Welcome to issue #46 August 14th, 2017

Kuberneters, Kubernetes, Kubernetes... easily this whole issue could be about.



Cloud SQL

Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL updated with new extensions - An extension is a piece of software that adds functionality, often data types and procedural languages, to PostgreSQL itself

Compute Engine

Announcing price cuts on Local SSDs for on-demand and preemptible instances - Pay up to 63% less for Local solid-state disks (SSDs)

Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes

Introducing automated deployment to Kubernetes and Google Container Engine with Codefresh - Codefresh is a toolchain for delivering containers.

Articles, Tutorials


Demystifying container vs VM-based security: Security in plaintext - Examining how differences between containers and VMs affect various aspects of security.


CRE life lessons: The practicalities of dark launching - How to deal with some circumstances that can some up with dark launching.

Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Ruby

Blue/Green Rails app deployments in Google Container Engine - Achieving zero downtime of web application with Blue & Green deployments on with Kubernetes on Google Container Engine

AWS Google Cloud Platform Kubernetes

Running Kubernetes with ease - Short article comparing running Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform and AWS

Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes

Managing fleet on Kubernetes - Article about basic concepts of Docker and Kuberneters and lessons learned while building fleets.

Container Builder Container Registry Kubernetes

Deis on Google Container Engine with Private GCR.io registry - Tutorial how to setup Deis on Google Container Engine. Deis allows to quickly deploy applications using just a few short commands like create, configure and pull

Docker Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes

How I containerised my resume API - Using as an example API written in Go, article walks through setup and deployment on Kubernetes and Google Container Engine


When art meets big data: Analyzing 200,000 items from The Met collection in BigQuery - Analyzing meta data about items from The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Compute Engine TensorFlow

Creating an Object Detection Application Using TensorFlow - This tutorial describes how to install and run an object detection application using Tensorflow model on Google Compute Engine

Cloud ML Machine Learning

Hyperparameter tuning in Cloud Machine Learning Engine using Bayesian Optimization - For those with math background, explanation of Bayesian optimization for hyperparameter tuning in Cloud ML Engine

App Engine Cloud Storage

Image uploading/serving with Google Cloud Storage & AngularJS - Uploading (and serving) images with Angular 1 with Google App Engine into Google Cloud Storage

Cloud Natural Language API

Creating a Real-time “Star Prediction” Application for Yelp Reviews Using Sentiment Analysis - Predicting number of stars for Yelp Review in real time (as user types) with Cloud Natural Language API


Removing the need for caching servers, with GCP’s load balancers - Improving speed of responses with activating CDN from Load Balancer.

Cloud Functions

AWS Lambda vs Google Cloud Functions vs Azure functions: who has the serverless advantage? - Comparing serverless solutions for three main cloud providers

Cloud Deployment Manager

Creating a GCP type provider in 6 ( well 7) easy steps

Slides, Videos, Audio

GCP Podcast - #89 Heroic Labs with Alim Jaffer and Mo Firouz

Deploying Applications Quickly with Google Cloud Platform


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Zdenko Hrček
Třebanická 183
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]