autoscaling with Kafka metrics - Basics of HPAs, custom, external metrics APIs working and scaling workloads based on external metrics scraped from Kafka Cluster.


Kubernetes Monitoring using InfluxDB & Grafana in Google Cloud Platform - Proof of concept for Kubernetes monitoring.

Google Kubernetes Engine Machine Learning

End-to-End Kubeflow tutorial using a Pytorch model in Google Cloud Platform - How to use Kubeflow to train and serve a distributed Machine Learning model with PyTorch on a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster in GCP.

Advanced DevOps Terraform

7 Tips to Start Your Terraform Project the Right Way - Things to have in mind when working on Terraform project.

Cloud Firestore Cloud Functions Cloud Pub/Sub

How to develop a serverless chatbot (for Hangouts Chat) - Series of article describing creating serverless chatbot on GCP.

Compute Engine Docker NodeJS

Dockerizing and auto scaling Node.js on Google Cloud - How to dockerize a Node.js server for hosting in Google Cloud.

Cloud Vision API Ruby

Building a Chat Bot With Image Recognition and OCR - Build Image Recognition and OCR capability for Chat Bot.

App Engine Cloud Firestore

Playing with Kotlin: “You actually know everything John Doe!” - How to build a full project entirely with Kotlin with backend on App Engine & Firestore.

BigQuery Cloud Functions Python

Google Cloud Functions Python Overview and Data Processing Example - Event driven serverless functions-as-a-service.


The hidden superpowers of Stackdriver Logging - Explore benefits of Stackdriver Logging.


React Native Firebase in 2019 - Interesting facts about React Native Firebase.

Beginner Cloud Dataproc Tutorial

PySpark Sentiment Analysis on Google Dataproc - A Step-by-Step Tutorial on PySpark Sentiment Analysis on Google Dataproc.

Apache Beam BigQuery

BigQuery Utilities for Apache Beam - Open Sourced BigQuery Utilities for Apache Beam.

Machine Learning Python

PyTorch on Google Cloud Platform - How to build a custom VM on GCP with specific PyTorch versions and CUDA support for Deep Learning.

Cloud ML TensorFlow

Creating Deep Learning Models, training and deploying it on Google Cloud ML-Engine using Tensorflow Estimators - Explore Google Cloud ML-Engine to create deep learning models.

Cloud ML Machine Learning

Training Deep learning models with Google Cloud ML Engine - Using Google Cloud ML Engine to train deep learning models.

GCP Experience Machine Learning

Machine Learning on Google Cloud Platform — First Impressions - Pros and cons of GCP for Machine Learning in comparison with options.

Cloud Storage Security

A "JAR" Full of Problems for Financial Services Companies - Creators of malicious email campaign used Google Cloud Storage to store malicious files to bypass security controls.


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Zdenko Hrček
Třebanická 183
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]