Welcome to issue #93 July 9th, 2018

Either summer vacations season took it's tool or there is silence before Google Cloud Next because there are almost no news. There are however interesting articles for inspiration.



Google Cloud Platform Official Blog Security

Introducing Endpoint Verification: visibility into the desktops accessing your enterprise applications - Endpoint Verification provides admins an overview of the security posture of laptop and desktop devices accessing enterprise applications.

Articles, Tutorials

Kubernetes Official Blog

Kubernetes 1.11: a look from inside Google - Overview of new features in Kubernetes 1.11.

Google Cloud Platform Official Blog

Five can’t-miss application development sessions at Google Cloud Next ‘18 - Five useful application development sessions at Google Cloud Next ‘18.


Kubernetes Deployment Dependencies - How to reflect dependencies between resources during Kubernetes deployment.

Container Builder Container Registry Google Kubernetes Engine

How to set up Gitlab CI/CD with Google Cloud Container Registry and Kubernetes - Guide to push your changes to a Gitlab repository, start the building process in Google Container Registry and Builder and deploy the containers to a cluster at Google Cloud Platform Kubernetes Engine.

DevOps Google Kubernetes Engine NodeJS

CircleCI 2 and Google Cloud Kubernetes - Using CircleCI 2 for a NodeJS application that uses MySQL and Redis.

Google Kubernetes Engine

Zero Downtime GKE Cluster & Node Version Upgrade and Spec Update - Node Version Upgrade and Spec Update on GKE Cluster.


How I ended up with .NET Core on Kubernetes for my Startup - .NET Core on Kubernetes.

Compute Engine

Are you really getting what you’re paying for on Google Cloud? Well… - Comparison of performance for shared and new sole tenancy at Google Compute Engine.


Firebase Security: A Response - Bad Practices for Firebase Security Rules that can expose database to public.

App Engine Google Cloud Platform

Search on Google Cloud Platform — App Engine and Search API - Implementation of Search on Google Cloud Platform along with code explanation and load testing.

App Engine

goa v2 on Google App Engine - Write microservices application with Go on Google App Engine.

Google Cloud Platform

How Did I Build a Google Assistant To Check My “Physical” Mailbox? - Using existing services/APIs mostly provided by Google to make a Google Assistant Agent to check mailbox.

Compute Engine Stackdriver Tutorial

How to push serial console output logs to Stackdriver and set alerts in GCP - Settings Stackdriver alerts based on serial console output.

Cloud SDK

Using gcloud to get Google Cloud Platform data you need - How to use gcloud and scripting to extract various data-items from Google Cloud Platform for automation and reporting purposes.


Resolving Big Data Challenges: Why We Use BigQuery at Outfit7 - How gaming company Outfit7 is using BigQuery


From BigQuery to Features - A look at under the hood of FIFA World Cup predictions.

Cloud Dataproc Cloud Pub/Sub Official Blog

Using Apache Spark DStreams with Cloud Dataproc and Cloud Pub/Sub - Using Cloud Dataproc for running a Spark streaming job that processes messages from Cloud Pub/Sub in near real-time.

Cloud Pub/Sub

Source and Sink for Kafka and PubSub - How to get messages from Kafka to PubSub using PubSub Kafka Connector.

Cloud ML TensorFlow

Modelling — Transfer learning using tensorflow’s object detection model on Mac - Building object detector using Tensorflow's object detection model.

Compute Engine

Migrating Our ChatBot Training Logic From Colab To Google Cloud Engine - Migrating Our ChatBot Training Logic From Colab To Google Cloud Engine.

Google Kubernetes Engine

Traefik on a Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster managed by Terraform - How to automate the process of creating a GKE cluster and easily deploy the Traefik.

Cloud ML

Using Google Cloud ML Engine to train a regression model - Submit a training model job in Google Cloud Datalab

GCP Experience

Netezza offload to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) - Netezza, an insurance company moved to Google Cloud for benefits like faster processing, Analytics and AI capabilities.

Slides, Videos, Audio

Google Cloud Platform

GCP Podcast - #134 Connected Games with Unity and Google Cloud with Brett Bibby and Micah Baker


Kubernetes 1.11, with Josh Berkus and Tim Pepper - The good and the bad of Kubernetes 1.11.


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Zdenko Hrček
Třebanická 183
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]