Welcome to issue #138 May 20th, 2019

We have a simpler deployment of apps to Kubernetes from Marketplace, deep dive into networking, a new region, and BigQuery articles.



Kubernetes Official Blog

Launching Kubernetes apps on GCP Marketplace, for GKE, Anthos and beyond - Containerized applications featuring prebuilt deployment templates for Kubernetes.

Cloud Bigtable Official Blog

Scale globally, get four nines availability with new Cloud Bigtable capabilities - Global replication for Cloud Bigtable is Generally Available. This global, multi-region replication allows users to replicate data across up to four clusters worldwide, in any region in which Cloud Bigtable is available.

Infrastructure Official Blog

Google Cloud launches new Osaka region to support growing customer base in Japan - Beside Tokyo, Japan got the Osaka region.

Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog

GKE Sandbox: Bring defense in depth to your pods - GKE Sandbox increases the security and isolation of containers in GKE clusters by adding an extra layer between containers and host OS.

AI Official Blog

Topping the tower: the Obstacle Tower Challenge AI Contest with Unity and Google Cloud - Learn how Unity is hosting an AI competition in a game engine environment on Google Cloud, enabling AI researchers to use Cloud TPUs and GPUs to train and serve ML models.

Articles, Tutorials

Networking Official Blog

Google Cloud networking in depth: Understanding Network Service Tiers - Description and comparisons of Standard and Premium Network tiers.

Networking Official Blog

Google Cloud networking in depth: Faster, more reliable connectivity with HA VPN and 100 Gbps Dedicated Interconnect - Google offers high availability VPN and 100Gbps Cloud Interconnect options to connect customer data center to GCP.

Docker Kubernetes

Encryption, authentication and external access for Confluent Kafka on Kubernetes - The article describes how to expose Kafka installation on Kubernetes with SSL encryption and authentication.

Cloud Build Container Registry DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes

Microservices & DevOps Experience in the Google Cloud Platform - Experience with DevOps GCP products.

GCP Experience Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes

A GCP / Kubernetes production migration retrospective (part 1) - Sharing experience about several aspects of GCP/GKE production migration.

Cloud Functions Compute Engine

GCP Essentials — GCP Compute Platform Overview - Brief overview (with video) of compute products on GCP.

Cloud Run NodeJS Security

Berglas with Node.js on Cloud Run - Using Berglas (a tool to secure and store secrets) in Cloud Run.

App Engine Cloud Datastore IoT NodeJS

Tell me more Internet of Things — Part 5 — Google Cloud — User handling - The article describes how to build a web application for ingested IoT Core data implement security, data visualization, device registration.

Cloud Run Docker Kubernetes Serverless

Google Cloud Run — Deploying Containerized Applications to a Serverles:-s Environment ⚡ - Overview of Cloud Run with sample NodeJS application.

Cloud Functions Firebase NodeJS

Building Scalable Applications with Google Cloud Services Part 5: Microservices with Firebase - Using Firebase and Cloud Functions to create microservice based application.

Go Monitoring Stackdriver

Google Cloud Trace context propagation and metrics graphs with Grafana+Prometheus and Stackdriver - The sample webapp application uses Opencensus to emit metrics and traces.


Deconstructing Chatbots: Understanding Entities in Dialogflow - The article explains Entities in Dialogflow.

BigQuery Official Blog

Querying the Stars with BigQuery GIS - Using BigQuery-GIS to analyze astronomy datasets, in a similar manner to analyzing ground-based map data: using spherical coordinates.

BigQuery Data Studio

Uber datasets in BigQuery: Driving times around SF (and your city too) - Using BigQuery GIS functions, partitioning, clustering, and BI Engine to create Interactive Data Studio dashboards to analyze Uber rides.


Visualising BigQuery - BQVisualiser is a tool to visualize BigQuery queries and thus gain more insights into how queries are executed.


HyperLogLog in Google BigQuery - Using HyperLogLog in BigQuery to get number of unique users.

Beginner BigQuery Tutorial

Up and Running with BigQuery - Beginners tutorial to start working with BigQuery.

GCP Experience Official Blog

How Grasshopper uses BigQuery and Cloud Dataflow for their real-time financial data app - BigQuery and Cloud Dataflow helped proprietary trading firm Grasshopper build an Apache Beam-based app

Apache Beam Cloud Dataflow Cloud Pub/Sub Cloud Scheduler Dataflow

Data plumbing — Is my data pipeline processing events? - This example shows how to implement a probe in GCP with Cloud Scheduler.

AI Cloud AutoML

An End-to-End AutoML Solution for Tabular Data at KaggleDays - using AutoML in Kaggle competition.

GCP Certification

Comparative Analysis between Qwiklabs and Google Codelabs - Comparison of Qwiklabs and Codelabs for certification preparation.

Slides, Videos, Audio

GCP Podcast - #177 Primer (AI startup) with John Bohannon

Kubernetes Podcast - #53 Optiva and Arctiq, with Dan Dyer and Kyle Bassett

Machine Learning

Introduction to Google Cloud and Machine Learning


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Zdenko Hrček
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Prague, Czech Republic
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